Sunday, December 25, 2011

When Fear Is The Master

When Fear Is The Master - The Likes of Barrack Obama or Ron Paul Rule.

(This is written from a Christian perspective, so if that offends you stop reading now, just go away.)

There is Christian and pagan apocalyptic literature. In the last two decades the amount of pagan apocalyptic literature has increased exponentially. When the old evolutionary, systematic, slowly progressive earth science (geology) gave way to the new Chaos/Cataclysm model, and scientists had to remove their heads from their . . . sand and admit the enormous extant evidence of the massive assaults the earth has absorbed in her existence, suddenly appeared fear-mongering pagan-apocalyptic literature, t.v., movies, and science - Armageddon by a million other names. It has conditioned the young generation.

Although the new model of "earth science" is much more reality based than the previous "modern mythologies" I don't engage in communication via apocalyptic literature and think most of it is very cynical and yes, fear mongering. I don't say it is fear mongering lightly but having lived all this time witnessing it, it is with knowledge I so conclude. Over the decades, very little of it has been real and some of it has made cynical men rich on the fears of others. Ron Paul is such a man.

When I was trying to draw a distinction between Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich I realized what the major distinction is. One is Faith Based and the other Fear Based.  One thoroughly acknowledges the problems, matched with "possible solutions," while the other whips up fear, plays on the psychosis of every paranoid conspiracy idea out there and offers nothing but retreat into some idealized (romanticized) idea of the constitution that has never been the reality of our Republic. Now speaking of solutions, I'm not painting a rosy scenario, in fact, things are bleak enough without apocalyptic paranoia.

Evil for some time has been hiding in plain sight. Some have ignored it, most have been totally blind to it and quite a few in fear have simply been paralyzed by it. They live their lives pounding the alert drums forgetting to live their lives, thus replacing Faith with Fear.  I think I'm far more aware of the new dark ages headed our way (except God in his mercy spare us) than all but a few people I ever met in my life. I think I was susceptible to see the "dragon in playground" decades before most because of my early-life friendship with Corrie Ten Boom.  So without creating another piece of apocalyptic literature let us just say quite simply the darkness is very deep. But saying that, when viewing the darkness, if it isn't from a deep base of Faith and LOVE, we only increase the darkness and paralyze ourselves and others with fear.  Knowledge and fear are not synonymous, but the observation of circumstances viewed without FAITH is synonymous with fear. The latter fits the situation of 99% of the many Paul supporters I've challenged in these last few months.

Most people through fear end up being easily manipulated. To Wit: Four years ago an entire generation paralyzed by fear and seeing salvation in the likes of the god and ultimate savior Barrack Obama blindly leapt into Hope and Change: an act of Faith, but truthfully pagan faith. They leap with the same ignorant faith that the citizens of ancient Rome worshipped Caesar as a god. Now three years later the Obama-god is tarnished, having grossly disappointed so the same people now more cynical are trumpeting a vacuous little fear monger, the new god named Ron Paul. It is very sad to watch.  Obama's ode was Hope and Change. Ron Paul's ode is retreat into a constitutional fantasy-land that never existed.

God is not absent history, not now, not anytime, and he does raise men up to meet the challenges of history when the faithfulness of the people demand it.  However, Ron Paul is not a savior sent from God. Not only is he not a god, he is not a sincere man. Why do I level that charge? Here is a bit of wisdom if you are capable of hearing it. I've heard from Newt Gingrich's own mouth more than a few times in the last 30 years words like these: About politics - "That was a mistake, we only partly understood the problem" "If I had it to do again I might do it differently, in fact I know I would do it differently." "It wasn't a good idea but seemed the best we could do at the time." and on the personal level "I fully acknowledge the moral failings in my life" "I failed my family, I failed myself, I failed God. I was wrong" and "I sought forgiveness and have faith that I've been forgiven."  In the same 30 years I've never once heard Ron Paul admit a mistake or even an error. Just like Obama, everything is someone else's fault. Even when confronted with the clear evidence of him making millions by fear mongering, publishing a race baiting and anti-semitic rag, he can only deny, excuse and blame others.  The inability to admit error is the bedrock of evil. It is the diametric opposite of living in humility, consciously aware of one's own weakness and failures, in communion with our "Strength and Goodness" who is a Person.

I guess the reason I'm not impressed with apocalyptic literature (Pagan or Christian) is that I know the story of Christians being prepared and not suffering is an Evangelical myth. They have raised generations thinking that they will be rescued before the great tribulation. The death toll of Christians killed for being Christian in the last 140 years at the hands of Islam and Marxism is in excess of 120 million people. In the not too distant future the death toll of the last 150 years will represent more Christian martyrs than all of previous Christian history combined. Those people who like to wax romantic about the age of Martyrs are removed from reality and exist in a religious-sickness-dream-world. If THIS isn't the early stages of the great tribulation already upon us, what can be? Someone told me this month that the rate of present deaths by persecution is a sacrificed Christian every 8 minutes and this is a sort of lull. But here is the fact, the greatest plots of Satan are powerless over the Christian, IF the Christian is Christian indeed. And all the knowledge of the intricacies of satanic methods is meaningless unless the Christian can answer that one question that sooner or later he will have to answer. He cannot gain the strength to answer by being totally aware of the plots and ploys of Satan. He can only answer by knowing Who is in his heart.

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