Monday, December 19, 2011

Speaking With Clarity

From my buddy, Bill Ritchie
"Which of these two statements is true? Answer that and you know who you need to vote for.

Obama is not a Socialist, he’s just in over his head ~ Mitt Romney ~


Governor Romney's Statement.

I'm a fan of Herman Cain and wish he had not dropped out of the race.  But absent Cain, it only took a few days to find the ONLY other candidate speaking with the kind of CLARITY Cain recommended. Cain said that we needed to throw off the wet blanket of Political Correctness that is destroying our ability to speak truth with Clarity.  Here is an example of Newt's Clarity.

"There is fundamentally no difference between moderate Islam and radical Islam, They are both the same." "They want exactly the same thing, and want to accomplish the same goals: the destruction of the Democratic way of life, and the imposition of Islam and Sharia Law. They just have two different ways of accomplishing their goal."

I just said to a center-right friend who buys the premise that Islam is a peaceful religion and that only a tiny minority have "hijacked it," which was Bush's position, the neo-cons' position and the left's position and the sadly the ignorant position of a lot of conservatives, that if the Roman Catholic Pope and the majority of Roman Catholic Cardinals and Roman Catholic Bishops all around the world advocated for the destruction of little satan (Israel) and the destruction of big satan (the U.S.) and they had a string a terror attacks labeled "roman catholic" under their belts, that he would be singing a different tune. And come on! You know it! He would be screaming to high heaven and sounding the alarm like a mad man trying to get people to listen.

Why the difference? Because he is "conditioned" to hold an opinion instead of taught to THINK and read the objective reality. Already the Marxist/Muslim Axis has won a huge part of the war, conditioning perfectly nice and sincere Westerners to believe Islam is at its core, peaceful. They want to "feel" secure, and facing the facts of our situation is anything but a "feel-good-exercise."

Americans are "conditioned" to images of tolerance and open-mindedness to the point that they cannot accept as "intolerant" what is TRULY intolerant. The same people rail against Christianity which is very tolerant even of people they think are terrible sinners and enemies. They through the culture, media and "education" have been conditioned to see some as tolerant and some as intolerant. And in their "open mindedness" and wish to FEEL tolerant they have lost their sanity. Sanity is the ability to connect perception to reality, to accept what is real. Insanity is the INability to match perceptions to reality. In this insane blindness Truth itself has become the new enemy.

Here is another example of Newt Gingrich's Clarity

“The Left has thoroughly infiltrated nearly every cultural commanding height of our civilization. That is, they hold power, influence and control of academia, the elite news media, Hollywood, union leaders, trial lawyers, the courts, the Congress, and the bureaucracy at all levels of government. They are radically redefining our very culture by deciding what is news, what is entertainment, what our children learn in school, and what kind of government we should have.”  

Things As They Are Author - Dr Butch and Company

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