Sunday, December 4, 2011

What We Don't Know Will Kill Us - The Special Interests That Hate Our Freedom

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Anatomy Of A High Tech Lynching

By Marion Robinson (aka Dr Butch) with contributions by Charles Johnson, Jr.

(Click Links to read more about subjects covered or for conformation about some subjects that might seem less than believable.) 
We wish that what is written here were a conspiracy theory and wrong. Rather is it a report of some aspects of Things As They Are.

Everyone is familiar with the Muslim saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The degree to which the Muslim Brotherhood and their various front groups are using this wisdom in America to divide and conquer us is amazing and even admirable in terms of skillful tactical insurgency coupled with lots of Muslim oil money and investment profits. The Muslims know that the only people who cause them any real barrier to the conquest of America are Americans who "see them." That population of "seeing-Americans" is rather small. Most are America's true Evangelical Christians (not the Neo-Evangelical variety - but holding beliefs much closer to foundational and traditional orthodox christian beliefs), some are Roman Catholics (not the Liberation Theology variety who have become imbued with Marxist ideology, but the Romans who have held much closer to foundational and orthodox christian beliefs) and the few Coptic Orthodox Christians who live here, who from experience know the tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood.  
There may be other secular conservatives who get it, but because they are 're-active' instead of 'pro-active' in battles, they are too easily manipulated and are actually used by the Muslims to create cartoon like hated groups. Some of these people style themselves "fundamentalist" Christians but there is little that is foundational and traditional in their belief system. Now there are some in the nominal mainline Protestant Churches who grasp the threat, but too many of these churches have become 'social justice' centers, and like their social justice - Catholic counterparts are compromised to Marxist ideology. 
The Muslims looked at this threat of living Christian Faith in America and scouted-out every natural enemy of that faith and befriended them, being very wise and generous to gain their cooperation. Decades ago they started pouring money into the social devolution movements who wish to create a "Utopian New World Order" based upon new moralities, and new ethics. The so-called Progressivist Movement had already taken control of America's Educational System. (For a quick overview of conquest of the American Education System I recommend my article, "How We Think Determines What We Think - The Devolution of Education in America.)   This also provided a new avenue for Muslim propaganda, which they have used against us, in a very visible way since 9/11/2001. 
The Muslim Brotherhood also found help in the American extreme political right in the person of Grover Norquist, CPAC and I believe the Tea Party Nation. Of course The Muslim Brotherhood formed an alliance with the Radical Left, (The Marxist/Muslim Axis) and the Moderate Left, at least the ones who were willing to buy the propaganda tool called "Political Correctness," which by this point in time is nearly all of them. The Muslims see all these groups a useful idiots to be manipulated into Sharia Law slavery. The Marxist Left sees the Muslims as useful idiots they are using to bring down Christianity and tame America by destroying every Judeo/Christian underpinning. 
Decades ago the Saudis began aggressively buying into American corporations, communications and entertainment companies effectively buying their way into influential editorial consideration of every major news group and many entertainment groups in America. They appeared as rational business men, interested only in profit and not in influencing the companies or the culture. They slowly began to exert influence and cooperating with the vast Marxist network, have successfully squashed all positive news and positive images of American people of Living Faith. In recent times the Saudis have been squeezed by the threat of Al'Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood. Neither group has any love for the Saudi Royal family. To hold power, that is to survive and not end up bludgeoned, raped and shot in the streets, like Gaddafi  they have had to make major concessions to the Muslim Brotherhood, seeing them as the lesser of two evils. The result has been not only influence to squash, but now all out propaganda to destroy.  So we see now that the Maxist/Muslim Axis has been infiltrating all the institutions of our Government and non-governmental organization and institutions, the political system power groups, the media and education, for decades.

Here is an example of the infiltration of which I speak. Once again Muslim money silences a anti-jihadist truth teller.


Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich has recognized and outlined what I call the Marxist/Muslim Axis with the following words.

(1) The Marxist Part - “The Left has thoroughly infiltrated nearly every cultural commanding height of our civilization. That is, they hold power, influence and control of academia, the elite news media, Hollywood, union leaders, trial lawyers, the courts, the Congress, and the bureaucracy at all levels of government. They are radically redefining our very culture by deciding what is news, what is entertainment, what our children learn in school, and what kind of government we should have.” 
(2) The Muslim Part - "There is fundamentally no difference between moderate Islam and radical Islam," Gingrich said. "They are both the same.  They want exactly the same thing, and want to accomplish the same goals: the destruction of the Democratic way of life, and the imposition of Islam and Sharia Law. They just have two different ways of accomplishing their goal."

This link is a partial list of the Organizations directly controlled by the Marxists or compromise by major funding from the same. This includes only a few of the organizations that present themselves as Muslim.
I was at a loss understand why in the 1990s under the Clinton Administration there was an active attack upon Christians in the U.S.  An attack that was then carried overseas when we allied with the Al'Qaida group in Kosovo called the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Clinton started his administration by the attacks at Ruby Ridge on christian isolationists, and Waco on an outcast Seventh Day Adventist sect called the Branch Dividians. Most watched those scenes assuming that of course the government was acting in the right, following the old model when handling American Citizens, merely doing what was necessary. However, those who took the time and effort to view and learn the facts of the situations realized the needless in-your-face confrontation, in both cases created and purposely caused by Federal law enforcement. Futher they witnessed the brutality of it and the wrongful deaths on hands of "authority."  Most who knew the facts, could not make sense of it, at the time. In fact the more one knew of the bazaar behavior of the Federal police forces, (ATF, FBI, Military Psy-Opts) the less it made sense. The fact that a person of Rev. Billy Graham's statue volunteered to intervene with the Dividian's leader David Koresh and was rebuffed, means that by the time Clinton was elected, Evangelical Christians were already written off as incompatible with the New System the Marxist/Muslim Axis intends to create. I realized at least that much at the time, because it was the only thing that made sense.  I wrote at the time that the entire episode was merely a test to see how hard they could push their agenda to rid America of Christians who will not submit to the Marxist agenda. I did not realize at the time that it was in fact a Marxist/Muslim Axis agenda. 
How hard could they push? The Clinton administration got their answer a year later in the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. This is what they the Marxist/Muslim Axis hoped for.  That event in the national consciousness tied American Christians who hold Traditional Values shared by Conservative and Orthodox Jews, with the violent right-wing White Supremacists, a theme that drives Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano into sensual ecstasy. She issued her first report on the threat of terrorism in America removing all reference to Islamic Extremists, Jihadists, and Muslim Terror and Terrorist, and named as our most serious threat, "Right Wing Extremists." That report said,  simply stated, that IF you are a Christian and hold Traditional religious views, you ARE a right wing extremist and a danger to our country. In fact the report says that you are a right wing extremist IF you: 
Oppose restrictions on firearms
Oppose lax immigration
Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
Oppose continuation of free trade agreements
Oppose same-sex marriage
Have paranoia of foreign regimes
Fear of Communist regimes
Oppose one world government
Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world.
Upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India
. . . and the list goes on
If you have any doubts that what I'm saying is true you may read the unclassified section of the report at this link:
It was at the point in time of Ruby Ridge and Waco that the propaganda attacks against Christians and Conservative Jews escalated. So from that point in time until the invasion of Kosovo, the Christian voices that were sounding the alarm about the sudden increase of the persecution of Christians around the world were ignored as unworthy of consideration. I know from personal experience that a decade of actively trying to get the media to cover countless stories of Christian persecution were simply ignored. I did not know why the media was stonewalling, but I knew it certainly was stonewalling. 
In most places where persecution was happening the stories were hidden by just not reporting them. If the story became too big to hide they were reported as "ethnic strife" and/or "tribal conflicts."  The fact that Marxist/Muslim militias were and are operating around the world is constantly ignored.  It took death tolls in the millions in African countries before it became news here and the stories were always couched in the "ethnic strife/tribal conflict" paradigm. The fact that most of the killers were Marxist/Muslims and the victims mostly Christian and other non-muslims never made the stories.  In places like East Timor and Kosovo where the violence against Christians could not be hidden, two different tactics were taken. In East Timor the Australians who at the time were less compromised to the Marxist/Muslim Axis intervened in East Timor and saved countless Christian lives and even today protect the Christian people of East Timor against the aggression of Indonesian Muslims. It is clear that American support of Indonesia empowered the East Timor genocide.  Still today, in factual reports by investigative reporters confirming the genocide and America's involvement in it, most often those reporters omit the fact that the victims were Christian. Why?  (Genocide in East Timor - Made in America)  
In Kosovo something very different happened. Because the Europeans had groused but failed to act in Bosnia, when the Serbians defeated the Muslim there, the Christians in Kosovo suffered for it.  A year prior to the "intervention" in Kosovo, which was billed as an effort to stop the genocide of Muslim Albanian Kosovars, CNN began running a propaganda piece showing a small group of Serbian soldiers walking across a field, joking and laughing. In the background on a hillside one could see a barn burning. The voice over always insisted that these laughing soldiers were fresh from slaughtering innocent men, women and children.  The tape contained NO violence, but was almost the exact length of the infamous Rodney King tape that CNN played for a year on an endless loop, that created the outrage that spawned the race riots in Los Angeles. I think the Rodney King tape was a  trial run for the Kosovo tape. Fantastic stories were told about the "genocide" occurring in Kosovo, but the only "evidence" was the CNN propaganda tape showing laughing Serbian troops. History has confirmed there was no genocide in Kosovo, even though going in the Government promised to expose "over one hundred thousand bodies buried in a single mine."  The fake genocide story gave cover for the Marxist/Muslim Axis to act to the detriment of the Christians in Kosovo. The Marxist/Muslim Axis took control of the vast mineral wealth there, which is held now in the hands of the likes of George Soros and Ted Turner. 
(1)(An  Analysis of the CNN/NPR  -Adona/Anne Frank of Kosovo Propaganda Campaign By Carl K. Savich ) 
(2) And (Media's Falsities And Manipulations/ Anti-Serb Propaganda) 
(3) Muslims Burning A Church in Kosovo in the Persecutions of 2004 - If this were a mosque burning all the world would have seen it and CNN would play it on an endless loop with explanation about the evils of "prejudice and hatred."
(4) Picture slide of some of the over 150 Orthodox Churched distroyed with explosives, burned or turned into PUBLIC TOILETS by Albanians in Kosovo since 1999. A great victory for America.

Proceeding counter-clockwise from the left, we have:
* Hacim Thaci, KLA terrorist leader;
* Bernard Kouchner, former head of all UN operations in Kosovo;
* Gen. Michael Jackson, former Kosovo NATO Commander;
* Agim Ceku, notorious war criminal and leader of the UN's Kosovo Protection Corps;
* and Wesley Clark, who led NATO's attack on Yugoslavia. Clark is now one of the directors of the National Endowment for Democracy along with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Richard Holbrooke... (I haven't been able to verify that this group is another of George Soros financed group, but I can't help suspecting it.)
Some in America are just now beginning to awaken to the power of the propaganda media. I was only partly aware of it prior to 1993. I had already written much trying to understand what I was seeing, but when the state lay siege at Ruby Ridge and Waco, I awoke and was terribly concerned at what I was seeing. Shortly thereafter I was put in contact with the Orthodox Christian brothers of the Decani Monastery in Kosovo and I learned of the persecution of the minority christians there by the majority muslim population. I began a 5 year effort to get the news media to cover it, and get the congress to take it seriously.  All our efforts fell on deaf ears. I had no idea what control the Marxis/Muslim Axis already exercised over mass media. Sometime I'm going to write a book about the psychological operations I personally saw in action and exposed in the first week of the attack on Kosovo, how my website was quickly destroyed and how the very knowledgeable person who shared the information with me was killed two days later.  This isn't a game we are playing, it is a struggle for the freedom of our children and grand children, maybe even a struggle that they may simply live.
"The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend." Few people have looked at this equation backwards. That is, if the enemy of my enemy is my friend, what does that say about the friends of our enemies? The friend of my enemy must also be an enemy. It is irrefutable by common sense observation at this point in time that Barrack Obama has massively and seriously harmed our country. It is documented that his administration is working hand in hand with the Muslim Brotherhood, as was the testimony of none other than James Clapper, President Obama's Director of National Intelligence.   The Obama Administration's cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Yemen has already conquered for Sharia Law Slavery, territory larger than the Original Caliphate conquered by the famous Muslim Conquerer, Saladin. This has all happened in the last year with startling certainty, using American military might, American intelligence, American covert operation, American contractors, The CIA, and State Departments. Further the names keep surfacing of people with Muslim Brotherhood ties in key positions in the Obama Administration, the CIA, and the State Department. 
But what of the Muslim Brotherhood? Far from being the peaceful entity James Clapper claims, they are an Islamic geo-political power that has consistently used violence.  The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 with the stated goal to restore the Muslim Empire. Its original statement was and continues to be, "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur'an is our Law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."  The Muslim Brotherhood issued a Fatwah to kill Americans in 1930. At the same time they started attacking and killing Coptic Christians in Egypt. They organized a military wing to attack the Copts.  Their violence got them "banned" from Egypt, but of course they just went underground. During WWII they allied with Adolf Hitler.  They fought in the 1948 attack on Israel. In December of 1948 they assassinated the Egyptian Prime Minister, Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi. In 1949 Egyptian government agents kill the Muslim Brotherhood's founder, Hassan Al Banna. In 1954 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood tried to assassinate the Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Following that more than four thousand of its members were imprisoned. Ten years later all was forgiven and they were released from prison by Anwar Sadat.  Sadat promised that he would move Egypt towards Sharia Law. In 1979 Anwar Sadat signed a peace treaty with Israel; in 1981 Anwar Sadat was assassinated by the Muslim Brotherhood.  They remained an underground and not so underground power in Egypt until taking control of Egypt just this month with the help of Barrack Obama. They have continually attacked Coptic Christian. June of 1980 Syria's president declared membership in the Muslim Brotherhood illegal and punishable by death. He sent his army against them and wiped out the Syrian Branch.  The Muslim Brotherhood is so violent it has been banned in every country it has had a branch except in the United States. Their methods are assassinations-murders-terror, plus their newfound weapon in Europe and the U.S. called "lawfare" when they try to bankrupt anyone who exposes them. In the Arab Spring they have renamed themselves in the various countries with names like the Freedom and Justice Party, The Liberty and Restoration Party etc. They have gained control in Egypt and Obama announced in October that he was selling them tanks. Today the Muslim Brotherhood operates in seventy countries and has many front groups in the U.S. The great-fake conservative Grover Norquist was a lobbyist for several of their front groups, and one of his business partners was arrested on terror related charges.  You see, things are not as simple as one would wish. (If you are interested in the infiltration of CPAC by the Muslim Brotherhood click this link)
CPAC and Grover Norquist have played an important roll for the Muslim Brotherhood, attacking the strength of our Defenses through his No Tax Increase Pledge.  His is the bottom up part of a bottom up, top down, inside out Saul Alinsky Operation, to destroy our Defenses. The sequestration, required by law because of the failure of the so-called "super committee," will gut out defenses. This has been the goal all along.  Obama is handling the top down part, using his power to drive us into massive debt. The inside out part is handled by the "liberals in congress" who will not allow any entitlement reform whatsoever and the bottom up by the conservatives who have signed Grover Norquist's pledge. The situation has grown so dire that even people like Lanny Davis, Leon Panetta, and Admiral Mike Mullins are in a panic sounding the alarm. 
Leon Penetta sounding the Alarm.  (By the way the "doomsday cuts" Panetta, mentions ARE under way.)
Nothing about these times is politics as usual. Our Republic is being taken down.  
Who is Obama?
Think for a moment. Every time that Obama has claimed to state something specifically Christian, to state a Christian belief or quote or paraphrase a Christian scripture verse he has blown it badly and said some pretty ridiculous things. Yet, he can recite Muslim prayers and passages of the Koran flawlessly. It is documented that his formative years were spent in Indonesia, a Muslim country. That his father and step father were Muslims. His father, who Obama idolizes, and his mother were Marxists. So there we were in 2007 with a freshman senator with no experience, ushered into the Oval Office by the accolades of the media. All the news media that has been purchased and pressured in America by the Marxist/Muslim Axis, who constantly paint everything conservative and everything genuinely Christian as evil; all of the outlets of that same media functioned as propaganda instruments for Obama's election in 2008. Even a Harvard professor wrote a book documenting the left wing bias of the Media and its brainwashing effect upon the American population.  (

Herman Cain arrived upon the national scene, a Christian man of faith, willing to pray in public, willing to confess his faith in Jesus Christ, willing to state the reality of the Muslim threat we face, willing to challenge dishonest politicians and corrupt office holders. He proposed the most radical and sweeping reform of the Federal Government that has been offered in the last one hundred years through his 9-9-9 Tax plan. It would have completely abolished the U.S. Federal Tax Code, which is the instrument corporations and corrupt politicians have used to enrich themselves at the expense of the common people and which the 'social engineers' have used to manipulate us towards their 'progressive' agenda. This along with other clearly stated changes in the function of government, the defusing of power back to the states, and he absolutely clear foreign policy goals, there wasn't a single power structure that Herman Cain's rise in the polls didn't threaten; every power structure except the power of the American People. 

Herman Cain's clear grasp that Constitutional principles are "humanitarian" and not "humanist" and grounded in the opening words of the Declaration of Independence, created a governing philosophy that would have created freedom and insured it for at least a few generations to come. 
The facts speak for themselves. None of these organizations, (listed above in the hands of the Marxist/Muslim Axis) or the people who control & work for them are objective or unbiased in their presentation of the events of any given day. They are NOT the journalists they would have us believe they are. A journalist observes & reports the events of the day accurately and as completely as possible. That day in America is long past. The American media has become simply a spin machine (read = propaganda instrument). Except for the soon to be censored internet, no TRUE news gets to us any more, unless that news happens to be true and fits the Marxist/Muslim agenda of our enemy; the enemy that is destroying us from within. 

How do you explain to a population conditioned by generations of "behaviorist education" that every bit of American News is programmed for a purpose. That it is all agenda driven. Besides being frustrating it is grief engendering because what was for a period of time an active Free Press is destroyed and has become simply the propaganda machine of the Marxist/Muslim Axis which now controls the Democrat Party and a good portion of the Republican Party and even part of the Tea Party movement and other conservative movements. Fortunately, more people are waking up and have come to recognize the danger posed by the Main Stream Media and have begun to sound the alarm. By the way, let us be honest, for a period of time Fox new was exceptional. But for at least the last eighteen months it has been another story. What we hope to accomplish with this article is to show you how the Media attacks us using us as helpful idiots and how we can wise up and stop playing their game.
The first thing we must learn is how propaganda works so that we can recognize it when we see it. Propaganda is the art of THE BIG LIE. The Big Lie (German: Große Lüge) is the major propaganda tool. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf. He spoke of the creative use of a lie so colossal no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Hitler asserted the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I on German Army officer Erich Ludendorff. Sixteen years later, Joseph Goebbels suggested a slightly different theory which most people reference when speaking of The Big Lie. Goebbels wrote in an article entitled Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (From Churchill's Lie Factory.) “The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.” These words are very telling and should be a huge caution to us, or maybe more like a cold shower to awaken us IF we look at the recent history of this tool's use.
Firstly: Barrack Obama was painted as one of the most intelligent people in the world and the soaring rhetoric associated with his 2008 candidacy was more befitting the coronation of an Emperor or maybe better the deification of a god. Surely the superlatives uttered about him were exceeded only by his own arrogance and prideful pronouncements. I remember sitting dumbfounded when he said “I face this challenge with profound humility and knowledge of my own limitations, but I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people, because if we are willing to work for it and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment that we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs for the jobless, this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.” ( Amazing really, the mere arrival of Barrack Obama and suddenly we began to care for the sick, as if we were not already the most generous society on the planet in that regard. And that “Good” jobs would be given to the jobless – I don't have to point out the ridiculousness of that statement. And his arrival on the scene was going to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet! I turned to my wife and said, “Did you hear that!” She said and rightly so, “He's a megalomaniac. He may actually believe his own press.” 
Ancient Wisdom says, “Pride comes before a fall.” So here we have an example of a very inexperienced and unaccomplished man, who powers and sponsors created and sold his image. The reality was he was a puppet of the Marxist/Muslim Axis and not particularly smart (you can tell when he has to go off script, he fumbles, stammers and stumbles). The Big Lie was that, not only was he about the smartest man on the planet, he was also the healer of the seas and the earth. How is that for Hitler's formula? “a lie so colossal no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”
We would have to write a book to relate the massive number of Big Lies that have been told over the last three years. So instead of a book, let us just examine two very stark examples. 

What was the universal opinion of the Tea Party Movement when it began? According to the media the Tea Party folks are backward, redneck, racist, Nazis, bigots and homophobes with violent tendencies who want dirty water & air. Every major news outlet portrayed these everyday Americans as evil and astro-turf dupes of far right power groups. What hopes Janet Napolitano must have had for the Tea Party movement, hopes that it would turn violent and prove her theory of the 'terror threat' from the radical right. But what was the fact? These people had been shaken awake by the massive bailouts of corrupt institutions (fanny and freddie) and corrupt financial institution and insurance companies. They were further shocked by the jackbooted dealings with the GM car dealerships that were closed for no reason other than since the Union workers made concessions Obama wanted to make sure that he “spread the pain.” They were still shocked further by the shameful passing of ObamaCare through the process of “reconciliation.”  For such a massive change to society this was a shameful action by the Democrat Congress proving they had no conscience. Further shaken by the nationalizing of some banks and car companies, and trillions gone (Tarp, the stimulus package and the Feds Monetizing Debt) without clear accounting and tracking. Further the news that some of these hundreds of billions was to bailout European countries, institution, banks, insurance and car companies. Ordinary work-a-day people looked at what was happening and realized that if they didn't act and act quickly our Republic would be lost. They appeared at “townhall meetings” and confronted their congressmen and senators. They aggressively “debated with them.” They organized in living rooms and church basements and fellowship halls, organized into action groups to inform and educate. Glen Beck led a massive march on Washington D.C., where ordinary people arrived, sang, prayed, shared stories (close to a million of them) and to the amazement of everyone one, when they cleared the National Mall, it was discovered that these radical people had actually cleaned up after themselves. This culminated in the massive turn out for the mid-term elections of 2010 and resulted in slowing the momentum of the Marxist/Muslim Axis' agenda. No crime, No victims, No arrests, no violence, no racism, just peaceful demonstration of Tea Party solidarity. Even when the Black Panthers arrived in D.C. to create a confrontation, they were met with people saying, “Don't be angry. You are mistaken about who we are. We will pray with you.” The Panthers were stymied in their violent intent. I saw one of them interviewed and he said, “These are good people” speaking of the very people he thought were filled with hatred, because the MEDIA said so. And I'm sure all the leftist voices said so, as well.

Recap: Thousands of smaller demonstrations and a massive almost one million person march on Washington, accomplished by “ backward, redneck, racist, Nazis, bigots and homophobes with violent tendencies” and No crime, No victims, No arrests, No violence, No racism, just peaceful demonstration of Tea Party solidarity.
Comparing and contrasting let us look at the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The media and leftist politicians like Nancy Polosi and Barrack Obama portrayed it as (1) spontaneous (2) nationwide grassroots movement of many thousands that continues to grow. (3) Intelligent young people with real frustrations and grievances (4) peaceful demonstrations. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Yet most of the media has towed the official line and painted the OWS movement in these terms. 
As to the peaceful nature of the Occupy Wall Street Demonstrations, I've added an End Note. Related Crimes ending 12.1.11i The end note documents the violent nature of the Occupy Wall Street Demonstrations. I would have included it here but it is small print and four pages long.
The few objective sources about the Occupy Wall Street Movement we learn:
(1) As to it being spontaneous. It is reported it to be a well planned, well organized and well financed effort. In other words anything but grassroots.

(2) As to the reports that it is many thousands and growing in number:
It in fact is merely a few thousand in the largest instances. 45,000 people run in the New York marathon, the cops in New York know crowds. The largest gathering was the Brooklyn Bridge march and it was a few thousand.  
(3) As to it being a grassroots movement arising from all over the country.
As the crime list will show, it has has real presence only in a few major cities with enough Marxists in government to force the police departments to “tolerate it” at great expense to the tax payer, and abuse and over work of policemen.
Recap: The Occupy Wall Street Movement portrayed as a real grassroots peaceful movement is markedly violent and organized by well funded left wing organizations and unions, and has even received support from the Muslim Brotherhood, via the front group the Council of Islamic American Relations (C.A.I.R.) -
The Big Lie – Tea Party is dangerous and violent.
The Big Lie – The Occupy Wall Street Movement is peaceful.
The Big Lie – The Tea Party is astro-turf, financed by powerful interests.
The Big Lie – The Occupy Wall Street Movement is genuinely a spontaneous grassroots movement.
The Big Lie – The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street are similar. (Recently, one no less than President Obama, himself, said that the Occupiers are "just like the Tea Party." That is of course a lie. Part of the Big Lie that is the movement.)

Why is Marxist/Muslim Axis so intent on creating the impression that the Occupy Movement is real and like the Tea Party. Because the Tea Party rebuked them. They need a populace movement counter that IMAGE. 
The sad part is polls show that nearly 50% of the American population believe the Big Lies.
Now that you understand how propaganda works, think a little bit about how the media has handled the coverage of the Republican debates and the nomination process. For a period of nearly two months when the polls showed Herman Cain was leading or tied for first place nationally and leading in two of the three first primary states, the media never called him "the" or even "a" front runner. When for nearly the same period Herman Cain lead by double digits in Texas, where the present governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is a candidate, it was NEVER reported. (except mentioned as a throw away line, speaking about the “frontrunner” who was of course always someone other than the actual frontrunner at the time, Herman Cain.)
One morning watching Fox News, I was treated to a typical example of the Big Lie. They did a segment about Mitt Romney “the frontrunner,” while showing a graphic of the latest polls showing Herman Cain clearly ahead. It wasn't until after Herman Cain was virtually (as in, in the media) lynched, that they even mentioned that he “had been in first place among the candidates.” Why? Because Herman Cain represented an existential threat to every power group and the media had their marching orders.
During those two months that Herman Cain was tied for first place or leading, I monitored and participated in various national and state Herman Cain support pages on the web and primarily on FaceBook. I read in that two month period over ten thousand posts and emails, a large percentage of which were making note of the false stories about Mr. Cain's status as either (1) Tied for first or (2) clearly first. In every instance Mitt Romney was given the title of “frontrunner” until the title was shifted to Newt Gingrich in the latter part of November 2011. Every one of those posts (except the shill posts by operatives of other candidates) clearly showed that those people were fully aware of the “Big Lie” at work suppressing Herman Cain's support and candidacy.
Despite the knowledge that these stories were false the people ferreted out the false stories and posted them on the Herman Cain pages expressing concern that they might be true. And of course this process redoubled when the manufactured allegations of sexual harassment were broadcasts. Each story had to be “disproved.” Think about this! After thousands of examples of false storied, clearly exposing the propaganda intent to destroy the Herman Cain's candidacy every false story aired in the Main Stream Media was accepted as “True” or “Probably or Possibly True” until proved a lie. People do not seem to be able to wrap their minds around the fact that the source (the media) is an enemy, in the hands or under the influence of our enemy and is a lying source and not to be believed, except by objectively provable FACTS, received by OTHER means.

Having witnessed those thousands of false stories about Mr Cain ranking in the polls, and KNOWING they were false, yet when the media kept manufacturing more doubt and suspicion, layered with more doubt and suspicion and sadly people did not/do not have the grounded thinking to clearly see through it. I think it very much has to do with the Devolution of American Education, which has seriously left younger generations very vulnerable to manipulation. I invite you to read a short history of the destruction of critical thinking. (The Devolution of American Education)
During that time Charles Johnson, Jr. posted the following paragraphs:
The next thing you need to understand is that the easiest way for the MSM to attack Herman Cain is through US. That's right. You & me. Every time one of us sees or hears or reads a story about how Mr Cain "stumbled" or "misspoke" or "gaffed" or "flipped" and brings that back to our groups as if it were fact, WE DO THE WORK OF OUR ENEMIES FOR THEM. We must never forget that these reports are being presented by our enemies. As such ANY derogatory report is inherently unreliable & must be recognized for what it really is: an attack not only on Herman Cain but on US. I'm not saying Herman Cain is perfect. Neither does he. What I am saying is that the MSM will do everything in their power to misrepresent him & divide us. Every second we waste arguing among ourselves over these misrepresentations is a second that could have been spent advancing OUR goals via OUR candidate. So what do we do? How do we counter the propaganda of the Liberal Socialist Main Stream Media? If you've read this far & understand how you're being attacked & THAT you're being attacked, then the most important objective has already been accomplished. Recognition of the threat is vital for our success. When you see one of these misleading reports, DON'T ACCEPT IT AS FACT. Given what we know about the MSM it would be safe enough to simply dismiss anything they say, but I don't recommend this approach because it doesn't arm you with the ammunition you need to effectively inform (& thereby persuade) those outside our groups who don't understand what's going on.”
The above paragraph is an excerpt of the original article by Charles around which I've build this larger more wide ranging article. The reason I want to share this article with Charles is that this paragraph perfectly tells the story, "We do the work of our enemies for them." And how do you break this habit? "Given what we know about the mainstream media, it would be safe enough to simply dismiss anything they say . . " This is rational and true but few can hear it.
Today December 4th 2011, we see that the Media won, and the reason I want to document this history of abuse of the American people at the hands of the media. They destroyed Herman Cain's Credibility through two months of the BIG LIE. Yesterday he announced that he was suspending his candidacy and that in the near future he would be announcing an endorsement. Why was Herman Cain the candidate crucified in the media, hung on the tree of public suspicion and speculation? Because, as I said previously, he threatened every established corrupt power structure. Herman's 9-9-9 tax plan included the complete destruction of the 82,000 page U.S. Federal Tax Code. And that code is the major tool of corrupt power, and manipulation used by the Federal Government to control and suppress We The People

Are we capable of waking up, throwing off the hypnotic influence of the Marxist/Muslims Propaganda Machine. If we do not master this talent we are headed for the new dark ages. A new feudalism much darker than any past period, because the masters will be empowered by hellish uses of technology.

Here is a short history of the details of the High Tech Lynching of Herman Cain
  1. NY: 10/7/2011 — Occupiers Rush Police … More
  2. New York: 10/11/2011 — You Can Have Sex with Animals.”
  3. New York: 10/4/2011 — Occupier Taunts Jewish Man
  4. Boston: 10/2011 — Occupiers Block Street
  5. New York: 10/27/2011 — Occupiers Block Traffic, Get Arrested
  6. Oakland: 10/27/2011 — Occupiers Throw Garbage at Police
  7. Oakland: 10/26/2011 — Occupiers Scuffle with Police
  8. Cleveland: 10/29/2011 — Rape Reported at Occupy Cleveland
  9. Glasgow: 10/26/2011 — Woman Gang-Raped
  10. Lawrence, KS: 10/25/2011 — Sexual Assault Reported at Occupy Camp
  11. Chicago: 10/26/2011 — Occupy Chicago Invades City Hall
  12. Albuquerque, NM: 10/26/2011 — Occupy Squatters Riot With Police
  13. Oakland: 10/25/2011 — Occupiers Throw Bottles at Police
  14. Nashville: 10/28/2011 — 30 Arrests Made at Wall St. Protest
  15. Los Angeles: 10/13/2011 — Roundup of Overt Occupy anti-Semitism
  16. Oakland: 10/28/2011 — Bounty Out On Police Officer?
  17. San Diego: 10/28/2011 — 40 Occupiers arrested
  18. Boston: 10/24/2011 — Occupy Boston Vandalism of Banks
  19. Seattle: 10/13/2011 — Cops Arrest Several Occupy Protesters
  20. Calgary, CN: 10/28/2011 — Occupiers do $40,000 in Property Damage
  21. NY: 10/30/2011 — Woman Assaulted in Her tent
  22. Asheville, NC: 10/30/2011 — Occupiers Clash with Homeless in Asheville
  23. Fort Worth, TX: 10/16/2011 — Arrests at Occupy Fort Worth Protest
  24. Santa Barbara, CA: 10/5/2011 — Occupiers Defy Police
  25. Santa Barbara, CA: 10/6/2011 — 8 Occupiers Arrested
  26. Richmond, VA: 10/31/2011 — Arrests of Occupiers in Richmond
  27. Palm Desert, CA: 11/1/2011 — Occupiers Arrested
  28. Tampa, FL: 10/24/2011 — Six Occupiers Arrested
  29. Oakland, CA: 11/3/2011 — Rallies Turn Violent
  30. Seattle, WA: 11/2/2011 — Cops, Protesters Clash
  31. Oakland, CA: 11/3/2011 — Protests Degenerate Into Chaos
  32. Tulsa, OK: 11/2/2011 — Occupiers Clash With Police
  33. Sacramento, CA: 11/2/2011 — Occupiers Smash County Vehicle Windows
  34. Philadelphia: 11/2/2011 — Occupiers Arrested
  35. Charlottesville, VA: 11/1/2011 — Underage Drinking at Occupy Charlottesville Site
  36. Oakland, CA: 11-3-2011 — Occupy-Friendly Business Vandalized
  37. Asheville, NC: 11/3/2011 — 24 Occupiers Arrested
  38. Wash DC: 11/4/2011 — Occupier Uses Child as Human Shield — Video
  39. Omaha, NE: 11/3/2011 — Three Occupiers Arrested
  40. Los Angeles: 10/28/2011 — Drug Use and Property Damage
  41. Boston, MA: 11/4/2011 — Occupiers Storm Israeli Consulate; Anti-Israel Chants — Video
  42. Vancouver, CN: 11/5/2011 — Occupy Vancouver Death Dooms Protest Camp
  43. Chula Vista, CA: 11/6/2011 — Underage Girl Missing From Occupy Protests
  44. Dallas, TX: 11/5/2011 — Eight Arrests at Dallas Bank Protest
  45. Olympia, WA: 11/5/2011 – Two Occupy Protesters Arrested
  46. Worcester, MA: 11/6/2011 — 25 Occupiers Arrested
  47. Milwaukee, WI: 11/2/2011 — Photojournalist, Two others Arrested at Protest … Video
  48. Milwaukee, WI: 10/20/2011 — Police Confront Occupier –Video … Arrested
  49. Wash. DC: 11/5/2011 — Rampaging Occupiers Attack 78 Year-Old Woman — Video
  50. Rochester, NY: 11/3/2011 — 161 Occupiers Arrested at Park
  51. Asheville, NC: 11/5/2011 — Four Occupiers Arrested
  52. Honolulu, HI: 11/6/2011 — Police Arrest Half-Dozen Occupiers
  53. Waikiki, HI: 11/7/2011 — Two Dozen Occupiers Arrested
  54. Augusta, GA: 10/28/2011 — Occupier Arrested in Knife Threat
  55. Sacramento, CA: 11/7/2011 — Homeless Clash With Occupy Protesters At Park
  56. Los Angeles: 11/7/2011 — Occupiers Shut Down Burger King — Video
  57. Atlanta, GA: 11/6/2011 — Occupiers Arrested After Attacking Police
  58. St. Louis, MO: 11/9/2011 — Occupiers Hack Into Mayor’s Website
  59. Vancouver, CN: 11/8/2011 — Occupiers Bite Two Police Officers
  60. Wash DC: 11/8/2011 — Occupiers Use Children to Block Traffic — Video
  61. Portland, OR: 11/9/2011 — Occupiers Threaten Citizen-Journalist Video
  62. Eureka, CA: 11/9/2011 — Occupier Defecates in Bank Video
  63. Wash DC: 11/5/2011 – Occupiers Menace Children, Female Reporter Video
  64. Portland, OR: 11/8/2011 — Occupiers Menace News Crew Video
  65. San Francisco, CA: 11/10/2011 — Occupier Threatens Park Ranger
  66. Burlington, VT: 11/10/2011 — Veteran Shoots Self at Encampment
  67. Oakland, CA: 11/3/2011 — Occupy Oakland’ Goes After Cop
  68. San Diego, CA: 11/10/2011 — Occupier Attacks Woman with Camera
  69. Berekely, CA: 11/10/2011 — 39 Occupiers Arrested
  70. Westwood, CA: 11/9/2011 — 11 Occupiers Arrested for Blocking Traffic
  71. Fresno, CA: 11/9/2011 — 40 Occupiers Arrested
  72. Toledo, OH: 11/1/2011 — 2 Occupiers Arrested
  73. Houston, TX: 11/9/2011 — 10 Occupiers Arrested
  74. Oakland, CA: 11/10/2011: Fatal Shooting Over Drugs
  75. Tampa, FL 11/10/2011 — Three Occupiers Arrested
  76. Portland, OR: 11/10/2011 — Occupiers Billed for Police Car Vandalism
  77. Denver, CO: 11/11/2011 — Occupiers Storm BlogCon 11 … One Arrest
  78. Salt Lake City, UT: 11/12/2011 — Protest Shut Down After Body Discovered In Tent
  79. Mobile, AL: 11/9/2011 — 18 Occupy Protesters Arrested
  80. Portland: 11/13/2011 — Three Arrested with Mortars, Fireworks
  81. Chapel Hill, NC: 11/13/2011 — Eight Occupiers for Trespassing
  82. Philadelphia, PA: 11/13/2011 — Occupier Arrested for Rape
  83. Portland, OR: 10/27/2011 — Sexual Assault: ‘nobody should contact the police’ — Video
  84. Oakland, CA: 11/8/2011 — Occupiers Plan Mass Trespassing Campaign
  85. Salt Lake City, UT: 11/12/2011 — 19 Occupiers Arrested
  86. St. Louis, MO: 11/13/2011 — 27 Occupiers Arrested
  87. St. Louis, MO: 11/12/2011 — Occupier Arrested
  88. NYC: 11/13/2011 — Occupier Slugs Police Officer
  89. Portland, OR: 11/9/2011 — 4 Reports of Substance Abuse
  90. Atlanta, GA: 11/10/2011 — TB Breaks Out at Occupy Home Base
  91. Nationwide: 11/11/2011 — Occupy Death Toll Hits 7
  92. Seattle, WA: 11-14-2011 — Occupier Defecates on Public Sidewalk
  93. Hartford, CT: 10/16/2011 — Occupier Charged After Pulling Knife
  94. Albuquerque, NM: 10/27/2011 — 2 Occupiers Arrested
  95. Albuquerque, NM: 10/26/2011 — More Than a Dozen Occupiers Arrested
  96. Albuquerque, NM: 10/22/2011 — Knife Attack at Occupy Camp
  97. Albuquerque, NM: 10/8/2011 — Occupier Arrested
  98. Albuquerque, NM: 10/16/2011 — Occupier Cited for Blocking Traffic
  99. Portland, OR: 11/14/2011 — 51 Occupiers Arrested
  100. Portland, OR: 11/14/2011 — Occupiers Smash Bank Windows
  101. Albany, NY: 11/15/2011 — 20 Occupiers Arrested
  102. Near Salem, OR: 11/13/2011 — Three Occupiers Arrested With Explosives
  103. Houston, TX: 11/15/2011 — Occupier Arrested
  104. San Francisco, CA: 11/15/2011 — Deadly Dog Disease Spreads at Occupy Camp
  105. Philadelphia, PA: 11/15/2011 — Occupier Arrested for Assaulting Woman
  106. Philadelphia, PA: 11/15/2011 — Occupiers Vandalize Dilworth Plaza With Graffiti and Feces Video
  107. Santa Cruz, CA: 11/15/2011 — Ringworm, Scabies Outbreak at Occupy Camp
  108. Oakland, CA: 11/14/2011 — Occupiers Cost Taxpayers $2.4 Million
  109. San Francisco, CA: 11/17/2011 — Occupiers Storm Bank, 95 Arrested
  110. Chicago, IL: 11/16/2011 — Occupier Arrested for Child Porn
  111. NYC: 11/16/2011 — Occupier Arrested for Making Terror Threats — Video … More.
  112. Dallas, TX: 11/17/2011 — 18 Occupiers Arrested
  113. Charlotte, NC: 11/14/2011 — Two Occupiers Arrested
  114. Charlotte, NC: 11/15/2011 — 8 Occupiers Arrested
  115. Los Angeles: 11/17/2011 — Occupiers Block Freeways, 26 Arrested
  116. San Francisco, CA: 11/17/2011 — Lice, Fleas, Disease Spread in Camp
  117. West Jordan, UT: 11/17/2011 — Occupier Hurls Molotov Cocktail at Bank
  118. Lincoln, NE: 11/5/2011 — 4 Occupiers Arrested at Bank Protest
  119. Melbourne, AU: 11/18/2011 — Children as Young as 12 Given Drugs, Alcohol
  120. Los Angeles, CA: 11/17/2011 — Dozens of Occupiers Arrested at Bank Protest
  121. Denver, CO: 11/17/2011 — Occupiers Block Traffic
  122. St. Louis, MO: 11/18/2011 — Woman Sexually Assaulted
  123. Portland, OR: 11/18/2011 — Occupier Punches Police Horse Video
  124. Portland, OR: 11/17/2011 — Occupier Brags About Urinating In Public — Video
  125. Portland, OR: 11/18/2011 — Ocupier Uses Infant as Human Shield — Video
  126. Portland, ME: 11/19/2011 — Two Occupiers Arrested for Brutal Assaults
  127. Orlando, FL: 11/14/2011 — Two Occupiers Fight, One Injured By Knife
  128. Philadelphia, PA: 11/17/2011 — Occupiers Arrested During Protest
  129. Columbia, SC: 11/16/2011 — At Least 15 Occupiers Arrested
  130. Mobile, AL: 11/17/2011 — Occupier Arrested in Government Building
  131. Berkeley, CA: 11/18/2011 — Woman Assaulted for Refusing to Join Occupy
  132. Des Moines, IA: 11/20/2011 — Occupy Leader Arrested on Drug Charges
  133. Eugene, OR: 11/19/2011 — Heroin Overdose at Occupy Camp
  134. Seattle, WA: 11/19/2011 — 70 Occupiers Trespass on Foreclosed Home
  135. Hartford, CT: 11/17/2011 — Occupiers Arrested for Blocking Traffic
  136. Austin, TX: 11/18/2011 — Five Occupiers Arrested for Trespassing
  137. Minneapolis, MN: 11/20/2011 — Occupiers Arrested for Burglary, Blocking Police Car — Video
  138. Wash DC: 11/19/2011 — 11 Occupiers Arrested for Trespassing
  139. Oakland, CA: 11/21/2011 — Occupy Oakland Hosts Gay Porn Movie Shoot
  140. Columbia, SC: 11/21/2011 — Occupiers Defy Curfew
  141. Phoenix, AZ:; 11/21/2011 — Eight Occupiers Arrested
  142. Albany, NY: 11/20/2011 — 48 Occupiers Arrested
  143. Pensacola, FL: 11/21/2011 — City Hall Vandalized After Occupy Protest
  144. Fort Meyers, FL: 11/20/2011 — Occupier Arrested On Bomb Threat Charges — Video
  145. Milwaukee, WI: 10/20/2011 — Occupier Arrested at Bank Protest — Video
  146. Toronto, CN: 11/23/2011 — 8 Occupiers Arrested
  147. Seattle, WA: 11/27/2011 — Armed Thief Flees Into Occupy Camp
  148. Santa Cruz, CA: 11/25/2011 — Police Arrest Occupier for Heroin Use
  149. Ottawa, CN: 11/26/2011 — Occupier Arrested, Eight Cited
  150. Edmonton, CN: 11/25/2011 — Three Occupiers Arrested
  151. San Diego, CA: 11/25/2011 — Report: Flash Mob Invades Walmart, Leaves 75 Full Carts — Video
  152. Austin, TX: 11/25/2011 — Occupier Arrested for Criminal Trespass
  153. Oklahoma City, OK: 11/29/2011 — Drunken Occupiers Beat Security Guard
  154. Harrisburg, PA: 11/27/2011 — Occupier Arrested at Mall
  155. Boston, MA: 11/28/2011 — Occupier Threatens Man With Knife
  156. Portland OR: 11/28/2011 — Occupier Threatens Woman With Arson — Video
  157. Wilmington, NC: 11/28/2011 — Occupier Arrested for Refusing to Obey Police
  158. Tucson, AZ: 11/28/2011 — Two Occupiers Arrested
  159. Dayton, OH: 11/29/2011 — Occupiers Rage at Target Shoppers — Video
  160. Los Angeles, CA: 11/30/2011 — Hundreds of Occupiers Arrested
  161. Philadelphia, PA: 11/30/2011 — 50 Occupiers Arrested
  162. Frontenac, MO: 11/30/2011 – Occupiers Vandalize Subdivision Sign
  163. Monterey, CA: 11/30/2011 – Occupiers Smacks Citizen Journalist Video
  164. Charlottesville, VA: 12/1/2011 — Several Protesters Arrested, One Nude
  165. Eureka, CA: 11/30/2011 — Occupier Arrested, 11 Detained
  166. Bloomington, IN: 12/1/2011 — Five Occupiers Arrested
  167. Riverside, CA: 11/30/2011 — Occupier Arrested
  168. Philadelphia, PA: 11/30/2011 — Robber Claims To Be Part of Occupy Movement
  169. Tampa, FL: 12/2/2012 — 29 Occupiers Arrested
  170. Boston, MA: 12/1/2011 — Three Occupiers Arrested
  171. NYC: 12/1/2012 — 10 Occupiers Arrested
Recently, President Obama said that the Occupiers are just like the Tea Party.
That’s a lie.

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