Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Calling All Joyful Warriors - Fix Bayonets! Charge!

Never relent! Hold to the dream! America WILL BE a better place and Sanity WILL BE RESTORED to her governance. BE the warrior! Wipe the attitudes and language of defeatism and cynicism from your vocabulary! Win! Or if you cannot win, lose only when you are wounded, bloody and dying, having given all for the cause that is Just and Right: that being LIFE - not the culture of death, but the culture of LIFE, LIBERTY - not the illusion of security and ease that passes for freedom in the Socialist/Marxist/Sharia compliant state; and the Pursuit of Happiness. The real Pursuit of Happiness, seeking all that is good, family, livelihood, vocation, avocation, education, faith, hope, and charity, and don't fall for the fake Liberty of the Culture of Death which is merely Hedonism and Acquisition. We spent decades from the 60s to the present being lulled into complacency, thinking that pleasure and wealth were the meaning of the American Dream. 

We became unstuck from the Truth, unstuck from our moral and faith Traditions, and we are paying the price in loss of freedom and destruction of Truth. We are left with leaders who are mere deconstructionist, trying to manage the dismantling of our of Great Nation, warping our institutions, destroying our sacred traditions, laughing at our patriotism, hellbent to disarms us in every way, by every means. 

But we will NOT lie down and go peacefully into the night. We will Never Relent! And while we battle pledging to sacrifice all to secure only what is REAL, we will remember the words of Saint Paul and celebrate the miracle of each person, and each experience; "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." 

No JUST battle is won without its first strategy being Faith FILLED Prayer! Joyful Warriors, fix bayonets! Charge!  

Friday, January 27, 2012

The New York Times Collaborates with Hamas Front Group to Suppress the Truth

The New York Times Collaborates with Hamas Front Group to Suppress the Truth


Steven Emerson IPT News January 25, 2012 


The New York Times cites the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as a credible source, while continuing its policy of never mentioning that CAIR was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, and operates as a Hamas support group.

NYT also suppressed the facts that CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator 2007 Holy Land Foundation conspiracy trial, which resulted in the FBI cutting off all formal contact with the group and that an FBI official has described CAIR as a "front for Hamas."

· NYT primarily relies on two sources for comments: Zead Ramadan of CAIR-NY, and Faiza Patel, of the Brennan Center of Justice, but which the Timesdeliberately fails to mention that both of whom represent organizations that have repeatedly refused to condemn Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups or have blamed the FBI for fabricating Islamic terror plots.

· An IPT investigator videotaped Ramadan at a press event refusing to answer her questions as to whether Hamas is a terrorist organization.

· The Times cites CAIR's Zead Ramadan as a legitimate source of criticism of the film but fails to report that Ramadan contributed $1,000 to Viva Palestina, an organization led by noted anti-Semite George Galloway, that supports Hamas financially and politically, in 2010.

· Patel of the Brennan Center has long been a critic of law enforcement's attempts to counter terrorism, even denouncing the NYPD's operation that resulted in the arrest of accused lone-wolf jihadist Jose Pimentel, charged with plotting to bomb U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

· The Times failed to report that their only two sources for their story--CAIR and the Brennan Center, who are made to seem independent and impartial are actual apologists for Islamic terrorist groups. In fact, the Times failed to report that the Brennan Center received CAIR's "Safe While Free" Award in 2009.

· The Times failed to report one actual flaw in the film but based its demonization of the film based largely on emails it did not disclose that it received from CAIR, a Hamas front group

In a front-page story on Tuesday discussing the documentary film, "The Third Jihad," and its use by the NYPD in training, The New York Times once again collaborates with radical Islamists to help shape the news. The article revealed the newspaper's bias, from the vaguely threatening headline – "In Police Training, a Dark Film on U.S. Muslims" - and by relying on those who are not simply opposed to the film, but have previously demonstrated their support of radical Islamists by both word and by association with similarly aligned groups.

The Times' article, written by Michael Powell, primarily relies on the opinions of Zead Ramadan of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' New York chapter (CAIR-NY) and Faiza Patel of the Brennan Center, both of whom aver that the NYPD acted questionably by showing city police the film, to present the case.Ramadan asserts

that the movie "defiled our faith and misrepresented everything we stood for." Patel stated that, "The police have shown an explosive documentary to its officers and simply stonewalled us."

The problem with Ramadan and Patel, left unsaid by the newspaper, is found in their words and associations. As has been its longstanding policy, the Timesnever mentions that CAIR is a Hamas support group, created by the Muslim Brotherhood to present and promote its interests. (Of course, even if one day theTimes did acknowledge that, it would still have to break another self-imposed taboo of having never once called Hamas a terrorist organization.)

In contrast to the newspaper, the film does reveal how CAIR was created shortly after a secret 1993 meeting in Philadelphia involving members of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee. The goal was for CAIR to operate as a pro-Hamas lobbying group, without being publicly linked to Hamas.

The FBI later cited that evidence, which was used to help name CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation conspiracy trial, in explaining why it cut off formal communication with CAIR. "Until we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS," FBI Assistant Director Richard Powers wrote in April 2009, "the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner."

But CAIR refused to address the documentary's substance. Instead, the group issued a press release quoting Ramadan comparing it to the Nazi-era film "Triumph of the Will" and the silent movie "Birth of a Nation." Ramadan voiced his concerns to NYPD chief Raymond Kelly, who said he would "take care of it" and department spokesman Browne denounced the film as "wacky."

All of this was left out of the article on Tuesday, which also failed to inform readers about the questionable backgrounds of the movie's critics. The story said nothing about the fact that in 2010 Ramadan contributed $1,000 to Viva Palestina, an organization founded by the notorious anti-Semite George Galloway, and which supports Hamas financially and politically, or that CAIR-NY in 2008 issued a statement calling for the release of Sami al-Arian, who pleaded guilty to conspiring to contribute funds to Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a designated terrorist group.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism attended a Dec. 15, 2011 press conference held by a group calling itself the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, and asked if he considered Hamas a terrorist organization. Ramadan was asked point-blank: "Do you consider Hamas a terrorist organization?"

[click above to view the video or click here to see the video and a full transcript]

Ramadan proceeded to tap-dance around the question. He replied by stating that, "Islam, myself, and I think all people of conscience, are opposed to all terrorism in all of its forms against all people of the world. Anyone who is innocent that is killed, it's not the way of the Islamic people or people who stand for liberty and justice. Thank you very much."

Our investigator pressed forward, asking Ramadan about Hamas specifically. Ramadan refused to answer, stating that his concern was "the American Bill of Rights situation that we now have."

Ramadan then proceeded to attack the questioner. "You want to take our foreign policy issue and make it the number one issue in the world. No. The issue we have right here is the problem we have in America, and we're eroding," he said.

Ramadan added that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had gone to Myanmar to talk about the erosion of human rights and appeared to be "bringing that back here" and "showing how to erode our civil rights here."

Again, our investigator noted that Ramadan was evading the question about Hamas.

"He already answered," moderator Imam Talib Abdur Rashid shot back. "You just didn't get the answer you wanted."

Over and over, CAIR spends a lot of effort urging Muslim Americans not to cooperate with law enforcement. Speaking at CAIR-NY's "Annual Banquet and Leadership Conference" in April 2011, board member Lamis Deek implored her audience not to speak to the FBI, NYPD or other law enforcement agencies.

"It's very important to not speak to law enforcement of any type, not just FBI agents," she said. "We're talking about the New York Police Department, we're talking about tax agents, we're talking about everybody."

Deek said that if the FBI shows up claiming it has a warrant for someone's arrest, they need to ask to see the warrant because "Mossad" agents had been "go[ing] around pretending to be FBI." She warned that "they" (it was unclear whether she was referring to the Mossad, the FBI, or both) will threaten to "seriously blackmail" people.

Faiza Patel of the Brennan Center - which is sufficiently in accord with CAIR that in 2009 it received CAIR's 'Safe While Free' Award - offers complementary positions. At a Nov. 17 forum in Washington entitled "Islamist Radicalization, Myth or Reality," Patel appeared to suggest that any effort by law enforcement to look for signs of radicalism in the Muslim community was doomed to failure. "You can't expect the community to behave as your partner if at the same time you're subjecting them to intense surveillance and monitoring," she said.

And if Muslims were in denial about the existence of radical Islamist ideologies in their communities, perhaps law enforcement should defer to them, Patel added: "If the community doesn't believe that radicalization or extremism or extremist views or extremist ideologies is (sic) a problem in their own community, then you should also understand that maybe they know what they're talking about, and not be spending police resources this way."

In a Huffington Post op-ed, Patel denounced the NYPD's operation that resulted in the arrest of accused lone-wolf jihadist Jose Pimentel, charged with plotting to bomb U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

It should not come as a surprise that The New York Times left all of this critical information out of Tuesday's article, given the paper's long history of covering for CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist organizations. As we have noted before, Times reporters like Andrea Elliott and columnists like Nicholas Kristof have published stories glossing over the radical background of Salafist cleric Yasir Qadhi, dean of academic affairs at the Houston-based AlMaghrib Institute, and whitewashing the Muslim Brotherhood's radical record and hostility towards Israel.

Last December, after Kristof penned a column in which he claimed that Brotherhood officials in Egypt had been behaving responsibly, Eric Trager of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy described Kristof as "credulous" about the Brotherhood. After interviewing some of the organization's members who had just been elected to Parliament, Trager wrote in the New Republic that, "Far from being moderate, these future leaders share a commitment to theocratic rule, complete with a limited view of civil liberties and an unmistakable antipathy for the West."

Nonetheless, the NYPD, apparently responding to pressure from the media and perhaps from politicians, including Mayor Bloomberg, who denounced the film, stopped showing the documentary.

Somebody [at the NYPD] exercised some terrible judgment," Bloomberg said Tuesday. "As soon as they found out about it, they stopped it." The mayor gave no indication that he had actually seen the film.

Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and narrator of the film, took exception to Bloomberg's comments. "I could not disagree more," he said. "The fact that Bloomberg made such a comment without providing any evidence that the film was in error indicates that the mayor's comment was "careless," Jasser said.

Bloomberg's ignorance should not be surprising given his administration's friendly relationship with CAIR-NY. In May 2009, for example, the mayor's education policy advisor, Fatima Ashraf, hosted the Islamist group's annual banquet and fundraiser, where she gushed praise for CAIR-NY. Ashraf called it "a shining star among Muslim organizations in the country," adding that "their sincerity and motivation" and "genuine desire to make positive change for Muslims is what really makes them stand out."

In similar fashion, Bloomberg's uninformed position is mirrored by the Timesarticle, which does not provide any examples, or specific information of any kind, to back up criticism of the film.

The article hints in rather foreboding fashion that the film is an effort to scare people about the threat posed by radical Islam: "Ominous music plays as images appear on the screen: Muslim terrorists shoot Christians in the head, car bombs explode, executed children lie covered by sheets and a doctored photograph shows an Islamic flag flying near the White House."

Even in this brief description of the film, The New York Times got it wrong. According to Clarion Films, which produced the documentary, the photograph of the White House with an Islamic flag on top was taken from Islamist sources, not altered by the filmmakers.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bill O'Romney - The Spin Starts Here.

Firday, Jan. 13, 2012.

I was just watching Bill O'Romney - the Spin Starts Here - and I felt as if had fallen through the looking-glass. Bill O'Romney was making a qualitative comparison argument, comparing (1) today, Obama's "requesting" more authority to 'down size government' - his very ambitious plan to cut three billion (with a B) dollars from the federal budget over ten years. He proposed do so by killing a few jobs by attrition (so when someone dies or retires no one is hired to replace them.) to (2) Mitt Romney's corporate cannibalizing of American Companies using foreign capital. Bill kept making the comparison over and over, labeling both mere "downsizing, to save the company" while the two shills, Bill hires to look stupid, stared at him blankly for most of the segment.

Let us make the comparison - Obama proposed to terminate NO persons, to lay off or fire NO persons.
A three billion dollar cut to the federal budget over ten years amounts to about 1/10th of 1/10000th of the federal budget. (read no cut at all.) What a cynical con the proposal is! - since the three billion is taken not by lowering spending, but merely by reducing the increase. When compared to the 4 trillion (with a T) Dollars Obama has capriciously wasted in the last three years his political gesture is beyond cynical. If half the American population wasn't stupid, he would never get away with such a charade. But like cousin Herman Cain rightly said, "Stupid people are ruining our country."  This was the story and deserves to be told, but what did Bill O'Romney do? He claimed that Obama's pretend cuts and Romney destruction of American Companies were equally GOOD things.

Were Romney's actions moral?  Truly cutting the Federal Budget would be moral, if accomplished from a basis of morality.  Mitt fired tens if not hundreds of thousands of workers, (when you ad the small businesses dependent upon the employees of the larger businesses for revenue.) Romney shut down factory operations that were the life line of some American towns, and the employee's got pink slips while he made hundreds of millions for himself and billions for foreign investors. Romney, probably made much, much more. My guess, a suspicion based upon the fact that he won't release his tax records and it is confirmed he has overseas banking accounts.

What is there to compare?  This was a TOTAL Propaganda piece and shames O'Reilly and Fox News. It also exposes the lengths to which they will go to try to secure the Republican nomination for Mitt Romney.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

When Mitt Romney Came To Town


When Mitt Romney Came To Town (Part One)

When Mitt Romney Came To Town (Part Two)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can You Buy Your Way To American Presidency - Rich Boy Romney Is Trying

How many "conservative" talking heads are employed and/or syndicated on "Clear Channel"?


Romney's Bain Capital Buys Clear Channel Communications


What would it cost to buy the support of just about every nationally-syndicated neocon talk show host in America? About $19.5 Billion, which is what Mitt Romney's private equity firm, Bain Capital, and Thomas H. Lee Partners have agreed to pay in a leveraged buyout agreement with Clear Channel Commu...

Anthony Davar

Programs that appear on many Clear Channel talk stations include the Glenn Beck Program -- getting his talk show start at Clear Channel owned WFLA (AM) in Tampa, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Sean Hannity Show, America Now with Andy Dean and Coast to Coast AM, all of which are affiliated with Premiere Radio Networks in some fashion. The Savage Nation (which was until September 2009 flagshipped at Clear Channel's KNEW-910), The Mark Levin Show and The Dave Ramsey Show are non-Premiere shows who air on many (if not most) Clear Channel stations.

Limbaugh is almost universally carried on Clear Channel stations in markets where the company has a news talk station, with the exception of markets such as Washington, DC and San Francisco, CA, where ABC Radio (which previously was Limbaugh's home network) has a news talk station in the market.

New Clear Channel talk radio stations have typically been using the branding "Rush Radio," while most older ones use a more generic "News Radio" or "News Talk."


‎"The buyout finally closed in July 2008. Romney is now a "silent" partner of Bain. The company, which has laid off thousands of employees in recent years, announced that it would move to more centralized programming and lay off 1,500 employees, or approximately 7% of its workforce, on January 20, 2009. Later on January 20, the company said that the total count of employees to be terminated would be 1,850, or 9%.
Between January and May 2009 Clear Channel eliminated 2,440 positions"

Romney’s Free and Strong America PAC and its affiliates states have lavished close to $1.3 million in campaign donations to federal, state and local GOP politicians, almost all since 2010. His recipients include officials in the major upcoming primary states of New Hampshire and South Carolina, and in three southern Super Tuesday states where he was trounced four years ago.

In New Hampshire, a U.S. senator, a congressman, 10 state senators and three executive councilors shared $26,000 in donations from Romney’s Free and Strong America PAC in 2010 and 2011 combined. All 15 have showered Romney with endorsements leading up to Tuesday’s primary

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley came out for Romney last month – a year after his Free and Strong America PACs put $36,000 to her 2010 election bid.

And 19 state and Washington, D.C., lawmakers in three Super Tuesday states – Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia — are backing Romney after his PAC poured a total of $125,500 into their coffers for elections held in 2009 and 2010.

hate the source, but the facts match up with what we are finding unfortunately, since so many who we thought were conservatives, endorse an obvious rino :-( http://www.salon.com/2012/01/07/35_romney_endorsers_received_contributions_first/singleton/

35 Romney endorsers received contributions first

Mitt takes the endorsement game "to a whole new level"
    • No Wonder Newt Gingrich recently said that he thought Mitt Romney would buy the election if he could. Looks like he is doing a pretty good job of it!
For those criticizing the super-pac that is exposing Mitt Romney's predatory corporate-raider practices, claiming that Newt Gingrich's stand vis a vis the same is 'anti-capitalism' I would remind you of two things.

(1)For Capitalism to work it has to have a moral basis. It has to provide goods and services, expand the business base thus create jobs. People like Mitt Romney have operated an amoral Capitalism, spent two generations taking down the structure of American Capitalism by buying companies and cannibalizing them, selling off the assets, laying off workers, moving production over seas, using slave labor. Is this REALLY who we want to be our president?

(2) Laissez-faire capitalism was NEVER envisioned to be "international." It was a system for inside the country, where the government didn't interfere in the economic affairs of the "country", but allowed people to carry on their business, trade, etc., as they saw fit. But government DID interfere. Exposing American business to massive amounts of foreign capital and slave labor (and near slave labor) markets. The brain dead "maybe" thought that it would mean "investment" in American business, but what it created was a feeding frenzy ON American businesses, not investment IN American business. Romney took foreign capital and started feeding on established American businesses. He can say, "Well these business were in distress." If so it was caused by the sudden exposure to massive foreign capital and slave labor competition, against which American business that respected its workers, were not prepared and could not compete. The cooperation of foreign capital and American government action, disregarding the interest of domestic business IS international fascism. We have the New World Order-Progressivists to thank for this. AND that is what Mitt Romney IS, a New World Order Progressivist - parading as a conservative, per chance he might be elected president. - God help what is left of American Business were that to happen.

The Right To Choose and Secular Slavery

Having driven God from the public square and no longer able to appeal to higher principles, we are left with what? Mere sociological law from a base of Secular Humanism, a humanism that fears the individual human and his exercise of God Given Freedom. In the dark mind of the Secular Humanist all the ills of the earth are human caused, caused by the capricious actions of individuals. For the Secular Humanist the only answer is a sociological answer, where man becomes a mere "unit" for the production of the grand paradise, the utopian dream where the elite save the earth from the ravages of man.  Suddenly the law becomes merely the capricious and arbitrary decisions of the elite. - If you think I exaggerate please read further.

Congress, via the Constitution is vested with "all law" but has abdicated to the "experts" in various fields. They have wrongly assumed these experts were true experts indeed, i.e. objective scientists. They have granted to these experts the power to make regulation that hold full force of law. In most agencies of government they have allowed these agencies to encompass not only the power to create law - (congress) but also the power to administer law (executive) - and also the power to pass judgment upon the laws they have created and try cases (the judiciary).  This is a TOTAL destruction of the separation of, and balance of powers. I.E. the total destruction of constitutional liberties.  This is not new, it is a position and power first accorded the IRS and increasingly accorded other agencies.

In all of the fields where Congress has abdicated to "experts" the experts are not experts in most cases, but merely ideological adherents of Secular Humanism. They form and administer laws according to their sociological law model. Which is: A group of people decide what is sociologically good for society at the given moment, generally following a grand plan. That "good" is decided arbitrarily, from their viewpoint, moment by moment as they "make the law" via their personal arbitrary decisions.  Now they can spin these laws and this power with legalese and techno-jargon, but at its core it holds no more weight than the definition I have given it and can prove by example of unscientific action after unscientific action. Rather than "expertise" the rightful word to describe their actions is "arbitrary" i.e. sociological not scientific.

Those people who are just NOW screaming about the destruction of the constitution have been asleep for 30 years.  This Secular Humanist structure begins with denying "higher law." Higher Law says that man's place in society is as a creature, created in the Image and Likeness of God, endowed by that creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these rights are LIFE, LIBERTY and  PROPERTY, etc.  The inhuman and insane twist of law and bureaucracy that has invaded our lives and our country, stifled our speech, crippled and killed our businesses, conditioned and brainwashed our children instead of educating them, comes NOT from our rightful exercise of our place in society via Higher Law, but via the sociological planning of those who deny Creation, and have removed God from the Public Square.

Some people have mistaken this slavery to the whim of sociological experts as "liberty." Abortion rights advocates have sold themselves into this arbitrary slavery for the exercise of one false freedom. Once the line of Human Dignity was breeched where a woman could capriciously decide the fate of another human's life in the womb it was no big step for the Federal Government through ObamaCare to add "The State's Right to Choose" - and create literal death panels to capriciously deciding who is "worthy of life extending treatment" and who is not. And how is this decision made? Not upon the worth of the individual life, according to Higher Law, but according to the sociological model created by the Secular Humanists. Further and virtually on the heels of ObamaCare the State subsumed the right to "Choose To Execute" any deemed a threat to the collective, without trial, without recourse to the previous rights as citizen. (This is no exaggeration - clearly part of the last Defense Authorization Act).

Let us not deny the reality, our loss of God in the public square has created not secular liberty, but death to the vulnerable: the very young, the very old and the unborn. This month we have to add, Death to those deemed a threat. Next and please mark my word, comes Death to those deem merely a burden.

When the bureaucracies began to add thousands of serious regulations to the books every year, which began in earnest under Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, I perceived the situation and asked and answered the follow question for myself, and asked an answered the same question before any willing to listen. "How do you enslave a people?  By creating laws that cannot be kept."  This wasn't an original thought, but it was original to Alexis de Tocqueville when describing the "mild slavery in Europe that destroys free enterprise." People looked at me always like I was insane, like I was the radical. I spoke "en clair" but they, for the most part, read it as code. Surely I had some evil agenda to try to frighten them. Family and friends were very busy living their happy lives, gathering wealth and as the scripture said, "For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered into the ark. And they did not know anything until the deluge came and swept them all away."

Those not familiar with history are bound to repeat it and repeating Europe's experience with crippling bureaucracies we are.  When Tocqueville looked at America and witnessed the combination of exercise of civic duty, and private enterprise that was taken by the individual with such energy and personal responsibility, he nailed the core reason the complex American system worked. He said, "The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other." Not so any longer and we are paying the price with 60 million dead already and more insanity coming every day.

I submit that Liberty can't exist without the Religion, and not just any religion, certainly not the religions of Secular Humanism or Islam, or any other death cult or culture of death. Rather ONLY, OUR Judeo-Christian heritage that puts a premium on the concept of LIFE and the Dignity of the Individual. Until we en masse return to our FAITH ROOTS, we have NO prayer of re-securing our Liberty. Please hear me. Make no mistake, just because you may live in your home at this moment unmolested, that does not mean you have retained the RIGHT to live unmolested. In fact the opposite is so. Without warrant, without trial, without resort to habeas corpus, you can be deemed (unknown to you) a threat, and with no opportunity to defend, and no presumption of innocence (as the Higher Law codified on our Constitution allowed) you may be whisked away to a military prison or executed, LEGALLY by a state that has subsumed the 'Right To Choose', the "Right to Choose Death by neglect or execution" the "Right to Choose Incarceration" (read re-education.)  These things are already happening and we have NO grounds to demand redress without first grasping our Faith Heritage.

Note*  Even though multiple sources have announced that the Defense Authorization act has the provisions I describe above, Congressman Allen West who was on the committee that drew up the act denies that this specific authorization is in it.

Here is a typical story about President Obama signing the act into law and seems to confirm my take on the issue: Written by By D. Benjamin Satkowiak | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Tue, Jan 3, 2012

ANALYSIS | On Saturday, as many Americans were busy preparing themselves for the ringing in of 2012, President Barack Obama was busy signing into law the controversial National Defense Authorization Act. The bill, which was debated with heated fervor, is considered by some, including members of Congress, to be legislation that crosses the boundaries of the United States' Constitution.
President Obama, himself, had originally threatened to veto the bill, if language that would have precluded Americans from being subjected to indefinite detention was not removed. The bill's co-sponsor, Michigan Senator Carl Levin also stated that it was, in fact, the Obama administration which demanded that language specifying U.S. citizens and lawful resident aliens would be exempt from the indefinite detention provision be removed.
The provision, though touted as a necessary inclusion to benefit the war on terror, has come under immense scrutiny as its language sets the stage for American citizens to be detained, arrested and potentially dealt with by use of extreme prejudice, for the mere assertion the one may be involved in potential terrorist activity. The potential, some fear, will do away with the requirements of probable cause, Miranda rights and the right to a fair trial.
In his signing statement, President Obama stated that despite having "serious reservations," the bill was deemed too important not to sign into law. Furthermore, administration officials stated publicly that the final version of the bill was not consistent with the position of the White House.
According to Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, the bill seals Obama's legacy as the president who legalized indefinite detention without trial or cause. The ACLU also voices a similar opinion, stating that the bill damages America's reputation for upholding the rule of law."
What is left to be unfurled, by the American public, are the potential future complications caused by such an open-ended piece of legislation. While many view the world's current standing as removed from immediate threat to Constitutional rights, the provision allows for a multitude of interpretive change, as future administrations enter and leave political power.
It is for these fears, alone, that many feel the disenfranchisement of voters will escalate in response.

Monday, January 9, 2012

If You Can Watch This and Not Weep For Our Country - Wake Up! Your Soul Is Asleep

If it makes you angry that I would dare show this carnage, then you are living in delusion.

If you feel nothing but satisfaction that abortions are cheap, legal and readily available, your soul is dead and you've lost your primary hold, appreciation and thankfulness for life.

At conception each embryo is a unique creation, with a D.N.A. code that has never existed before in time. If the intelligence of the Creator is not stamped all over that fact, what could speak of Him?

One of the beautiful accomplishments of our Judeo-Christian heritage is an enormous respect for life.  When abortion and baby killing were common in pagan cultures and even human sacrifice was practiced, our Tradition cherished life in the womb. 

The forming of a child in the womb was seen as the mystery and miracle it is, from very early times. The forming of a child in the womb was equated with God's creation of all we know, of being itself.

Ecc_11:5  As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all. 

Our Tradition acknowledged that people are born with destinies, that the meaning of their life is sealed in the womb. This millennia before DNA science proved that each embryo is completely unique, never share with another soul in all of time.

Isa_49:5  And now, saith the LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and my God shall be my strength. 

Jer_1:5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. 

If you watch this. Please find your heart and weep, find your faith and ask God's forgiveness for the silent carnage that has accompanied the destruction of our Country.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why Mitt Romney Has To Be The Nominee

Who Can Win a Presidential General Election? - It's the same ole song.

I'm hearing the old cattle call - "we've got to remember who can win a general election. A conservative can't get the independent vote."

Message: Newt Gingrich is too conservative. Don't you realize that Mitt Romney is moderate and the ONLY candidate that can win independent voters and thus win a general election. What! ARE you for Newt Gingrich? Don't you realize Obama will beat him?

Please consider the history: 

We have bought the progressivist propaganda since 1964 that a true conservative cannot win a general election. But history tells another story.  Obama can't wait to run against Romney. Why do we know that? We know this by the fact that the lame-stream media has anointed Romney the "Front Runner" status for months when it simply has not been so. For the months that Herman Cain and then Newt Gingrich have led in the national polls, the "media" (including Fox) have consistently called Romney "the front runner" when in fact the polls have shown a different story.

Who can beat Obama?
Look at the elections we have lost since Goldwater.  Ford, Bush 41, Dole and McCain so called "moderates" all. The only reason Bush 41 was elected the first time was his "no new taxes" pledge and on the residual popularity of Ronald Reagan. Bush 41 quickly abandoned his no new taxes pledge so the second term no one was buying it.  

(1)  Nixon who although he was not a true conservative he ran as one and had everyone believing he was one and no one suspected him of having any Marxist leanings. 
(2) Reagan who WAS the closest thing we have had to a conservative, and 
(3) Bush 43, who wasn't a conservative but had everyone believing he was one.  

NO KNOWN Republican Moderate has been elected in my life time except Eisenhower. And he was a special kind of moderate. People trusted that he wasn't sympathetic to Marxism.

No one knows what is Romney's "centre point" that hard ground he will not leave. Why do we not know? Because he has tried to be all things to all people.

 Here is Newt Gingrich's center point.  Listen to Bill Clinton trying to claim Newt Gingrich's success. Note that Clinton starts saying, "After two vetoes . . . . " Ask yourself, "Who was it sending him the legislation that he vetoed twice and  finally signed into law?"  

 Please tell me where my assessment of the late 60 years of Republican Presidential politics is wrong.

Newt may not have the natural likability of Herman Cain, but he has the backbone of Ronald Reagan, the right amount of folksy wit and cunning intelligence and is a true Conservative. NOT a doctrinaire Libertarian or a Radical Right Winger, but a TRUE Conservative. Of the three True Conservatives left in the primary he is the only one who CAN beat Obama in the General Election. Since a Known Moderate CANNOT be elected (Ford, Bush41, Dole, McCain) then in fact he is the ONLY Republican candidate who can and will beat Obama.

Think about it and support Newt.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Piano Butch Plays Some of His Favorite Songs.


The Days of Wine And Roses

Without You


A Song For You

Light My Fire
(Warning Artistic Nudity)

I played flute on this recording when I was a kid.

The Sunshine of My Life

Dock of The Bay

Black Dress

Piano Red
For the history books - Piano Red actually opened for the Beatles using the name "Dr Feelgood." He never had a piano lesson and played from his gut.  Having stood looking over the shoulder of the like of Vladimir Ashkenazy watching them play - I knew that Piano Red had more raw talent than most of the concert artists for whom I've prepared pianos. Ashkenazy, in my opinion played slavishly according to the dots on lines on the page.  Maybe a great thing for a symphony musician in an orchestra, but not so great for a solo artist. And by 1990, I had worked for more than 30 of the top 50 concert artists in the world.

Henry Butler - in the vein of Piano Red.

Henry Butler - Something You Got (Wonder what that could be?)

Five Foot Cutie

The McNasty Strutt


Another Day At The Depot