Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Calling All Joyful Warriors - Fix Bayonets! Charge!

Never relent! Hold to the dream! America WILL BE a better place and Sanity WILL BE RESTORED to her governance. BE the warrior! Wipe the attitudes and language of defeatism and cynicism from your vocabulary! Win! Or if you cannot win, lose only when you are wounded, bloody and dying, having given all for the cause that is Just and Right: that being LIFE - not the culture of death, but the culture of LIFE, LIBERTY - not the illusion of security and ease that passes for freedom in the Socialist/Marxist/Sharia compliant state; and the Pursuit of Happiness. The real Pursuit of Happiness, seeking all that is good, family, livelihood, vocation, avocation, education, faith, hope, and charity, and don't fall for the fake Liberty of the Culture of Death which is merely Hedonism and Acquisition. We spent decades from the 60s to the present being lulled into complacency, thinking that pleasure and wealth were the meaning of the American Dream. 

We became unstuck from the Truth, unstuck from our moral and faith Traditions, and we are paying the price in loss of freedom and destruction of Truth. We are left with leaders who are mere deconstructionist, trying to manage the dismantling of our of Great Nation, warping our institutions, destroying our sacred traditions, laughing at our patriotism, hellbent to disarms us in every way, by every means. 

But we will NOT lie down and go peacefully into the night. We will Never Relent! And while we battle pledging to sacrifice all to secure only what is REAL, we will remember the words of Saint Paul and celebrate the miracle of each person, and each experience; "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." 

No JUST battle is won without its first strategy being Faith FILLED Prayer! Joyful Warriors, fix bayonets! Charge!  


  1. Mark and I are just Praying for America on This issue! American's need to turn their Hearts back to GOD! And Live His Way and not their Own! Amen! Peace Be Unto You All and God Bless! Jane. We are Also Praying that Rick Santorum WINS! http://www.RickSantorum.com/

  2. Well, can't say that I'm with you on the Santorum thing, but he is my second choice (available).
