Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why Mitt Romney Has To Be The Nominee

Who Can Win a Presidential General Election? - It's the same ole song.

I'm hearing the old cattle call - "we've got to remember who can win a general election. A conservative can't get the independent vote."

Message: Newt Gingrich is too conservative. Don't you realize that Mitt Romney is moderate and the ONLY candidate that can win independent voters and thus win a general election. What! ARE you for Newt Gingrich? Don't you realize Obama will beat him?

Please consider the history: 

We have bought the progressivist propaganda since 1964 that a true conservative cannot win a general election. But history tells another story.  Obama can't wait to run against Romney. Why do we know that? We know this by the fact that the lame-stream media has anointed Romney the "Front Runner" status for months when it simply has not been so. For the months that Herman Cain and then Newt Gingrich have led in the national polls, the "media" (including Fox) have consistently called Romney "the front runner" when in fact the polls have shown a different story.

Who can beat Obama?
Look at the elections we have lost since Goldwater.  Ford, Bush 41, Dole and McCain so called "moderates" all. The only reason Bush 41 was elected the first time was his "no new taxes" pledge and on the residual popularity of Ronald Reagan. Bush 41 quickly abandoned his no new taxes pledge so the second term no one was buying it.  

(1)  Nixon who although he was not a true conservative he ran as one and had everyone believing he was one and no one suspected him of having any Marxist leanings. 
(2) Reagan who WAS the closest thing we have had to a conservative, and 
(3) Bush 43, who wasn't a conservative but had everyone believing he was one.  

NO KNOWN Republican Moderate has been elected in my life time except Eisenhower. And he was a special kind of moderate. People trusted that he wasn't sympathetic to Marxism.

No one knows what is Romney's "centre point" that hard ground he will not leave. Why do we not know? Because he has tried to be all things to all people.

 Here is Newt Gingrich's center point.  Listen to Bill Clinton trying to claim Newt Gingrich's success. Note that Clinton starts saying, "After two vetoes . . . . " Ask yourself, "Who was it sending him the legislation that he vetoed twice and  finally signed into law?"  

 Please tell me where my assessment of the late 60 years of Republican Presidential politics is wrong.

Newt may not have the natural likability of Herman Cain, but he has the backbone of Ronald Reagan, the right amount of folksy wit and cunning intelligence and is a true Conservative. NOT a doctrinaire Libertarian or a Radical Right Winger, but a TRUE Conservative. Of the three True Conservatives left in the primary he is the only one who CAN beat Obama in the General Election. Since a Known Moderate CANNOT be elected (Ford, Bush41, Dole, McCain) then in fact he is the ONLY Republican candidate who can and will beat Obama.

Think about it and support Newt.

1 comment:

  1. Newt has to win over some of the Media.. I cannot blame him for his telling Juan Williams off.. but for goodness sakes try to get some of them on your side..
