Monday, December 12, 2011

The Marxist/Muslim Axis - Those Who Would and ARE Destroying Us.

We are at war.  It is not a "clash of civilizations" or a "struggle inside civil society"; it is a war.  If the Cold War was a war, and it was, then the struggle against the Utopia Seekers (read idolaters) who seek to foist upon us a "socialist/Sharia" state is no less a war. It comes already with much bloodshed, years of treasure, tens of thousands of dead and wounded, and this just states American's loses so far.  I've been writing and teaching about the Marxist/Muslim Axis for a decade now, and prior to that another decade where I thought the two threats were separate.
I am encouraged that Newt Gingrich has stated clearly three facts, facts that must be grasped by the majority of people IF we are going to have a fighting chance at survival as a Free People:

(1) Speaking of the Marxist threat he said:  “The Left has thoroughly infiltrated nearly every cultural commanding height of our civilization. That is, they hold power, influence and control of academia, the elite news media, Hollywood, union leaders, trial lawyers, the courts, the Congress, and the bureaucracy at all levels of government. They are radically redefining our very culture by deciding what is news, what is entertainment, what our children learn in school, and what kind of government we should have.” 

In more ignorant days, I'm hoping inadvertently, Newt Gingrich actually helped the wrong side in this struggle with The Left. Many of us failed to see the decades long march of  liberalism/progressivism/marxism (three names for the same philosophy).  So I am willing to forgive ignorance. I am taking comfort that his eyes seem far more open today. 

(2) Newt's statement on Muslims: "There is fundamentally no difference between moderate Islam and radical Islam," Gingrich said. "They are both the same."  "They want exactly the same thing, and want to accomplish the same goals: the destruction of the Democratic way of life, and the imposition of Islam and Sharia Law. They just have two different ways of accomplishing their goal."

(3) Next he is the only politician to my knowledge willing to state the fact that the so-called "Palestinian people" are an invented people. They are in fact a propaganda tool invented by the Muslims to beat over the heads of the Israelis and to engender sympathies in the West for supposed disenfranchisement when there was NONE. 

Newt Gingrich on Israel:

Newt Gingrich explaining that the Palestinian People are an "invented people." 

Recent actions of the Obama Administrations Big Brother Policy Monitoring Christian Communications.

Obama Administration Orders The Destruction Of Over ELEVEN MILLION CHRISTIAN WEBSITES and the American Press is TOTALLY Silent.  It took the Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Blow The Whistle and Sound The Alarm. This is an action of cooperation between Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood.

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