Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sloughing to Gomorrah

October 22, 2011

Sloughing to Gomorrah

Today's walk I passed the thirteen hundred mile mark.  Thirteen hundred miles in ten and a half months. Truthfully I've been walking not out of fear but the certain knowledge that the next few years, if God grants the mercy to live them, will be the most challenging years of my life.  I've never thought in apocalyptic terms really, but the confluence of events worldwide, the destruction of freedom and the handiwork of utopian idolaters in the U.S. and Europe make the coming collapse of Western Civilization a real possibility.  Only a few realize that we are repeating history, that it is 1936 again and we are facing an enemy with ideology more malignant than Nazism. I can see the collapse as entering into a new feudal age, a dark ages, a natural progression of present trends, where the technological tools of the over-lords will put the likes of Vladimir the Impaler to shame. 

What are these trends?

Today we are engaged in a war with Islamic ideology, which has co-opted the communists, socialists, progressives and the "social justice folks" in the developed world.  So, in fact we are at war from within as well as multiple foreign threats without.  No time in history compares with the rampant hatred spread abroad in the world where all good things are under assault; and more than assault are suffering destruction.

Evil abounds in the form of religious good intentions and "socially good intentions" so that those who attack the good, who kill and destroy the good, good principles and good people think they are acting on the side of God. C.S. Lewis nailed it saying: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. "

Islam: Jahidist on every continent on the march.

Leftist: Cooperating with Jihadist, Jahidist cooperating with leftist, both thinking that after the collapse they will each conquer the other.

Christianity: a large portion of it co-opted by the "liberation theology movement" which is Christianized Marxism - Black Liberation theology that is really a mixture of Marxism, Sayings of Jesus taken out of context, and Islam. Some are calling it Chrislam. This is Jeremiah Wright's religion; easy to see why his close friend is Louis Farakhan. Others have adopted a politically correct Christianity which is actually a vapid Unitarianism, devoid of Christ.

Judaism: Beyond the divisions of religious sects within Judaism, which are serious division, in general the Jews in the west are the same ilk as the Christian Unitarians. They are leftist, Marxists, liberation theology folk. The exception to this are the "zionists" who seek to protect Israel.

Radical Libertarianism and anarchy: These are two sides of the same coin. One is the destruction of society by radical "liberty" the other is the destruction of society by any means.
All of these people are actively or by blind inaction, participating in the coming collapse. For most of them, the right to life, according to the new paradigm is sacrificed to the so-called "greater good" wherein every sort of death and destruction is seen as a means to the greater good.  In this there is no difference between the Jihadist willing and seeking to kill the innocent and the progressives seeking the same through population control and social engineering. And now some progressives are actually and publicly calling for mass killings, for political exterminations. As Roseanna Bar said recently on Russian T.V., "First send them to reeducation camps and if that doesn't cure them of their capitalist bull shit, behead them." 

In the new Defense Authorization bill, sodomy and bestiality were named and specifically legalized. How absolutely weird and pagan is that?  Yet one more purposeful insult to anyone clinging to their Judeo/Christian roots. 

In every country in every city this war is being waged by one method or another and in most by multiple-simultaneous methods and levels of attack.  No human intelligence is capable of this concert, this symphony of coordinated evil which is setting the world ablaze.  And as much as I would like to paint it in Zarathustrian images of light and dark, I know that history does not slough to Gomorrah by the means of evil alone.

I've been aware of the march towards collapse for decades but I have never before thought the collapse to be imminent. We are at a point in history where for the first time the possibility of the disappearance of all wealth in an instant, as prophecy suggests, "in a single day" is possible. The linking of all national economies, which has been the goal and ever-increasing fact since WWII means that the international economy, the economies of all nations, can fail suddenly and at the same time. Surely you haven't missed the constant talk about how all world economies are linked. When the collapse occurs, it won't be starvation in the streets. No instead a force will take over, create sudden and complete order and for a period of time it will appear a utopian peace, an age unimagined, if only you accept the new "faith" with its demands of new but attractive indentured service, i.e. slavery. All you have to do is sign the contract and accept the mark of that agreement. Those accepting the mark will think they have gained security. Those refusing the mark will suffer much before death.

There will be a great falling away of Christians who recognize the beginning stages of the great tribulation and will conclude that God is not real since he did not rapture them in advance. Sadly millions and generations of American Christians have been taught this fantasy, that they will be caught away before the suffering begins.  What damage to faith will they suffer when they are thrust into the struggle. Those Christian who grasped the ancient teachings will know their peaceful days are numbered and that soon they will deny Christ and take the mark, or stand and suffer.

So the question isn't one of fear but of faith when one of faith asks, "What am I to do?  How am I to prepare?" So my weak and silly answer is to maximize the physical strength the Good Lord allows me and to renew the work of spiritual exercise so that I may be both spiritually and physically able to fulfil my role, whatever that challenge will be.  So, in the last ten and one half months I've walked thirteen hundred miles.  Would that I could shake my spiritual lethargy with equal time and effort.    

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