In answer to a piece of Campaign Slander written by a Paulbot entitled "Newt Gingrich's Record."
Newt Fans please keep this link and feel free always to cut and paste when needed.
04/02/1987 - He cosponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine - The law failed, was never meant to pass it was a scare tactic.
That was an era when there were ONLY left leaning voices on the News and radio. Conservatives were almost completely shutout. There were NO conservative news outlets. The "threat" of the fairness doctrine is what caused the opportunity for the likes of Rush Limbaugh. If it weren't for Limbaugh and gang Fox New would have never been. The conservative radio jocks proved there was a market for conservative coverage and Murdock saw the opportunity and invested. You can thank Newt Gingrich for scaring the media into allowing some conservative voice.
10/22/1991 - He voted for an amendment that would create a National Police Corps.
Newt was ahead of his time knowing that terrorists were threatening and would carry through. FBI wasn't up to it and he knew it.
03/—/1993 - He Voted for sending $1.6 Billion in foreign aid to Russia.
This was a time when we had crushed the Soviet Union. The ruble was worth NOTHING and people were literally starving in the cold winters. In 93 the conditions in Russia and Ukraine were pure hell and if there had not been a humanitarian effort it would have created a very difference situation. What did we get for that? We were given complete access to the KGB files, and our teams were put into place to secure all of the nuclear weapons. The Russian, Ukrainians, Georgians and others did not have enough money to maintain and control THOUSANDS of nukes. This was the smartest 1.6 billion ever spent.
11/19/1993 - He voted for the NAFTA Implementation Act.
If NAFTA had not been implemented instead of 12 million illegals here we would have 50 million. NAFTA removed some jobs from the U.S. but they were jobs from antiquated factories that needed to be rebuild or retooled. The EPA killed those jobs making it nearly impossible to build new factories here and remain competitive.
11/27/1994 - He supported the GATT Treaty giving sovereignty to the U.N.
GATT does not give sovereignty to the U.N. - It does set up a trading-policy-apparatus, one that we can remove ourselves from at will. IF we could NOT abrogate the treaty THEN it would be a surrender of sovereignty.
08/27/1995 - He suggests that drug smuggling should carry a death sentence.
It was a throw away line an absurdity talking about the failure of the War On Drugs. Newt pressed and pressed to get serious about the border and stop the flow of drugs.
04/25/1996 - Voted for the single largest increase on Federal education spending ($3.5 Billion)
Considering the decimation of places like Detroit, Philadelphia, Oakland etc., etc. City school systems were collapsing. He was trying to save a generation – and maybe it didn't work very well seeing the lack of critical thinking prevalent today.
04/10/1995 - He supported Federal tax dollars being spent on abortions.
Wrong – an out an out LIE.
06/01/1996 - He helped a Democrat switch parties in an attempt to defeat constitutionalist Ron Paul in the 1996 election.
Of course! DUH!
09/25/1996 - Introduced H.R. 4170, demanded life-sentence or execution for someone bringing 2 ounces of marijuana across the border.
Again he was telling the “drug war apparatchik,” get serious or change the model. They were going after the local dealers instead of “stopping the smuggling.” It was a message to stop the smuggling.
01/22/1997 - Congress gave him a record-setting $300,000 fine for ethical wrongdoing.
The ethics investigation was in 1990 not 97. It was a political vendetta. Gingrich unseated the most corrupt Speaker of the House in the history of congress and sent another congressman to prison. Friends of those two came after him hoping to destroy his career and charged him with things they ALL were doing at the time. Here is an Atlanta Journal quote from the era: “We don’t question that Democrats relished the chance to nail Gingrich for ethics violations, especially after he gave the same treatment to former Democratic House speaker Jim Wright in 1988. But justice can still run its course fairly and impartially when enemies have blown the whistle, even if they enjoy watching you squirm.
11/29/2006 - He said that free speech should be curtailed in order to fight terrorism. Wants to stop terrorists from using the internet. Called for a "serious debate about the 1st Amendment."
I agree with him. Free Speech isn't without limits. When speech is meant for the purpose of destroying our constitution and installing Sharia Law Slavery – that is neither covered under freedom of speech or freedom of religion. That is sedition and can amount to treason. In this area the law has been interpreted too liberally of late vis a vis Jihadist speech. The reality of the Muslim threat has to be taken into account, JUST LIKE the former sedition acts that covered Nazism and Communism.
11/29/2006 - He called for a "Geneva Convention for terrorists" so it would be clear who the Constitution need not apply to.
The “geneva convention” has nothing to do with the constitution. The reason it is called a “convention” and not a treaty is because it is not a treaty. We are not “legally” bound to uphold it but “choose to.” Non-national enemy combatants are not covered under the existing geneva convention. Creating a protocol for handling non-national enemy combatants has actually happened in legislation since then.
02/15/2007 - He supported Bush's proposal for mandatory carbon caps.
Again – when a slew of scientists are telling you there is Global Warming – a lot of people were fooled. There are people even today who cannot fathom that there really is not global warming. There IS climate change, but there has always been cycles of climate and out right climate change.
09/28/2008 - Says if he were in office, he would have reluctantly voted for the $700B TARP bailout.
In case you haven't noticed TARP worked and most of the money has been paid back. TARP isn't the problem it was the subsequent trillion dollar “stimulus package” of Obama and quantitative easing by the Fed that is the present problem. All that is money in the wind.
10/01/2008 - Says in an article that TARP was a "workout, not a bailout."
Which is true and most of the Banks “worked it out.”
12/08/2008 - He was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac to halt Congress from bringing necessary reform.
Lie. He testified repeatedly before congress all the way back to 2002 that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac needed massive restructuring and reform and repeatedly warned that what actually happened was coming.
03/31/2009 - Says we should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans.
This is for people who get any kind of government assistance and I absolutely agree. People on drugs should not live on government money unless they are willing to undergo treatment and training.
07/30/2010 - Says that Iraq was just step one in defeating the "Axis of Evil".
That is also correct.
08/03/2010 - Advocates attacks on Iran & North Korea.
Wrong. He advocates that military force “as a last resort” not be eliminated as an option to keep either country from overrunning neighbors.
08/16/2010 - Opposes property rights of the mosque owner in NYC.
So do I. That Mosque is a victory lap and anyone with a inkling of Islamic History knows what it is.
11/15/2010 - He defended Romneycare
The state of Mass had the right to do it. IF you really believe in the constitution you should know that, it is the Tenth Amendment.
12/05/2010 - He said that a website owner should be considered an enemy combatant, hunted down and executed, for publishing leaked government memos.
I agree. War is war and an act of aggression in cyber-space is as real as any other act of war and can have huge death implication. The leaked documents to wikileaks cost many ACTUAL lives and decimated our most crucial human assets in key places around the world. It set us back years. Someone needs to prosecuted for it.
01/30/2011 - He lobbied for ethanol subsidies.
He explains that he would rather pay a midwest farmer than a Saudi Sheik. Reasonable thought to me. His thought is “whatever it takes to create energy independence.”
01/30/2011 - He suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans.
You may be surprised to learn that REAL conservatives (read non-paulbots) are for clean air. We have been through a series of manufacturing mandates over the years that have actually reduced the over all emissions into the atmosphere even thought the number of cars has increased exponentially. If the technology is really there for the flex-fuel, it is a good security move. I'm for a mandate that at least half of the new cars run on natural gas exclusively.
02/13/2011 - He criticized Obama for sending less U.S. Tax dollars to Egypt.
This has to have been written by a Muslim: Of course helping the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt was idiotic. Of course it was and what a waste of our money.
02/15/2011 - His book said that he believes man-made climate-change and advocated creating "a new endowment for conservation and the environment."
When that book was written, the great fraud that is man-made climate change had not been exposed. The East Anglia scandal changed everything.
03/09/2011 - He blames his infidelity to multiple wives on his passion for the country.
I don't believe this - but he was a child of the 60s, trust me multiple women was part of the gig.
03/15/2011 - Says that NAFTA worked because it created jobs in Mexico.
It did and is the only thing right now that is keeping Mexico from falling completely into the hands of the Hamas Drug Cartels. It is also the reason we don't have 50 million illegals here.
03/19/2011 - He has no regrets about supporting Medicare drug coverage. (Now $7.2T unfunded liability)
He explains that drugs to prevent are better/cheaper than the alternative. He gives diabetics and dialysis as an example.
03/23/2011 - He completely flip-flopped on Libyan intervention in 16 days.
He wasn't in a position to know that Obama had allied with the Muslim Brotherhood. He has renounced that alliance saying. “There is not difference between a radical Muslim and a Moderate Muslim . . they both want the same thing and are working for the same goals” merely using different methods.
03/25/2011 - He plans to sign as many as 200 executive orders on his first day as president.
99% of those are to revoke the executive orders signed by Obama that are strangling our economy and aligning us with the Muslim Brotherhood. Have you examined any of these as to merit? Of course you haven't.
04/25/2011 - He's a paid lobbyist for Federal ethanol subsidies.
Lie – pure and simple LIE. He has lobbied for NO one, has NEVER been a lobbyist.
05/12/2011 - He was more supportive of individual health-care mandates than Mitt Romney.
Wrong time frame – He offered “private” alternative to HillaryCare- socialized medicen in 1994 – Lots of conservatives were willing to accept a requirement to have insurance over the TOTAL takeover of the Health system like is happening NOW. What he suggested was if you didn't have health insurance you post a 'bond.” Gingrich and Herman Cain together stopped HillaryCare for 16 years! He should be given credit instead of carped at about it.
06/09/2011 - His own campaign staff resigned en masse.
They were old school. If you watch his speech “liberty or death” you will understand why he let them go.
07/15/2011 - His poorly managed campaign is over $1 Million in debt.
It is NOT in debt now and when it was it was in debt to HIM. A candidate can loan his campaign money.
08/01/2011 - He hired a company to create fake Twitter to appear as if he had a following.
PR bull shit – they all do it. How is it that Ron Paul was less than 6% in the polls and had the largest twitter and FB following? Ever wondered?
10/07/2011 - He said he'd ignore the Supreme Court if need be.
You guys talk about the constitution, so what happens when the Supreme Court acts contrary to the Constitution? Duh! The president and Congress can override them and it has happened many times in our history.
- Gingrich voted for an increase in the debt ceiling in 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1984
Guilty all Cold War Years.
- Gingrich voted to permit the Federal Reserve to purchase Treasury Debt
You'll have to show me that. I've never seen a bill on quantitative easing.
- Bailed out savings and loan institutions in 1991. $40B Bank bailout
The Savings and Loan debacle was cause by the forementioned corrupt Speaker of the House who Newt booted and imprisoned some of his henchmen. Rostenkowsky & Keeting - I would have to look up the list that went to prison. Newt was left to help clean up the mess. The money that went into saving the savings and loans was recovered just like the TARP money was recovered.
- Gingrich voted to strengthen the federal home loan agencies
And what is bad about that?
- Gingrich voted for increased powers to the FDIC to bail out struggling savings and loans through reorganization, purchase of bad assets, or recapitalization.
Right the cheapest way to do it. Duh!!!!
- Gingrich voted in favor of the Chrysler Bailout in 1979
And Chrysler survived and payed the money back 0 cost to tax payers.
Gingrich voted for an oil windfall profits tax in 1979, which was signed by Jimmy Carter.
This was a tax mostly against OPEC – slap on the wrist to the Saudi's and other Arabs for artificially causing massive oil shortages.
Urged the House to repeal the War Powers Act and give the Presidency more power.
Too vague to answer. There have been three different “War Powers Acts” in my life and the last change occurred under Bush 2.
- Urged Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia.
An actual – not pretend genocide happened in Bosnia – the war began to spread to Croatia and had the potential to cause a military show down between Russia and Europe. The U.S. Threat of intervention caused the U.N. to act and General Wesley Clark commanded the U.N.-Nato Troops.
- Gingrich voted against a provision requiring congressional approval prior to deployment of U.S. troops into Central America in 1983.
This was when the closet Marxists in government were giving Central America to the Marxist there. Reagan stopped them.
- Gingrich voted to increase CIA secrecy and against any requirement that the President report covert activity to congress before it is initiated.
What you leave out is “for a limited period of time.” This was worked out where certain key chairmen are notified – but not the whole congress who can't keep ANYTHING secret.
- Gingrich voted for Jimmy Carter’s “Energy Mobilization Board.”
Yes, fool. When gas lines were three blocks long, gas was rationed and you could get gas on an even day if your tag ended with an even number and on an odd day if your tag ended with an odd number and if you got gas on the wrong day and were caught in the act it would cost you a $2000 fine. We were dealing with HUGE shortage of fuel. - referenced above.
- Gingrich voted for an increase in taxes on coal producers in 1981.
AND The money went to create “clean coal research” that has paid off in spades.
- Gingrich voted for a 5-cent increase in the gas tax to fund highway and other mass-transit projects.
Why shouldn't the people doing the driving pay for the roads – tell me where that is wrong?
- Gingrich was one of the few who voted against the 1984 bill requiring the President and Congress to submit a balanced budget.
Cold war time, fool. We were in a nuclear stand off and things were tense. We could not have brought the Old Soviet Union to her knees and destroyed that huge State Communism that controlled many other countries without some deficit spending. It was a ploy by the closet Marxist in congress to protect their Marxist comrades in Russia by weakening the U.S.
- Gingrich voted for a congressional pay raise
So – inflation was 22%
- Gingrich voted against a bipartisan 1% cut to the Department of Defense budget for 1983
Same reason – the Cold War – stupid.
- He was a draft-dodger during the Vietnam War, yet pushed aggressive foreign interventionism his entire political career, and did say that Vietnam was the "right battlefield at the right time."
Well, right and wrong. It was the right battlefield at the right time. Wrong - Newt is 71 – So he would have registered for the draft in 1958. There were only a handful of adviser in Vietnam 58. (less that 500) The buildup didn't happened until after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in August of 1964. Gingrich was married with dependents by then and they were drafting only single men. By the time they started drafting some few married with dependents who had special skills, Newt was too old for the draft. THAT IS NOT DODGING THE DRAFT.