Wednesday, November 23, 2011



Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" accurately analysed President Obama's driving psychology.  ( )

A summation of that was succinctly stated by a friend this way.
            "This is all so easy to see and no one can figure it out???? People ARE NOT paying attention... He (Obama) explains in his book why he's doing this:

            "He is taking from the COLONIZERS (USA) and giving the riches BACK to the countries his DAD said the COLONIZERS stole from them. Brazil, 3B in oil production, Colombia 3B in Oil production, now this. The pattern he's been doing is in PLAIN sight. NO NEWS MEDIA including FOX will go there. NONE go after the motives he details in his books. This returning the riches is in the book Dreams of My Father. (Obama)

            "This is governing foundation... He's purposely killed jobs and given them to 3rd world countries. Glenn Beck did segments on this yet no one DARE touch this. Roots of Obama's Rage, the book clearly defines what I just mentioned. THIS IS WHY he's purposely destroying the country.

            "Wake the hell up people and quit asking why. HE's told us why, people are not paying close enough attention." - Vic Schreck

Vic states this correctly and more people are coming to know this is true, but it is only part of the story.  Let us examine the tools Obama is using:

There are two very powerful drivers coupled into Obama's rage: Islam and Marxism. Obama was raised on a diet of both. D Sousa accurately depicts Obama's base psychology, exposing his deep motives, but he didn't really cover his "methods and tools" now.

The truth is and sad to say it, The Cold War never ended.  The Oligarchs of the New World Order merely morphed their doctrinaire Marxists into dogmatic Marxist/Muslim Jihadis.

From the time that Colonialism began to crumble, long before the phrase "Cold War" was coined, the Marxists, who were financed and controlled by Wall Street, were capitalizing on the anger of disenfranchised nominal, secular and non-religious "Muslims" all around the world, and some ignorant and secular "christians" as well,  using racism to teach them that through Colonialism-Western Imperialism, Christian Missionaries had robbed them of their wealth, their true cultural and religious heritage, etc. Most had no history of Islam, in any real way. Islam was at a very low point in its history. Tell a lie often enough people believe it, so although it was bogus history, it was a convenient and effective mythology used to create dedicated "insurgents" that is, Radical Disciplined Muslims versed in Marxist Methods of propaganda and terror. These people instead of becoming radical Marxists, were given the illusion that they were recovering their own traditions, their own heritage. And the Islamic devotions helped them be disciplined fighters as well. It worked quite effectively as is evidenced in the Black Power movement in the U.S., the civil wars in Africa during the Cold War period and the subsequent massive Jihadi terror movements in Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, China, Oceania  and Europe.

What I'm saying is that the Marxist/Muslim Axis has been in existence and actively working, inside of, but mostly outside of the real historical tree of Islamic reality, but controlled by the Oligarchs of the New World Order, instead of the real Imans and Scholars of Islam since at least the 1920s and the Anglo-American Founding of the Muslim Brotherhood. So then the anti-Colonialist, Obama, is also anti-Christian and anti-Free Enterprise, Marxist and Muslim.  The tools his uses while serving his base psychology, his ingrained craving for "Social Justice" (read revenge) are Muslim and Marxist, of the New World Order variety.

(1) He has used Marxist principles in the U.S. to tear our system apart, weaken our defenses, cause social unrest, destroy the middle class base that has made our country unique in the world, especially targeting small business people who "see him." In this he has greatly increased poverty on the individual level and poverty on the national level with massive debt.

(2) Next, he as cooperated with the Muslim Brotherhood to take out the strong men in the Middle East who were friends with capitalists. This is the reason he let Iranian youth be slaughtered while holding placards that read "Obama Help Us." His "Liberty Speech" in Cairo is seen to be the worst sort of cynicism, using the human craving for "liberty" to create the Muslim Caliphate. The Mullahs of Iran ARE part of the greater Calipha. No way Obama will touch them. And if Israel does, he will punish them.

By comparison, he stumbled all over himself to stand with the rebels in Tunisia, and to quickly take out Mubarik and Gaddafi. Presently, the head of Yemen is begging the Obama Administration not to kill him, to please let him leave and they won't let him leave! If I were the Saudi Royal family right now I would be very afraid.  In this effort, using American influence, covert opts and military might, Obama has already returned to the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood the land of the original Caliphate conquered by Saladin.

Although Obama doesn't give one whit for Israel and wouldn't lift a finger to help them, he is temporarily appeasing them for the support of the Jewish Lobby because of his re-election bid. He obviously finds the idea of Israel an affront to his Muslim heart, but is very patient where they are concerned. Why worry about them when he is uniting the Caliphate. The Caliphate with take care of Israel.

(3) There is another Marxist/Muslim threat growing south of our border. It is common knowledge that the Marxist revolutionaries in Central and South America morphed into "Drug Cartels" following the fall of the Soviet Union.  The truth is they had been Drug Cartels all along. Some of the pro-capitalist "criminal" non-political Drug Cartels existed and grew in the same period, but it is these Cartels that are presently being taken out by the Marxist with a new infusion of money, manpower and tactics coming from Hezbollah and Hamas and the U.S.   So, there is a growing Marxist/Muslim Army south of our border.  It has already killed more people than the casualties of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.  The Obama Administration has been caught red handed with "Project Gunrunner" and "Project Fast and Furious" funnelling arms to the Marxist/Muslim Army there.

(4) The home front is two fold:
(a) Cooperating with Muslim Brotherhood front groups to promote Islam here in the U.S. and by "lawfare" to challenge everything of our Judeo/Christian heritage and traditions.

(b) Cooperating with our home grown Marxists for the same purpose. But EVERY move Obama makes is Marxist/Muslim at its core.

Now here is the most frightening aspect of all, at least to me, since I believe it is the least known and least accepted fact. The reason that Obama could and can go after Al Qiada with such violence - increased exponentially over Bush's efforts, is that Al Qiada committed a major tactical blunder that threatens to destroy decades of "stealth warfare" on the part of the Marxist/Muslim Axis. The frontal assault awakened a few million people in the U.S. who were totally unaware of our history of war with Mohammedans. In the effort to try to understand 9/11/2001 people realized that it wasn't new, that serious attacks had happened before.  The Marxist/Muslim Axis doesn't care if you understand the history of "terror." That is not what they are all about. And in this they hold very little in common with Al Qiada. 

You see, Al Qiada hates Marxists just as much as it hates the West. The Al Qiada and Al Shabab terror groups, (and some others) are too purist Muslim and refuse to cooperate, and maintain their "place" in the grand scheme, while the Marxist/Muslim Axis takes the West out with little violence from within.  Just as the Marxist began a generation ago to destroy American Moral Foundations through "behaviourist education" in the public schools (read brainwashing), they have begun a massive effort of Islamization under the guise of sensitivity training.  The same Marxists, who are screaming bloody murder at the thought of saying "Merry Christmas" in a public school or someone uttering a prayer invoking the name of Jesus Christ, are teaching Muslim prayers, handing out prayer rugs, and teaching the enlightened virtues of Sharia Law! 

The point being, the violent terrorist are in the way and threaten to expose the insurgents who are already inside our borders playing oh so nice and oh so concerned about "Islamophobia." They are in high positions in government and sitting next to the Secretary of Defense, The Secretary of State, and in the White House. Then there is that greatest insurgent of all ages and history, the Marxist/Muslim Trojan Horse, rolled into the White House on a propaganda campaign of Hope and Change.

NOTE: Of course this article will be labelled "Islamophobic."  Please understand that "Islamophobia" is a hate/propaganda term, used by the Marxist/Muslim Axis to demonise anyone who sees them clearly and dares say what is TRUE about them.

A Face Book Acquaintance who introduced himself to me as a moderate Muslim wrote the following concerning my observations.  I asked his permission to post here in its entirety and he kindly agreed.

Tristan Cain-Train Berry - writes:

I read the article. You're right about the axis, and I've seen you write about what you call the Marxist/Muslim axis before. In fact, I like the description so much that I've borrowed it myself when I've described the 'true' Axis of Evil as Globalist/Socialist/Islamist (Islamist being a term used by some to refer to the radicals within Islam); and we need to recognize that we are now in a new Cold War, an ideological war being waged across the entire globe. Only this new Cold War is also like a civil war in that it is being waged in the hearts and minds of every person in every nation.

This new Axis of Evil of seemingly disparate concerns has united around the two things all three share: one, they all seek to establish and maintain political power through tyranny and oppression; and two, all three groups have been unable to grow beyond their present strength because of the enormous power of the United States to keep them at bay.

Thus, for any of them to be able to establish their specific vision of global utopia: The Globalists like George Soros with his Open Society Institute establishing a borderless New World Order, the Socialists like Van Jones and his STORM project establishing communism across the globe, and the Islamists with their ultimate vision of a global Caliphate; for any of them to have any hope of defeating the other two visions to create their own vision they must first neutralize their common enemy: the United States.

To that end, they are willing to put aside their differences in vision for the present and combine their resources and work in concert to cripple America's ability to exert its influence as a global power, to reduce America to, as President Obama so aptly put it, "just another nation" on the world stage. Only once this is accomplished can they then compete against each other with any hope of achieving their goal.

To me, the question of Obama's motivation: is he a Muslim serving the Islamist cause, is he a globalist acting as a puppet for George Soros, or is he a Marxist implementing a 'Manchurian' agenda; I ask, does it matter? Whether he is serving one or another, or whether he sees himself as an agent of all three is interesting, but not relevant.

Obama should also be seen for what he is, a lynchpin within a much larger global cause that seeks to implement a hegemony of tyranny across the entire world. He is a critical pawn, but a pawn nonetheless. Defeating him would be a serious setback for the new Axis of Evil, but trust me, there are plans for dealing with that and every other foreseeable conclusion. If we defeat Obama (and we can), we will simply have to deal with their next offensive in this ideological war.

The one thing Marxism, Neo-Conservative Globalism and Islamism have in common is that they are geo-political Utopia-creating-ISMS.  And each is not so terribly distinct in this manner, as each thinks in terms of a ruling elite creating a utopia. As a theologian I realize that all utopian models are idols, whose first image we see clearly in the story of the Tower of Babel. All such efforts in the history of mankind have produced only slavery.  This Utopia seeking can be seen in a  National Model, explicated by the Libertarians, and the Luciferian Anarchists, who press the idea that “Constitutional Magic”  that is a pragmatic and shallow adherence to the written concepts of the Constitution or “Pure Anarchy” would create a utopian society.  Without the opening words of the Declaration of Independence the Constitution turns into something much less than the founders intended and cannot produce anything but what it in history has produced. Which is an omni-surveillance police state.  But when understood as an instrument to preserve each individual's God given right to Life and Liberty, then what is by its principles is determined by what ACTUALLY creates/preserves Life and Liberty. Without that grasp, it too becomes a killing instrument or even a suicide pact. (Can't help hearing the echoes of Saint Paul's words - the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.)

I think inside the macro-struggle, we have to pay close attention to the micro-battles, which are the practical things we can do. (1) To free as many minds as possible from the death grip of the mass media and awaken as many age 50 and younger, from the behavioral conditioning they received thinking it was education. (2) We have to make the Traditional Media passe'. (3) To do that we need to create networks for reporting the real condition of the battlefield on any given day. (4) Via whatever means possible share and expose the means, methods, tactics and strategy of the enemy devoid of all concerns for "political correctness" or any of the restrictions upon free speech. These things are happening more than ever before because of the internet, and because more people are waking up. However, how long the internet will be free is anyone's guess. So beyond the internet, we have to grow our personal networking through community groups, churches, local security and militia groups etc. (5) (a) Do all in our power to rob the federal government of the tools of "crony capitalism" (tax code and federal regulation mills) and the tools of mass manipulation via education and social engineering. (6) Use millions of creative and methods of resistance to this tyranny, which cannot be predicted and cannot be stopped.  Since the feds are always listening I won't be more specific here, but we need to make them FEAR us and presently they do not fear us enough. 


Again Tristan writing:
Butch, already the few instances where we disagree is rendered fairly insignificant when placed next to the instances where we agree. Even so, I have never been more fully in agreement with you than in this which you just wrote. This is the truth which must be promulgated and expounded upon at every opportunity, passionately and tirelessly. Nothing less than the fate of mankind itself hangs upon our ability to do that.

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