“The learning of many things does not teach understanding” - Heraclitus
In a pre-Christian Greek myth, Hermes Tresmagistus prayed and prayed seeking to learn what only God could teach. Hermes was disturbed by the devolution of society and its effect upon his children and grandchildren. He described how they were caught up in the unreality of physical existence. How they spent all their time unmindful of God, ever seeking pleasure and sinking into deeper layers of debauchery, their minds clouded by their actions. He disappeared into the wilderness and prayed for days wanting to understand how to impart to his own family the respect he held for God, and the thankfulness he held in his heart for the opportunity of life. He realized these qualities were all but absent in his children. This made them prey for others to conquer, enslave and use as they will. Hermes reported that after many days of prayer the Shepherd of Mankind appeared before him and said, "The Father has heard your insistent prayer and has sent me to answer your requests. What do you want to know?" Hermes said, "I want to know God and things as they are."
It Does Not Take Courage To Believe What You Are Told
"I want to know God and things as they are." That is the wisest statement I've ever read in my life. Why? Because most people pray, or investigate from a point of dishonesty. Most often, even in the rarefied worlds of scientific inquiry, religion, philosophy, most people seek to confirm themselves, to confirm what they have for any number of reasons chosen to accept as true. But to seek "things as they are" is bold. That search has to be (as much as is humanly possible) devoid of every hypnotic influence of the culture; devoid of false religions, of false philosophies, of untruthful or harmful family and personal mythologies; devoid of utopian political agendas which includes social manipulation instead of reasonable and reasoned persuasion, etc. When one commits to come to know things as they are one is in for a rude awakening, but a real awakening none the less.
The Ones Who Will Kill You
Again, it takes courage, because, despite protests to the contrary most people are deathly frightened to critically examine everything, especially ones own cherished mythologies. They choose rather to live and communicate in protected philosophical zones where their own mythologies are constantly affirmed. When their comfort zone is questioned, the least equipped, (those in spiritual poverty) become dangerous - they will kill you. The spiritual richness (truth) contained in Judaism/Christianity for instance can be measured against the spiritual richness (truth) contained in Islam by the reaction of each group when their theology/mythology/history is questioned or dismissed as lie or fable. Those in spiritual poverty will kill you.
The Science Is Clear
Some better equipped will only hate you, and like silver tongued devils will use the tactics of the liar. They let ego abound, dissemble, evade, verbally attack, smear, shift the subject, ignore and apply hate-filled labels (flat earther, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, islamophobic, sexist, etc.) - the list is very long. Supposed intellectuals (especially those in specialized fields) use this simple device all the time. "I'm wise, you are inferior. What do you know?" I'll give you an oft repeated example: If one expresses disbelief in the common mythology called Evolutionism the critic shifts the subject and attacks showing his superiority, "Why don't you believe in Science." The question is irrelevant but if the person has truly been indoctrinated they truly believe it IS relevant and quite that simple. To them, one believes in the science and is intelligent and open-minded, or one does not and is ignorant, unlearned and closed-minded. The religious evolutionist is incapable of examining existentially facts in evidence. Such a one has concluded that the theory itself, IS the evidence. (The same model fits with all true believers: global warming devotees, Muslim devotees, homosexual agenda devotees, marxist devotees, social justice devotees, feminism devotees, scientologists and other cultists, etc.)
You see, you have to be stupid IF you are not a true believer, like they are, facts in evidence notwithstanding.
“You are the messiah.”
“No I'm Not.”
“Ah hah! There's the proof, messianic denial.”
“Alright then. If that's the way it is. I AM the messiah.”
“See! (pointing at the non-messiah and motioning towards the crowd) I told you he was the messiah. He's just admitted it to me.”
“Ah hah! There's the proof, messianic denial.”
“Alright then. If that's the way it is. I AM the messiah.”
“See! (pointing at the non-messiah and motioning towards the crowd) I told you he was the messiah. He's just admitted it to me.”
Strange Times Strange gods.
The point being, some people need to see you as they see you. The evolutionist needs to see the 'non-believer' as ignorant, or else he's left to doubt his very existence. At the very least he is left to doubt the foundation upon which all his thoughts and motives are formed. One can say to him: "I accept all true scientific evidence on any subject." The “theorist” would assume that by such a statement you were also a “true believer.” You see, Darwinism is in fact a religious belief system. And unknown to the Darwinist, it is paganism and not new. Amazingly Saint Anthony's words are proved true in these times by example after example. “There is coming a time when men will go mad. They will take hold of you and say, 'You are mad. You are not like us.”'
Many have adequately disproved Darwinism. The Darwinian postures that such folk have only replaced it with “Creationism.” And it is true that some arguments against it have been on this shallow level. If William Jennings Bryan had truly known the amazing and real ontology of the Judeo/Christian Tradition Clarence Darrow would have never won the argument. Bryan argued from a narrow religious perspective calling to mind religious aphorisms that in the culture seemed axiomatic and then simply mocked the obvious lunacy of Darwinism. The same thing is true of the Husley-Wilberforce debate in London a year after The Origin of Species was published. Bishop Wilberforce was a natural scientist and was no ignorant man. He wrote a critique of Darwin's book that was brilliant and history proves true. Yet in debate with Thomas Henry Huxley he could not resist taking the route that Bryan did at a later date. Huxley nailed him saying "If there were an ancestor whom I should feel shame in recalling, it would rather be a man - a man of restless and versatile intellect - who not content with success in his own sphere of activity, plunges into scientific questions with which he has no real acquaintance, only to obscure them by an aimless rhetoric, and distract the attention of his hearers from the real point at issue by eloquent digressions and skilled appeals to religious prejudice."
The appeal to religious prejudice is the evolutionist's constant temptation. Not so the likes of Wilberforce. However, one does not have to believe in anything of the Judeo/Christian Tradition, but simply in “things as they are” to examine the evidence of evolution and find the greats holes in the timeline, what some ignorantly call, "The God of the Gaps." With a little more sophistication you can examine the premise on the molecular, D.N.A. level and see the greats holes in the chemical and D.N.A. progression lines, and likewise see how so many biological forms had to already exist to create itself. After all on the biological level we are all symbiotic creatures, dependant upon the bacteria and myriad microbes in symphonies of symbiosis still to this day not fully understood. Every human being at any moment in life is host to and dependent upon trillions of bacteria, for the body to biologically function. Human life without them would be impossible. This last one is a barrier no evolution minded biophysicist has ever leapt. There are bacteria present in the human body, passed from parent to child, that exist no where else in nature. Bacteria that would have needed the environment of the human body, before they could have "evolved." And absent them, the human body could not live. The mythology of progressive biology is easily debunked on many levels.
The appeal to religious prejudice is the evolutionist's constant temptation. Not so the likes of Wilberforce. However, one does not have to believe in anything of the Judeo/Christian Tradition, but simply in “things as they are” to examine the evidence of evolution and find the greats holes in the timeline, what some ignorantly call, "The God of the Gaps." With a little more sophistication you can examine the premise on the molecular, D.N.A. level and see the greats holes in the chemical and D.N.A. progression lines, and likewise see how so many biological forms had to already exist to create itself. After all on the biological level we are all symbiotic creatures, dependant upon the bacteria and myriad microbes in symphonies of symbiosis still to this day not fully understood. Every human being at any moment in life is host to and dependent upon trillions of bacteria, for the body to biologically function. Human life without them would be impossible. This last one is a barrier no evolution minded biophysicist has ever leapt. There are bacteria present in the human body, passed from parent to child, that exist no where else in nature. Bacteria that would have needed the environment of the human body, before they could have "evolved." And absent them, the human body could not live. The mythology of progressive biology is easily debunked on many levels.
Vehicles for Belief
What is Evolution? It is merely a vehicle for belief. It is an unproven theory; a culturally produced theory, produced by a culture in need of a history to explain life and the origin of man, without a creator. Why would such a theory be needed?
The first reason is the insurgency in the Church by the secret "mystical societies" whose base is primordial paganism. This is a documented fact. Having recovered the works of the great philosophers, and seeing the degeneration of Rome, following centuries of Barbarian attacks and the resultant feudalism, they were tempted to believe that "civilization had been lost" and indeed it almost was. Primordial Paganism as it was developed in the Western Hemisphere was thoroughly conquered by Christianity for a period of better than a thousand years. Primordial Paganism is in reality what is today called "Naturalism." Those taught modern "Naturalism" are taught that it is extreme materialism, based solidly on "Science." In other words it is all about matter, so that ideas of the presence of evil and the spiritual world good and evil is believed to be mere superstition and hold no reality in fact. However this is what is taught to the "useful idiots", the Scientistic Elite, know better. The great sponsors and supporters of this extreme materialism called Naturalism are themselves very aware of the Spiritual side of existence and know the power of the old mythologies. The Movie 2001 A Space Odyssey is a classic "wink" to all the primordial pagans. Every symbolism in that movie represents the pagan mythology and political power that owned the Enlightenment Movement and is synonymous with the Modern Internationalist Elite. I doubt if the U.S. has had a president in its history that wasn't a member of one of these pagan secret societies, or closely controlled by others who were members. These secret societies of Pagans, during the Renaissance merged with the Islamists who were defeated in Europe, and it is seen that natural science was not their only goal. They operated and operate a centuries long insurgency into every vital institution of church, learning and government. Natural Science became a means of power, of war, of manipulation of population, and opinion. They used natural science to knock Christianity off its corrupt Throne as the major cultural driver of Europe. However, as we will see, Natural Science did not have the power to accomplish this. The Societies needed an acceptable Mythology. They knew that the old gods had been dethroned and that offering them and their mythology openly to a Christian culture would have gone nowhere. So they pretended to appeal "strictly to reason."
The Christian world became vulnerable to the resurgence of Primordial Paganism because of abuses of the Roman Church and of the Russian Orthodox Church under Peter the Great, and to a lesser degree, the lethargy of the Church of the East. The burden of civil governance and spiritual leadership proved too tempting to pride and greed. Many intelligent people in those "Christian Societies" lost their faith, not because science disproved the need for faith, and a Creator, but rather because of the truncation of the Ontological Mystery of Christianity by Scholasticism, plus intemporate, immoral, ignorant, corrupt and greedy governance that insinuated itself into every aspect of human life and tried to control the free flow of ideas, penalizing THOUGHT for its own "civil" preservation. In a real way, The Church lost its faith and became dependent on civil authority and bloodshed, long before the faith of ordinary intelligent people became challenged. In this setting, the observation and experience of “things as they are” exposed so many of the foolish superstitions created by ignorant churchmen of the dark ages and arrogant Scholastics of the pre-Renaissance. The Enlightenment crowd did not grasp that the errors and ignorance of churchmen created a distorted ICON of God. And that deformed ICON could not inspire faith in an intelligent person. They concluded that God must not be real. Faith was lost and for all practical purposes the discussion was closed. After all the discussion had to be closed, because at the time it was deadly to try to correct a churchman. The era had grown so hellishly dark that dialogue in a meaningful way with the churchmen risked losing fortune and possibly being beheaded, hanged or burned as a heretic. The easy route was to reject the Church and its God, step outside its economy, or at least try to.
It wasn't until the vehicle for disbelief was constructed by Darwin that the Renaissance man was relieved of his massive self-doubts for a period and felt justified in the comprehensive pagan mythology of Darwin's Origin of Species. A non-spiritual pagan mythology created for them by the very spiritual, Secret Pagan Societies.
Today, many are waking and discovering that indeed Darwinism is a religion, a religion that if taken honestly requires not one but many "leaps of faith" to cross the empirical gaps, some an infinitude wide. Today it is the ignorance of the Enlightenment's Religion called "Evolution" that is exposed as the grand ignorance of the era. And now it is the people of faith who recognize both the ignorance and superstitions of the Scholastics, and the ignorance and superstitions of the Enlightenment Movement. So in this context we see that the clear difference between creationism and evolution is not "science" but whether one chooses to explain BEING and the origin of things "with or without" a creator. It is that simple. Neither is provable (via positiva) via philosophy or science, yet only one can be debunked (via positiva and via negativa ) by actual and factual evidence AND by what cannot be known.
The first reason is the insurgency in the Church by the secret "mystical societies" whose base is primordial paganism. This is a documented fact. Having recovered the works of the great philosophers, and seeing the degeneration of Rome, following centuries of Barbarian attacks and the resultant feudalism, they were tempted to believe that "civilization had been lost" and indeed it almost was. Primordial Paganism as it was developed in the Western Hemisphere was thoroughly conquered by Christianity for a period of better than a thousand years. Primordial Paganism is in reality what is today called "Naturalism." Those taught modern "Naturalism" are taught that it is extreme materialism, based solidly on "Science." In other words it is all about matter, so that ideas of the presence of evil and the spiritual world good and evil is believed to be mere superstition and hold no reality in fact. However this is what is taught to the "useful idiots", the Scientistic Elite, know better. The great sponsors and supporters of this extreme materialism called Naturalism are themselves very aware of the Spiritual side of existence and know the power of the old mythologies. The Movie 2001 A Space Odyssey is a classic "wink" to all the primordial pagans. Every symbolism in that movie represents the pagan mythology and political power that owned the Enlightenment Movement and is synonymous with the Modern Internationalist Elite. I doubt if the U.S. has had a president in its history that wasn't a member of one of these pagan secret societies, or closely controlled by others who were members. These secret societies of Pagans, during the Renaissance merged with the Islamists who were defeated in Europe, and it is seen that natural science was not their only goal. They operated and operate a centuries long insurgency into every vital institution of church, learning and government. Natural Science became a means of power, of war, of manipulation of population, and opinion. They used natural science to knock Christianity off its corrupt Throne as the major cultural driver of Europe. However, as we will see, Natural Science did not have the power to accomplish this. The Societies needed an acceptable Mythology. They knew that the old gods had been dethroned and that offering them and their mythology openly to a Christian culture would have gone nowhere. So they pretended to appeal "strictly to reason."
The Christian world became vulnerable to the resurgence of Primordial Paganism because of abuses of the Roman Church and of the Russian Orthodox Church under Peter the Great, and to a lesser degree, the lethargy of the Church of the East. The burden of civil governance and spiritual leadership proved too tempting to pride and greed. Many intelligent people in those "Christian Societies" lost their faith, not because science disproved the need for faith, and a Creator, but rather because of the truncation of the Ontological Mystery of Christianity by Scholasticism, plus intemporate, immoral, ignorant, corrupt and greedy governance that insinuated itself into every aspect of human life and tried to control the free flow of ideas, penalizing THOUGHT for its own "civil" preservation. In a real way, The Church lost its faith and became dependent on civil authority and bloodshed, long before the faith of ordinary intelligent people became challenged. In this setting, the observation and experience of “things as they are” exposed so many of the foolish superstitions created by ignorant churchmen of the dark ages and arrogant Scholastics of the pre-Renaissance. The Enlightenment crowd did not grasp that the errors and ignorance of churchmen created a distorted ICON of God. And that deformed ICON could not inspire faith in an intelligent person. They concluded that God must not be real. Faith was lost and for all practical purposes the discussion was closed. After all the discussion had to be closed, because at the time it was deadly to try to correct a churchman. The era had grown so hellishly dark that dialogue in a meaningful way with the churchmen risked losing fortune and possibly being beheaded, hanged or burned as a heretic. The easy route was to reject the Church and its God, step outside its economy, or at least try to.
It wasn't until the vehicle for disbelief was constructed by Darwin that the Renaissance man was relieved of his massive self-doubts for a period and felt justified in the comprehensive pagan mythology of Darwin's Origin of Species. A non-spiritual pagan mythology created for them by the very spiritual, Secret Pagan Societies.
Today, many are waking and discovering that indeed Darwinism is a religion, a religion that if taken honestly requires not one but many "leaps of faith" to cross the empirical gaps, some an infinitude wide. Today it is the ignorance of the Enlightenment's Religion called "Evolution" that is exposed as the grand ignorance of the era. And now it is the people of faith who recognize both the ignorance and superstitions of the Scholastics, and the ignorance and superstitions of the Enlightenment Movement. So in this context we see that the clear difference between creationism and evolution is not "science" but whether one chooses to explain BEING and the origin of things "with or without" a creator. It is that simple. Neither is provable (via positiva) via philosophy or science, yet only one can be debunked (via positiva and via negativa ) by actual and factual evidence AND by what cannot be known.
“Wisdom is one thing only. It is to know the thought by which all things are steered through all things.” -Heraclitus
The subatomic sub-particle energy-laden-fabric of BEING, certainly suggests the energy of “intelligent thought.” And this suggestion has become exponentially more clear as man has explored the realm of the infinitesimal and the infinite. Mathematical genius Georg Cantor a hundred years ago pressed his mind to the discovery of infinity and discovered one infinity is merely enveloped inside the next infinity, which is enveloped inside the next infinity, which he proved conclusively via mathematics. His theories were laughed at or kindly dismiss then, but not any more. The physicists on the other hand through the measurements of infinitesimal energies, the collision of particles, that aren't really particles at all, but systems of energy holding yet smaller systems of energy . . . those physicists have not yet, but are on the verge of proving that each infinitesimal energy is merely a composition of yet more infinitesimal energy-laden-fabric. The complexity of BEING and LIFE defies any silly 19th century "enlightened model."
“Let us not conjecture at random about the greatest things.”-Heraclitus
The Yin and Yang of Paganism
This dichotomy between the two (1) “creationism” as understood by the things as they are and (2) the refutation of evolutionism via the same standard (things as they are) still does not address the fundamental reality and complexity of creation as the ancients of the Judeo-Christian heritage proposed. In fact, this debate between Creationism and Evolutionism is most times taken merely on the level of pagan understanding, at least as I have described it here. What I mean by that is giving proof to intelligent design, via the evidence of “things as they are” and giving proof to evolution dogma via the evidence of "things as they are," both theories start with something highly developed, that is matter, but view that matter as a Newtonian/Einstein mechanical/energy-matter-sort-of-way. Then they investigate moving backward in time, looking at the clockwork universe of space/time, through the lenses of evolutionary dogma, or Biblical Literalism. Neither system truly looks into the systems of infinity and the systems of "infinity into the finite," that his the complex matrix of existence. Other their models are "clockwork models." The evolutionist says, eons of time with uniformity and the Biblical Literalist says roughly 4000 years. The clockwork model is not real. It is merely a faulty map that fails to accurately depict the territory. Past the faulty map, one has to take the next step and like many have asked before me, “where did the stuff come from?”
Guess Things Have Just Always Been Hanging Around
Francis Schaeffer related a debate with a philosophy graduate student, whose school of thought had concluded that the entire universe is composed of human consciousness. In other words, it is fluid and is merely what we mutually perceive and agree it to be. (A perfect dupe for illusion and finally delusion). When the student began his presentation, he said, “When the data arrives . . .” and Francis cut him off asking. “Just to be clear, where does the data come from?”
“Well, the data . . . its . . its just there.”
“No origin? No creator?”
What the student proved in the first sentence of his presentation is simply that most of the philosophies of the Enlightenment haven't created any new thought. They haven't advanced ontology one wit. Rather they have mucked around in the field of known pagan thought, using sophisticated sounding rhetoric and at times techno-jargon to try and explain the data, the stuff that was organized into systems of energy, laying the fabric for the organization of greater systems of energy, laying a fabric for the organization of yet greater systems of energy, etc. Since we are creatures of BEING we haven't even considered what came before BEING, i.e. NOT BEING.
This is the Ontological Reality in the Judeo/Christian Tradition that drives the modern pagans crazy, the understanding of "creatio ex nihilo" "creation from nothing." From NON BEING to BEING. Not just from the massive pent up energies of all the universe, which for some reason compressed into a tiny invisible location and suddenly exploded. This would only mean that the universes (plural) existed in the diminutive, on a scale less than now. (Infinity into the small) The Big Bang theory is still pagan, it is still something from something that already existed. The Jew and Christian asked, "Where did the something come from?" The Nicene Creed covers this ("who created all things visible and invisible." Even the invisible potential (actually universes on a smaller scale) are part of BEING. God exists (if exists can be the right word to use) - completely and totally other, in non-existence, before there was existence in any way we can imagine. Our language will not say it really, since language is part of BEING. Language is an expression of being.
Sadly our children are taught a simpleton's myth, a delusional account of their own cognition. They are taught that all the matter and energy of the universe “existed” (can't get past the pagan foundation that “existence has always been”) in a highly concentrated form and for some unknown reason exploded into what we know as the universe in an explosion called the Big Bang. That is the cosmological tale they are told. There is nothing wrong with the tale as far as it goes. But one must understand that what is told of the Big Bang in astrophysics and theoretical physicists, conform to the level of sophistication of what the Janistsiii called the beginning of a single aeon. Sorry nothing new here and as shocking as it may be to the fundamentalist Christians who accept today the narrow Scholasticism of the of Mediaeval era, and believe human history is only a few thousand years old, the Church fathers never held your view, neither does scripture. With knowledge of the Janists and Greek understanding of aeons, (and truly a heritage in Biblical human history that goes far past its written dates) the prayers of the church have reflected a sophisticated ontology most have dismissed as mere poetic words. “καθ᾿ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν εὐλογήσω σε καὶ αἰνέσω τὸ ὄνομά σου εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος.” “And every day I will offer thanksgivings and praise unto your name, (1) for ever and unto the (2) aeons of (3) aeons.” - King David Psalms 145 from the Hebrew/Greek Old Testament. There are literally hundreds of such references in the Scriptures. The Judeo-Christian scriptures also speak of the creator and keeper of the worlds (plural) and the universes (plural.)
This is the Ontological Reality in the Judeo/Christian Tradition that drives the modern pagans crazy, the understanding of "creatio ex nihilo" "creation from nothing." From NON BEING to BEING. Not just from the massive pent up energies of all the universe, which for some reason compressed into a tiny invisible location and suddenly exploded. This would only mean that the universes (plural) existed in the diminutive, on a scale less than now. (Infinity into the small) The Big Bang theory is still pagan, it is still something from something that already existed. The Jew and Christian asked, "Where did the something come from?" The Nicene Creed covers this ("who created all things visible and invisible." Even the invisible potential (actually universes on a smaller scale) are part of BEING. God exists (if exists can be the right word to use) - completely and totally other, in non-existence, before there was existence in any way we can imagine. Our language will not say it really, since language is part of BEING. Language is an expression of being.
"For what thought or wisdom have they? they follow the poets and take the crowd as their teacher, knowing not that there are many bad and few good. For even the best of them choose one thing above all others, immortal glory among mortals, while most of them are glutted like beasts." - Heraclitus
Sadly our children are taught a simpleton's myth, a delusional account of their own cognition. They are taught that all the matter and energy of the universe “existed” (can't get past the pagan foundation that “existence has always been”) in a highly concentrated form and for some unknown reason exploded into what we know as the universe in an explosion called the Big Bang. That is the cosmological tale they are told. There is nothing wrong with the tale as far as it goes. But one must understand that what is told of the Big Bang in astrophysics and theoretical physicists, conform to the level of sophistication of what the Janistsiii called the beginning of a single aeon. Sorry nothing new here and as shocking as it may be to the fundamentalist Christians who accept today the narrow Scholasticism of the of Mediaeval era, and believe human history is only a few thousand years old, the Church fathers never held your view, neither does scripture. With knowledge of the Janists and Greek understanding of aeons, (and truly a heritage in Biblical human history that goes far past its written dates) the prayers of the church have reflected a sophisticated ontology most have dismissed as mere poetic words. “καθ᾿ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν εὐλογήσω σε καὶ αἰνέσω τὸ ὄνομά σου εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος.” “And every day I will offer thanksgivings and praise unto your name, (1) for ever and unto the (2) aeons of (3) aeons.” - King David Psalms 145 from the Hebrew/Greek Old Testament. There are literally hundreds of such references in the Scriptures. The Judeo-Christian scriptures also speak of the creator and keeper of the worlds (plural) and the universes (plural.)
The True Poverty Isn't Economic
"The relations between Jehovah and his creatures can be neither too numerous nor too near. In the increased distance between God and man have grown up all those developments that have made life mournful" ("Tancred" - Disraeli 1927)
"The relations between Jehovah and his creatures can be neither too numerous nor too near. In the increased distance between God and man have grown up all those developments that have made life mournful" ("Tancred" - Disraeli 1927)
Robbed of the large, beautiful and complex cosmological models of our human history, children are taught a truncated caricature of cosmology in the Big Bang. Then instead of being taught that there exists a relationship between man and his maker, they are taught that following the huge explosions, the remnants of which we still see as the expansion of the universe, that the earth cooled and by accident an atmosphere formed and the surface of the earth became covered in a primordial ooze in which life incubated, cells formed unconsciously and somehow cells began to reproduce themselves. Now this story from primordial ooze to humans is the part that causes the most offence to the Judeo-Christian tradition and is the part that has harmed our young the most. Very early in human history, mankind was aware they were created in the Image and Likeness of their creator. Those humans retained far more of His attributes than humans today – accept of course for the humans who are “actualized”; that have become or are in the process of becoming “truly human” in a sense, regaining their heritage. ( The One Deadly Word - FAITH - an article about how one becomes actualized.)
Lao Tsu and many other ancient mystics by observing “things as they are” grasped the nature of BEING with such sophistication that today most physicists sound like poorer versions of them. Because man retains the capacity of communion with The ALL – the I AM, God's wisdom is expressed knowingly or unknowingly by poets, artist, scientists, musicians, mystics and tradesmen. In fact, any real labour is an opportunity to gain wisdom. It is the nature of the human to commune with the Infinite All, the I AM in the normal course of ones activities. It is what one might describe as the Liturgy of Living, or Living Thankfully, or Constant Prayer, Hesychast Prayer etc. Forty plus years ago grasping the reality that there is Truth, and the Truth is knowable through experience of HIM, that one may grasp Truth when not blinded by something that is lie, I wrote:
"Infinity into greatness
Infinity into the small
Infinity into the small
A tiny dot of perception
On the Master's Sanctuary Wall. -
The first stanza in a poem that might also be called a hymn, entitled, The All Is In His Sanctuary – And His Sanctuary Is The ALL." - Yours Truly.
On the Master's Sanctuary Wall. -
The first stanza in a poem that might also be called a hymn, entitled, The All Is In His Sanctuary – And His Sanctuary Is The ALL." - Yours Truly.
Having never studied a word of physics, I wrote this forty plus years ago and any physicist will tell you that it contains a masterful understanding of “Things As They Are.”
"Wisdom is one thing only. It is to know that thought by which all things are steered through all things." - Heraclitus
When the Psalmist used the imagery of "living in the house of the LORD," he wasn't talking about a structure in Jerusalem.
"The most extensive knowledge does not necessarily know it;
reasoning will not make men wise in it.
The sages have decided against both these methods." Chuang Tzu
It wasn't until the last two decades that the reality of the enter-connectedness of the visible and invisible universe was established in the physical sciences; That indeed All is in All; And further the energy of it ALL, the energy-laden-fabric, moving into form and retreating from form on the sub-particle level aeons of interconnect energy patterns digressing and forming, form everything we see, touch and feel, including us. Further there is the world of potentiality we do not see, hear, touch. But it is not true that we do not "feel" and have communication with that invisible potentiality. The physicists have learned quite to their shock that humans have a very strong influence upon the hidden potential energies. These patterns, this fabric disappearing into “infinity into the finite,” also in the opposite direction create layer upon layer of infinity as Georg Cantor proved by mathematics. Even now some of the physicists are beginning to suspect that the universe itself is merely a part of a larger more expansive universe we do not see, too distant in every direction to be perceived. The energy patterns, the appearance of the orbiting spheres of energies disappears in both directions. These spheres of energy are criss-crossed with other patterns like the Celtic Knot only an infinitude more complex. Nothing about this intelligent complexity says, “Random.”
Infinity into Greatness
Infinity into the Small
A Tiny Dot of Perception
On the Master's Sanctuary Wall.
These words may seem like a trite ditty, a silliness of no importance, but for me, they anchored my life, and were anything but empty. They arrived to me with the visual image of the matrix of existence, an unfolding and enfolding reality, coursing the eternal moment into existence. These words came from my depth, devoid of the religionism of my youth, of my family, of my church.The reasons I extricated myself from my birth religion were shallow and trite, but one or two reasons were deep and profound. Like all young people I looked at the generations before me and realized that the professions didn't favourably compared to the practices. Over and over I saw heartlessness painted in layers of religion and I wanted no part of it. Still, I was no hypocrite because I knew I was no better. Yet I kept thinking there had to be what-is-real, and hoped it would be, what is better.
Poverty Begets Poverty
"The people who have some understanding will be given more. And they will have even more than they need. But those who do not have much understanding will lose even the little understanding that they have." - Jesus son of Joseph - also called The Christ.
Today's youth trained on the trite nihilistic-mythology of Evolutionism, when they experience their disillusionment and come to grasp the falsehood in the lives of others are left in an emptiness devoid of hope. This represents a poverty, a spiritual-soul poverty that is impossible to see from their perspective. How to find meaning? We are not sure most are capable of finding the question much less the meaning. The subject of meaning is knowingly or unknowingly avoided by constant entertainment and virtual socializing. From my place of disillusionment I quickly learned that I really was a Christian and a person of Faith. That knowledge created Hope, which challenged me to Love. To discover Love, I had to find what was real. You see, even in the sickness of religion, I had grasped Faith. Let me say this harsh thing bluntly, the discovery or search for faith is the only reason one should ever expose themselves to the dangers of religion. The only thing more dangerous than hopeless emptiness, is the zealotry of trying to fill that emptiness with a cause. Watching the poor empty souls demonstrating on wall street ought to be a caution if one is tempted to be a blind follower; not to mention the suicide potential of cults and Jihadism.
Faith Is The Foundation Of Learning
Because Perception Of Truth Is Primarily A Quality Of Character
"Man's character is his fate."-Heraclitus
"Man's character is his fate."-Heraclitus
From my quick discoveries of “Truth” outside of religions context, I learned to zero in on the truth contained in my religion and other religions. I knew the words: “now faith, hope, and love, these three things remain; but the greatest of these is love.” I had the faith part down, I was working on the hope part, which is to look at each day as an opportunity and not to dread it, and to look at life as an opportunity and not to dread it, and even to look at the end of physical life, grieve for the seeming finality of it, for the actual inevitability of it, yet not find it hopeless. But the biggest challenge was, finding, keeping, and clinging to, LOVE. I had discovered that I couldn't be an unbeliever even when I tried because my heart contained and constantly confessed, Faith. Yet, what the form and practice that faith should take, I did not know. What reality I would find in it I vaguely grasped. I said to God, “Look I know you exist and nothing I'm seeing is real. Life is a game of subsistence survival really, whatever it takes to animate this dust, to feed, clothe and house my family; not so different than any other mammal. But I want to know YOU, and things as they really are. So here's the deal. I hate religion. I think religion is an evil bondage. I know you love me and I want to know you and understand what I can understand of you and this life. But I'm not touching a bible (and this after bible college) or any other religious material on this planet. I don't care about any of it. I just want to know you and things as they really are. If you love me you won't find teaching me a handicap.” I was 20 and clueless what life had in store for me. Almost immediately the Lord began to teach me – things as they are. Not in some religious revelation, but in snippets of books, and conversations with friends and strangers, and newspapers and on and on. In the first week, recalling Saint Paul's words, “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse”
At 20 I looked around at what I saw and I wrote:
Infinity into greatness
Infinity into the small
A tiny dot of perception
On the Master's Sanctuary Wall.
I understood what I was saying, and the physicists are proving it true. Man has a quality and power of perceptions beyond what may be understood even today by science. But now the scientist know that those intuitive powers are not myth; they know those intuitive powers are part of the fabric of BEING and are just one of the potential powers of an actualized human being.
“What may be known of God is manifest in them, God has shown them” Saint Paul was talking about pagans, who refused to remain mindful of God, and lost the knowledge of him. I knew I never wanted to be that. So along with my rejection of all things religious, religious language, forms of prayer, religious clothes, any and all of it, I practised in a radical way simple and constant thanksgiving. The only Christian natural object I took with me were the words of King David scrawled on a 3x5 card, “For, behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and in sins did my mother conceive me. You love truth: you share with me the secret and hidden things of Your wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be purified: wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Cause me to hear gladness and joy that my afflicted bones may heal. Turn away from my sins, and blot out all my transgressions. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit in me. Cast me not away from Your presence; and take not Your holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation: establish me with thy directing Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors your ways; and ungodly men shall turn to thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation: and my tongue shall joyfully declare your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips; and my mouth shall declare Your praise. For if you wanted religious sacrifice, I would give it:” I knew from experience very well that a thankful heart and religious service were not synonymous.
A tiny dot of perception
On the Master's Sanctuary Wall.
I understood what I was saying, and the physicists are proving it true. Man has a quality and power of perceptions beyond what may be understood even today by science. But now the scientist know that those intuitive powers are not myth; they know those intuitive powers are part of the fabric of BEING and are just one of the potential powers of an actualized human being.
“What may be known of God is manifest in them, God has shown them” Saint Paul was talking about pagans, who refused to remain mindful of God, and lost the knowledge of him. I knew I never wanted to be that. So along with my rejection of all things religious, religious language, forms of prayer, religious clothes, any and all of it, I practised in a radical way simple and constant thanksgiving. The only Christian natural object I took with me were the words of King David scrawled on a 3x5 card, “For, behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and in sins did my mother conceive me. You love truth: you share with me the secret and hidden things of Your wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be purified: wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Cause me to hear gladness and joy that my afflicted bones may heal. Turn away from my sins, and blot out all my transgressions. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit in me. Cast me not away from Your presence; and take not Your holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation: establish me with thy directing Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors your ways; and ungodly men shall turn to thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation: and my tongue shall joyfully declare your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips; and my mouth shall declare Your praise. For if you wanted religious sacrifice, I would give it:” I knew from experience very well that a thankful heart and religious service were not synonymous.
Now Back to Evolution
"The fool fluttered at every word."
"The fool fluttered at every word."
I've just denied that I believe in evolution, so what is the religious devotee to evolutionism to ask? “What of all the fossil evidence?"
I answer, “Aeons of Aeons, all belong to God. We are a tiny dot in the movement of Space-Time and in the matrix, the energy-laden fabric of existence. That energy that animates everything is God's creative energy, what I call the “first cause, the continual cause, the eternal cause.” That energy for the human is the primary grace of BEING, HIS first gift to us and all the sages of every major religion except Islam have described it in detail. But that is only one part of the Christian's understanding of Being, this is the part we share with atheist physicists, and pagans of all sorts.
Next comes the name calling "ignorant" "backward" "flat-earther" etc.
What is provable, and has been proved again and again is that the raw archaeological and anthropological evidence for evolution (as a source of creation and the origin of mankind) has more anomalous data (artifices that do not fit the mythology) than artifices that fit the mythology. Besides there is the question, "Is Being (creation) at the hands of a creator devoid of evolutionary aspects?" I think the adaptability of species inside specified parameters of environmental extremes is obvious in nature and is simply an aspect of life. More questionable is the extrapolation that that adaptability creates permutation of species into other species.
Think for a moment:
Far more questionable indeed is the notion that adaptability is imbued with intelligence capable of originally creating the narrow and precise ranges of physical relationships in the universe that have to exist to support life; the tenuous relationships that have to exist to keep All That IS from imploding or spiraling into chaos, where life could not exist. Nothing in "science" has come anywhere near proving this randomness-mythology. So, evolution isn't provable science, but rather a "faith cult" an anthropomorphic mythology seeking to explain creation without a creator. You see, to quote my friend Dr. Schaeffer,
Far more questionable indeed is the notion that adaptability is imbued with intelligence capable of originally creating the narrow and precise ranges of physical relationships in the universe that have to exist to support life; the tenuous relationships that have to exist to keep All That IS from imploding or spiraling into chaos, where life could not exist. Nothing in "science" has come anywhere near proving this randomness-mythology. So, evolution isn't provable science, but rather a "faith cult" an anthropomorphic mythology seeking to explain creation without a creator. You see, to quote my friend Dr. Schaeffer,
“Christianity is the greatest intellectual system the mind of man has ever touched.
It provides a unified answer for the whole of life.” And I will add, it provides the only truly transcendental ontology.
Ah, lest I forget. I want to share with you Hermes' conclusion after he met the Shepherd of Mankind. He was mocked and some left him. He described their refusal to hear as "giving themselves to death."
"But others begged me to teach them and they threw themselves at my feet. I raised them up and became a guide to humanity, teaching them the Word and how they might be saved. And I sowed words of wisdom in them and they were nourished with ambrosial water. When evening came and the rays of the sun began to fade, I called on them to thank God. And when they completed the thanksgiving, each sought his or her own bed. I recorded the goodness of the Shepherd of Mankind and how my hopes had been fulfilled. For the body's sleep became the soul's awakening, the closing of my eyes became the true vision; my silence pregnant with the Good, and my words the expression of good things. And all this happened to me, since I had received it from the Mind, that is, from the Shepherd of Mankind, the Word, and Mind of Absolute Sovereignty. I became God-inspired, God Minded, and came with the Truth:
So with all my soul and strength I praise God the Father:
Holy is God the Father of All, who precedes all beginnings.
Holy is God whose Will is accomplished by his own Powers.
Holy is god who wishes to be known and is known to those who are his own.
You are holy who by your Word made all things that are.
You are holy who did not blacken Nature.
You are holy who has become the image of all Nature.
You are holy who are stronger than all domination.
You are holy who are greater than all eminence.
You are holy who are superior to all praise.
Accept the pure offering of words from a soul and heart which rise to you,
The Unnameable, Ineffable, whom only Silence calls!
It provides a unified answer for the whole of life.” And I will add, it provides the only truly transcendental ontology.
Ah, lest I forget. I want to share with you Hermes' conclusion after he met the Shepherd of Mankind. He was mocked and some left him. He described their refusal to hear as "giving themselves to death."
"But others begged me to teach them and they threw themselves at my feet. I raised them up and became a guide to humanity, teaching them the Word and how they might be saved. And I sowed words of wisdom in them and they were nourished with ambrosial water. When evening came and the rays of the sun began to fade, I called on them to thank God. And when they completed the thanksgiving, each sought his or her own bed. I recorded the goodness of the Shepherd of Mankind and how my hopes had been fulfilled. For the body's sleep became the soul's awakening, the closing of my eyes became the true vision; my silence pregnant with the Good, and my words the expression of good things. And all this happened to me, since I had received it from the Mind, that is, from the Shepherd of Mankind, the Word, and Mind of Absolute Sovereignty. I became God-inspired, God Minded, and came with the Truth:
So with all my soul and strength I praise God the Father:
Holy is God the Father of All, who precedes all beginnings.
Holy is God whose Will is accomplished by his own Powers.
Holy is god who wishes to be known and is known to those who are his own.
You are holy who by your Word made all things that are.
You are holy who did not blacken Nature.
You are holy who has become the image of all Nature.
You are holy who are stronger than all domination.
You are holy who are greater than all eminence.
You are holy who are superior to all praise.
Accept the pure offering of words from a soul and heart which rise to you,
The Unnameable, Ineffable, whom only Silence calls!
iAn excellent book on the subject is the monumental works by Michael A Cremo – “Forbidden Archeology” and “Human Devolution” A lighter read would be “Forbidden History” a collection of writings Edited by J.Douglas Kenyon.
iiScholasticism, from the Latin word scholasticus ("that [which] belongs to the school) was a method of learning taught by the academics (or schoolmen) of medieval universities circa 1100 – 1500 C.E. The reaction to Scholasticism was found in by humanism, rationalism, and empiricism. There have been several revivals, including neo-scholasticism.
iii Jainism originated in India, although its time of origin cannot be determined. Jainism believes in a cyclical nature of the universe. Jains believe in a universe without beginning, end or creator, hence Jains will refer to the present cycle of the cosmos. The word Jain means a follower of the Jinas (spiritual victors). This title, or that of Tirthankara, was given to a succession of teachers who, through their own spiritual struggle, are believed to have attained kevalajnana (infinite knowledge).