Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where Are We? How Can We Know It?

The Conquering of American Self-Governance by the New World Order:

The three questions sane people have to ask:
(a) Where are we? 
(b) How can we discover it? 
(c) What do we do now?  

This article is only toward understanding where we are by present "proofs."  We don't have to be experts in the history to accurately assess where power rests at this moment. 

Let us analyze in this regard - how much legal power is left to "the people." 

Whether Obama Care becomes history or not is a moot point, since the "Robert's Supreme Court Precedent of June 28th 2012" gave the federal government unlimited taxing powers and thus unlimited powers of coercion. Bill Whittle has it close to right, and absolutely right on this issue of coercion:

Unlimited powers of coercion, on the face of it, destroys all "legal" resistance to ANYTHING. It nullifies any legal redress - it is a completely NEW paradigm.

When the government coerces you to do something or not do something, under the OLD paradigm you would naturally say, "They can't make me do that!  I'm gonna sue." However, under the NEW paradigm it goes like this: You get a lawyer, he writes a brief summarizing your claim of injury or discrimination or just challenging the state's right to do the thing. He presents it to the judge and under the ROBERTS Precedent, he HAS (present tense - has) no LEGAL choice but to dismiss the case with prejudice as "without grounds." 

Sadly as difficult as it is to say and to hear this was the final straw that broke the back of any constitutional constraint upon government. The SOLE purpose of the Constitution was to "restrain the power of government." It has failed; it is no longer the law of the land. There is a new law of the land and it isn't pretty:

We are living under a LEGAL dictatorship, created by every administration after Ronald Reagan. When George Herbert Walker Bush touted "The New World Order" he wasn't using poetic language. He was talking about concrete international government that is and was antithetical to our constitution and sovereignty. At this point they have succeeded, the constitution is voided, our sovereignty gone:  How can we know it not by history, but by the actual facts of present circumstances, by current events as it were?  To Wit:

The Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's, Brave New World Order, (SDE):

The United States is now in the exact same position as Europe; there is no qualitative difference. The international banking establishment, which was the first and successful assault force of the S.D.E. has the economies of Europe and the U.S. solidly in its control. (Some people refer to this international economic block of wealth controlling all central banks as "The Banksters", wordplay on Gangsters.)  It has been a 100 year and successful operation. No time for the history of it here, but there are many books written on the subject.  Economically they are in TOTAL control. In truth the murky association behind that power PRESENTLY rule, Europe, China, and the U.S. Each country is no longer Sovereign, but merely an administrative district in something yet to be named. 

The European Union/The North American Union.

The European nations were taken down, their economies merged into a central control, their sovereignty abolished, their borders demolished by the forming first the European Common Market then forming that into the European Union. 

The United States was taken down by forming The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and merging that into The North American Unionupon whose laws we are presently operating. To Wit:

(1) Obama's massive new immigration law (without the consent of congress) enacted by presidential fiat, under the expanded powers of "Emergency Power's Act." It is legal and is now the law of the land. 

Note that we have been operating under a virtual dictatorship, since 9/14/2001, under a constant "state of national emergency" giving to the President dictatorial powers. Obama on June 26th 2012 declared a double state of emergency. He declared an "international state of Emergency" which gives international bodies the right to "intervene" inside the U.S., and a "national state of emergency" which renews his own dictatorial powers. The "International State of Emergency" dissolves any pretense of "sovereignty."  

At this point congress is a "show body" government widow dressing, like the Duma was under Stalin - with virtually no powers. The real power rest somewhere else. In the Old Soviet Union, the power behind the scenes was "public" or at least known, since the real power was the Communist Party, and the "Party Congress" was the real expression of that. The REAL power behind our dictatorship is real, but still only partially exposed. There are books written on who they are. In the very near future they will show themselves  - or maybe better, IT, will show ITSELF.  

What most people have failed to realize is that the Supreme Court has also become a "show court," without real power. Whether Justice Roberts was coerced into writing his insane and horrible June 28th ruling or not, the fact remains that under The Emergency Powers Act, the president had the power to coerce him to so rule. I think Justice Roberts sent us an S.O.S. in the wording of the ruling where he said that it was not the responsibility of the court to protect the public from bad laws passed by the people THEY elect. 

Well, under the OLD paradigm that would be a stupid statement, since there were Constitution protections with Constitutional limits. But IF those limits were nullified, without massive public protest, in fact with public approval, then those bad laws were, de facto, the present law of the land. And this is exactly what has happened. This is the situation, a series of laws designed to protect us, when we were under attack, were passed, (Liberty paid for security) - which have NOW been invoked, post 9/11 and constantly renewed to this very day. The Supreme Court is without power, Congress is without power. Only the Emergency Powers, stated clearly in The Emergency Power Act - hold legal right at the moment to be called the law of the land

There is still real and true resistance in 27 States, but the remainder have capitulated. And in some places our last line of legal defense is our elected county sheriffs, who are still honoring their having sworn to "uphold, defend and protect the Constitution of The United States of America".  Those politicians who swore the same, while destroying the Constitution are Traitors and agents of "foreign powers."  

Standing against these states is the force of the U.S. Military and the recently created, NorthCOM - Command: 

The "Posse Comitatus" act, which many ignorant Libertarians and Constitutionalists thought was part of the Constitution, was abolished completely in the last Defense Authorization Act. In U.S. law, it is now completely voided and will not be mentioned again except by historians. 

The Posse Comitatus Act was already effectively abolished by George Bush with a "signing statement." The reason presidential "signing statements" came into use under Bush was that he, under the Emergency Powers Act, had the legal right to nullify ANY law, or part of any law, dully passed by congress.  So, in truth the Posse Camitatus act has been void since 2008, when Bush stationed troops under the "NorthCom" Command, with mission statement of police powers INSIDE the U.S.  - SO NOW, U.S. troops can be legally called upon to fire on U.S. Citizens, IF those U.S. citizens are deem by the president to be "A threat to national security" or it may be used to occupy rebellious states, even administer occupation state governments.  And when we say "fired upon" we don't mean rifle fire during civil unrest, but missiles fired from drones. And Yes, the drones have already been deployed.

The North American Union:
Note by presidential fiat, the recent destruction of any semblance of border security - shutting down border check points, removing border patrols etc., etc. 

The North American Small Arms Treaty:
It is not in the future, it is done, signed in secret, initially reported and then silence. Under the Emergency Powers Act it does NOT need congressional approval. When and how they will actually disarm us remains to be seen. With the new federal powers of taxation, I think they will merely tax ammunition into oblivion and confront only the people who have made large gun and ammo purchases, which they have been monitoring for decades. As Waco showed us, less than one gun per household member is considered by the ATF to be "stockpiling weapons."  However, the technological weapons of the state have grown so powerful, "arms" in our traditional understanding are a moot point. 

Vis a Vis this election: 

Nothing that happens in the next year will make any REAL difference. But it might make a cosmetic difference, IF they decide that they need to placate the public, to buy more time by replacing the Puppet in the White House with a new Puppet. They have contracted with a private French firm to tally the national election result. That firm IS owned by George Soros. Folks tried to mount a lawsuit to void the contract. It was immediately and summarily dismissed. They filed in France to place observers inside the company - it was immediately and summarily dismissed. (Sound familiar)  Since the U.N. is one of the arms (a very major arm) of the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite, it is little comfort that the company will welcome U.N. observers.  

ALL normal legal challenges against the Obama administration have been summarily dismiss, except the healthcare challenge, and the result of that challenge was catastrophic. - Now if you can accept it you know why there has been no serious legal challenge to his many immoral and unjust actions, like robbing the G.M. Stock holders, arbitrarily making up new bankruptcy laws, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Why so many lawsuits have been announced in the media and simply went no where, all being dismissed as "without grounds."

People are caught in denial of the real circumstances and are still thinking, strategizing and acting as if the rules of the Old Paradigm were in effect. 

They keep talking about electing a person to "Save the Republic" to "Save Constitutional Governance" - that is language of the Old Paradigm. Since they cannot face the reality of present circumstances, any solutions they advocate for the future are non-sense.  You cannot battle an enemy you refuse to know. 

What Power Do WE as Citizens have left whereby we may express "The WILL of the People"?

First of all we have to understand the difference between a Citizen and a Loyal Subject.  

A Citizen is bound by laws that do not violate his unalienable, God Given Rights as a human creature of The Creator, that is the Right to LIFE, Liberty and Property. A Citizen is not bound by any laws that violate, Life, Liberty and Property, or any laws that previous Citizens have not created and to which he or previous generations have not accented.  

A Loyal Subject is bound by laws the power structure imposes by fiat, having no voice in their creation nor implementation. It should not take a genius to discover that our status, although still cynically called, "citizen" has been effectively and literally reduced to that of a subject, and we AGREED TO IT, through Kansas v Hendicks, the Patriot Act, The Emergency Powers Act, the Several National Defense Authorization Acts and OUR Failure to guard against the power to International Treaty.

As we have established, (1)The Constitution now is merely a historical document WITHOUT power of LAW.  Obama governing by executive FIAT is LEGAL. His FIATS have force of law since the laws allowing it were laws passed, as Justice Roberts stated, by people WE elected, and are laws we allowed to stand and didn't challenge when we could have.  (2) Since no citizen can be governed by executive Fiat, that is by laws to which he has not accented, we have de facto moved from the realm of "Citizen" to the realm of "Subject" - which require a new understanding of our rights. 

All talk of "Constitutional Rights" is Null and void, a futile exercise in the paradigm that is past.  

But we are not without RIGHTS!  And those rights are REAL, and must be protected, by ANY measure anyone's imagination can muster to punish ANY who abridge our GOD GIVEN, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS to LIFE, LIBERTY and PROPERTY.  The relinquishing of "SELF GOVERNANCE" which we have SURELY accomplished by destroying the MEANS of that Self-governance, in NO WAY voids our GOD GIVEN, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS to LIFE, LIBERTY and PROPERTY. And we must stand willing to sacrifice and pay ANY price, our LIVES, our WEALTH, our SACRED HONOR, to defend these rights which are the BASIC God GIVEN circumstance of the Human BEING. 

ANY DESPOT that subsumes to him/herself the right to abridge these rights is the ENEMY OF HUMANITY, and due summary judgement. 

Now we are in a struggle to stave off a slavery, a new feudalism, a dark ages unimaginable. 

Obama and Gang:
They have publicly telegraphed their willingness to imprison indefinitely, without charges, without trial, without right of habeas corpus, any whose philosophical, political, constitutional views they wish to deem - a threat to national security. 

Any person who believes in the basic truths of the Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Rule of Law ARE ALREADY classified as "potential enemies of the state" and "a possible threat to national security." I have the unclassified portion of the 2009-2010 Homeland security memorandum to local law enforcement, naming you and me as "potential terrorists." 

Obama recently upped the ante in the early part of June 2012 when he signed an executive order changing the wording of the "Emergency Power Act" from "deemed to be a potential terrorist" to "deemed to be a threat to national security." That is the EXACT same wording Stalin used to imprison millions. And IF you have actually read what I've written - you will know that the SCOTUS Precedent upon which this "prophapxactic" law is base is upon that Kansas v Hendricks 1997 Precedent (which was the legal right to imprison a man deemed SANE, but dangerous to society, held not for his crimes, but for his "potential to commit a crime", held but because government deemed him a threat to public safety, i.e. to society.) People scoffed at my concern back then when I explained what that ruling meant and that it was not being reported in the media and that it was MONUMENTAL. ALL the subsequent oppressive laws when challenged have been dismissed and not heard in court ON THAT PRECEDENT. WE are FIFTEEN YEARS too late to save the Republic.

Playing out the present "option" - that is, playing out the game of this fake election -  is a fantasy. If they decide to exchange puppets in the White House, it will only be for the benefit of Psychological Operations, propaganda purposes.   If there is too much unrest, or it appears too many people are "getting it" they will place Romney in the White House. The simple minded with think they have gained something. But just as Obama who ran and the opposite of Bush, entered the White House and simply doubled down on EVERY Bush policy, so will follow if Romney replaces Obama.  If this happens millions who are awake and watching will go back to sleep thinking "problem solved." They slept for eight years while Bush created the laws that Obama has exercised to take complete control. There is not reason to think they will be any smarter in the future.  They are still battling this election as if it means something. They cannot wrap their minds and their emotions around 
THINGS AS THEY ARE, even when offered incontrovertible proof. For them a Satan in the White House is okay as long as they can hold onto the fantasy that he is their Satan. 

As I said, for survival, these three questions have to be the bedrock for any sane person, 

Where are we? 
How can we discover it? 
What do we do now?"
We must learn our GOD GIVEN rights, a resist to the death any abridgment of them.

Young People - Do You Recognize These Words?

Do you know these words are your heritage - they belong to you, they are your legacy and NO international corporation, international government or organization, no Federal, State or Local Government nor any Branch of Government, including the President of the United States, The Congress, the Supreme Court, nor any Department or Agency of the government may take the ownership of these words from you nor remove your GOD GIVEN, LEGAL right to ACT upon this knowledge: 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - Text from the American Declaration of Independence. 

There can be no greater "absolute Despotism" than a Federal Government that has subsumed to itself the right to tax you for ANY or NO reason. That is absolute power over you, in which there is NO freedom, only the coercion of the state to act as they want you to act. Grasp your freedom upon this LEGAL basis, sacrifice for you own generation and the generations to come. IT IS OUR ONLY COURSE OF ACTION.  Well there is one more choice - We could submit, take the chip, give up and quit, accept the drug hazed death they have planned for us.  Or We CAN come to know that BEING who CREATED us, who will sustain us, whose POWER can topple ANY tyrant. 

I am Archpriest Symeon Elias - HERE I STAND!

Is Truth Capable of Breaking the Collective Hypnotic State?...

Core Truths - Volume One

Core Truths - Volume Two - Economic Terrorism

Core Truths-Volume Three - The Complete Moral Degeneracy of the SDE...

The Insanity of the Scientistic Dictatorshiop Elite's Culture...

The Official Christian Persecution Has Begun

The Sharia Compliant NeoCon/Marxist/Muslim Axis is the present form of the silent war upon Christianity and Judaism in America, by the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's (SDE) "New World Order." (NWO)

New Atlantis and Luciferianism

The Motive, The Blueprint, The Icons of The New World Order
The United West Seminar July 2012 Savannah Ga.

Orwellian Talk Speak and the Mitt Romney Campaign


The Normalcy Bias - It is Post America and No One Can See It.The Normalcy Bias - It is Post America and No One Can See It.

Awakening In The Gulag - Unbowed - Determine!

Just a hint of the present confusion - those struggling under the illusions of the Old paradigm

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