Sunday, July 15, 2012

Allen Keyes - Telling the Truth.


  1. Absolutely loved it. Allen Keys you speak for me, I have the same frustration about Republican Party and especially Romney. I want to get our country back please navigate us. I did not for Romney in CA and will not vote for him in November.

  2. Thank you Mr. Keys," NO to socialism & every demagogue tyrant who offers it to us".... I woke up this month and have actively stated as much in running for the Glynn County Board of Education. After researching Obama's Marxist/Lenin philosophy...Jewish locals have branded me anti-semite because I dared to expose the disproportionate numbers of persons of Jewish origins & religious affiliations whom founded the Bolshevik Revolution and the basis of socialism. We are indeed living in dire times, where as Dr. Paul says, "Truth is Treason in a Kingdom of Lies". We are being subjected to the leftist Marxist manipulations of Saul Alinsky heirs and their "houseboy", Obama.
