Monday, February 6, 2012


We've come to expect it. That instead of seeking truth and speaking it clearly, to be polite we are supposed to pander to the prejudices and delusions of others. We are expected to place the most damnable lies on par with what is real and true and call it "my truth" vs "your truth" as if Truth may be personalized. We've created a swamp of lies in our culture, where if you do not tolerate the lying and the delusional politely and even assent to some degree of imaginary truth possessed by the deluded, you are thought to be dangerous.

In a recent article, I used Emily Dickenson's little verse to illustrate the state of our culture:
Much madness is divinest sense
To a discerning eye;
Much sense the starkest madness.
'T is the majority
In this, as all, prevails.
Assent, and you are sane;
Demur, - you're straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain. - 

Newt Gingrich, who has made a point of speaking truth clearly in this primary season is viewed as "mad."  And in both sense of the word, (1) angry, bitter, vengeful, and (2)  a little off his rocker.  Why? Because he has repeatedly broken the unstated rule of the media, he has refused to accept the delusional, absurd, and even ridiculous foundation of questions, as the media has tried to weave the web of deception and frame the arguments in a prejudiced form against any truth teller. Such is the madness of our present culture.

Newt Gingrich candidly stated on one of the Sunday news shows, that he was literally struck mute, watching Mitt Romney stand, look him in the eye and lie, "and he knew what he was saying was a lie, and he smiled and lied bold face, with every apparent conviction!" Newt said, "I was so taken aback. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing."  When I viewed some of the business dealing of Mitt Romney I recognized an "amoral man." And watching him in the debates has confirm this to me.  Newt Gingrich really didn't realize the demonic stronghold standing before him until that last debate.  I say, amoral instead of immoral and there is a huge difference. I am sometimes immoral, and only those possessed of the liar believe they are better. Immoral people occasionally lie, they bend the truth for ego's sake, they spin to be polite, etc. They shade the truth to make someone look worse than they are, just to make a point or win an argument. They argue points they know are dubious, just to win! etc.  But what Gingrich was witnessing was something different. He was witnessing an amoral cultist, whose conscience was not challenged by the lies he was telling because the man's conscience had simply ceased to exist and from the greed witnessed in his business dealings, this probably happened many years ago decaying and falling to ashes.  It is not so unusual in the human experience for the conscience to be destroyed in the process of life. The Holy Fathers recognized this. Saint Paul talked about one losing sanity, ceasing to understand what was right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral. The Fathers teach that even such a one is not without hope, saying, "O mindless man! How long will you busy yourself like a bee, collecting your wealth? For it will perish like dust and ashes soon. Remember, miserable man, how you are enslaved to lies, misrepresentations, theft, illnesses, wild beasts, on account of sins" "Only you O Lord, may restore a conscience turned to dust."  

People wondered why I reacted so forcefully swearing that I will never vote for Mitt Romney because of witnessing him using Saul Alinsky Big Lie tactics in Florida. Suddenly things became very clear for me to see. It is one thing to shade the truth in the rough and tumble business of politics.  It is something else to be in league with The Liar. For me it is a bright line I cannot morally and with good conscience cross.  Let me explain why it is such a bright line for me. 

We need to understand that the debate in this election cycle isn't merely a matter of differing opinions. It is a spiritual battle against a lying Satanic stronghold we have allowed to grow in our country. Quoting a friend, "Deception is the glue that holds every spiritual stronghold together . . . Remember, Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44) no truth is in him. However, his specialty is twisting a lie until it seems true." The list of lies our culture has accepted is very, very long.  We need to identify them and  expose those lies loudly.  Instead of being a source of "light" and "truth" Romney and his hoards stepped clearly to the dark side. Their "stronghold" is the BIG LIE, which they have adopted from Saul Alinsky's blueprint, published in a book called "Rule for Radicals" which is actually (no joke) dedicated to Lucifer. (Satan - The Liar) 

Many deluded by the lies of our culture scream to live in freedom. A lot of the libertarians fit into this group, but sadly many conservatives as well. They want freedom, thinking that Liberty is license, hedonism and acquisition. Sadly the liberty they seek is their enslavement and in their delusional state they cannot comprehend what I am saying. Any sane person must crave Liberty, because sanity requires liberty like the human body craves breath.  To be free is the natural state of the person imbued with Truth.  To be enslaved is the natural consequence of believing lies. To gain freedom we must first gain the character to abandon THE LIE in ourselves. By that I mean all the delusions we have entertained and accepted as true. The most glaring example is that abortion is a victimless act. How can this be, when each violent act ends in the death of a human being?

Another is that justice is possible in a land that rejected the higher laws of God.  How can that be, when without deference to God, the constitution and the bill of rights become merely "parchment rights" that is mere words on paper, vulnerable to any lie "authority" wants to tell of their interpretation. 

Another is that all actions of Capitalists are pure, even when the acquisition of profit is by legal but immoral means.  How can it be that mandates of honest actions end where capitalism begins?  Yet, this is exactly the premise offered over and over again, in the claim that Newt Gingrich was "attacking capitalism" because he questioned the "honesty, morality and ethics" of a few of Romney's business dealing. 

Another is that hedonism may be rightly called marriage.  How can that be, unless the union between a man and a sheep may called marriage. In other words, unless the word marriage is flushed of all it historical and moral content, rendering the word meaningless. 

Another is that Islam is a Religion of Peace and must be tolerated under our Constitution as equal to other religions.  How can that be when no century of Islam's existence may prove it peacefulness and when even our founding fathers said it was antithetical to Freedom, the U.S. Constitution, our way of life and our Bill of Rights.

Another is that the government has our best interests at heart.
Another is that the government is genuinely concerned about the survival and quality of life of each of us.
Another is that the government is not willing to sacrifice even a major American city or two to gain absolutely control. 
Another is that the media tries to disseminate objectively the events of the day.
Another is that we can trust any assessment of any candidate or politician's position on any issue.
Another is that the media will accurately define the issues for us, even the issues upon which our survival depends. 
Another is that we may remain apathetic and somehow our future will be okay.
Another is that American can't fail, simply because it is America.
This is a most incomplete list.

WE have ended up in this "crisis situation," with our government turning on us, attacking our Faith, our Values, our Christian and Jewish Institutions, while selling us into debt slavery, accepting the encroachment of Sharia Compliance, surrounded by a lying media, lying pundits, lying politicians only because we have not had the character to do the work to KNOW the truth and to expose the lie in ourselves first, in our families, in our communities, in our cities, in our states and in our national government. We have generation by generation, year by year accepted greater levels of deceit to the point that now most of us cannot distinguish between fact and fiction. It is simply true that a great portions of our population is so conditioned into the multiple cultural delusions that the perception of truth is impossible for them. If you don't believe me, look at the millions who believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories, who accept the 2012 apocalyptic mythologies, who fear sudden chaos, etc.

Newt Gingrich recently lectured about God in our History, and shared the fact that it was the Great Spiritual Awakening that began decades before our Revolution that allowed us our Revolution.  He rightly explained that in the process of that Spiritual Awakening it had become more or less common knowledge among the people who we were before God and that our Freedom derived from Him and no one else. The fact is, at this point in time IF we are going to secure our Freedom once more, it cannot happen without another Spiritual Awakening and once again grasping the reality of who we are before God, and from whence our Freedom is derived.  

The Psalms are the greatest freedom engendering documents upon the Planet. I will even suggest that without the knowledge of the Psalms the Declaration of Independence would not have been possible.  Let me share a little of what I mean: 

"Show me your paths and teach me to follow;  guide me by your truth and instruct me. You keep me safe, and I always trust you." Ps 25:4-5.

How do we come to distinguish between the media spin, the hype, the lies, the illusions and delusions and truth?  "Put me in the scales, O Lord, so that I may be tested; let the fire make clean my thoughts and my heart. For your mercy is before my eyes; and I have gone in the way of your good faith.  I have not taken my seat with foolish persons, and I do not go with false men. I have been a hater of the band of wrongdoers, and I will not be seated among them."  Ps 26:2-3 - Don't you know that as a culture we have become celebrants of a list of evil doers. We slowly became accustomed to celebrating evil, and the media over the decades fed to us darker and darker "ANTI-heroes." 

Who can deliver our country from the lying culture that has enslaved us?
"Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me: for thou art my protector. Into thy hands I commend my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth." Ps 31: 4-5 

"Withhold not thou, O Lord, thy tender mercies from me: thy mercy and thy truth have always upheld me.  For evils without number have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, and I was not able to see. They are multiplied above the hairs of my head: and my heart hath forsaken me.  Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me. look down, O Lord, to help me." Ps 40:11

We need to learn the prayers of our heritage, so that we may be imbued with truth. It is only by perception of Truth that what is false become apparent. It is an absolute truth that "perception of truth is primarily a matter of character."

"Lord God, surely You desire truth in my inner parts; You teach me wisdom in the inmost places. Teach me to walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, clear mind and moral conscience."

I will not support, work for, vote for, etc., a man who has openly stepped in league with The Liar. Truth has meaning and accepting the lie is delusional. Further, I will work to defeat The Liar at every turn. - Dr Butch and Company February, 6th, 2012

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