Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood Listed/ Cultural Jihad in ALL Our Institutions - By Carmen K Pfeifer

by Carmen K. Pfeifer on Saturday, July 2, 2011 at 7:37pm ·

CULTURAL JIHAD has been declared...KNOW thy ENEMY
Quran, Surah 8:12-13) "I [Allah] will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger ... because they opposed Allah and His messenger"
(8:7) "Allah ... cut the root of the disbelievers."
The Muslim Brotherhood’s own Explanatory Memorandum identifies the following groups under the heading “a list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends”: The Holy Land Foundation trial has led to the release as evidence of several documents on the Muslim Brotherhood. One of these documents, dated in 1991, explains that the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. is "settlement", defined by the author as a form of JIHAD aimed at destroying Western Civilization from within and allowing for the victory of Islam over other religions.
In another one of these documents, "Ikhwan in America", the author alleges that the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US include going to camps to do weapons training (referred to as Special work by the Muslim Brotherhood),as well as engaging in counter-espionage against US government agencies such as the FBI and CIA (referred to as Securing the Group). Muslim Brotherhood members are 3000 to 4000
~~IT is TIME to Pressure your REPS to start Calling them what they are ISLAM/TERROR Groups....
DEMAND a start to INTERNAL INVESTIGATION of each one...
• Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
• Muslim Student Association (MSA)
• The Muslim Communities Association (MCA)
• The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS)
• The Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers (AMSE)
• Islamic Medical Association (IMA)
• Islamic Teaching Center (ITC)
• North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)
• Foundation for International Development (FID)
• Islamic Housing Cooperative (IHC)
• Islamic Centers Division (ICD)
• American Trust Publications (ATP)
• Audio-Visual Center (AVC)
• Islamic Book Service (IBS)
• Muslim Businessmen Association (MBA)
• Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA)
• ISNA Fiqh Committee (IFC)
• ISNA Political Awareness Committee (IPAC)
• Islamic Education Department (IED)
• Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA)
• Malasian (sic) Islamic Study Group (MISG)
• Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
• United Association for Studies and Research (UASR)
• Occupied Land Fund (OLF)
• Mercy International Association (MIA)
• Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
• Baitul Mal Inc (BMI)
• International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT)
• Islamic Information Center (IIC)
Several of the preeminent Muslim-American organizations in the United States today (notably, the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], the Muslim Public Affairs Council [MPAC] and the Islamic Free Market Institute [II]) had not been established at the time in 1991 when this document was adopted by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Muslims Brotherhood - Destroying the West
by Jarrad Winter
The Ikhwan (Muslim Brother) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house... by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.
Muslim Brotherhood's Explanatory Memo (1991)
The Muslim Brotherhood Explanatory Memorandum "On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America" was entered into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation trial. The Holy Land Foundation trial is the largest terrorist funding case in American history. (memo)
~~EXcellent solution to Rid All Isamist form ur Nation... ... 
HISTORY...Muslim Brotherhood (MBH)
(1928) Birth of the MB
(1960's) US Infiltration
(1982) Jihad Strategy
(1991) Civilization Jihad
(2001) MB created Jihadist group, Al-Qaeda, murdered almost 3000 people on American soil.
MUSLIMs are relativley in small numbers so their GOAL is to RECRUIT Sympathizers, to go along with their
CUTURAL JIHAD...We must be Smart...Share this the Largest MUSLIM POP numbers CA, NYC TX, MI, MASS,
OHIO, ILLinois, Penn...but in the other states we must NOT let them Push us around...SEE the LINK: ...
We must educate our families, neighbors....lets get the Truth out...this is OUR Country
there is NO PLACE for SHARIA LAW or those who insist on total Invasive and Infiltration of their
Hate Mongering and Oppression towards human rights...pure evil...
Prayers will Defeat this..Prayers for the HS to convict them and Deliver/Free them from the Evil,
here and abroad......
SAY NO to ISLAM Creeping and slithering across our Nation..
this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE....they have declared it....
~~EXcellent SOLUTION to RID All Isamist from OUR NATION... ...

The Roots of Our Pagan Culture

Thinking about Dr. Michael Youssef's short talk about the quest for and defense of Truth, I awoke an hour ago and watched a portion of a program supposedly about early Christianity on "Planet Green." Of course what would Planet Green's agenda be but an attack seeking to discredit the healing reality held in the Apostolic Tradition carefully guarded by Orthodox Christianity from the time of the Apostles. This particular show, as a hundred others I've watched over the last 30 years, glorified the Gnostics and made villains of the Church, using every propaganda ploy in the playbook. No wonder the so-called "Emerging Church" with its gnostic roots is the present fad challenging evangelical truths and shaking the base of the evangelical movement as it dismisses the physical reality of The Church.  Sadly too many protestants dedicated to "radical individual spirituality" are easy prey for these wolves in sheep's clothing. In the last few months I've met quite a few on FB, deluded by their heresy, people who do not have the slightest knowledge of the vocations of spiritual authority, whose personal "religions" (and they are not just plural but legion) are nothing more than spiritual rebellion posing as enlightenment. Satan has no better success against those who would seek God, than to teach them theology designed for their individual weaknesses, separating each into an individual assembly consisting of a single deluded ego. Want to know why the "Christians" in America have created a pagan society?  I've just explained it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Redemption Comes Through The Jews… Jewish Businessman, Sam Miller, Whaps Anti-Catholic Bias in News Media (Full Text)

Reprint from
The Orate Fratres

Sam Miller, prominent Cleveland businessman – Jewish, not Catholic – is fighting mad about & concentrated effort by the media to denigrate the Catholic Church in this country. 
I’m going to say things here today that many Catholics should have said 18 months ago. Maybe it’s easier for me to say because I am not Catholic, but I have had enough, more than enough, disgustingly enough.
During my entire life I’ve never seen a greater vindictive, more scurrilous, biased campaign against the Catholic Church as I have seen in the last 18 months, and the strangest thing is that it is in a country like the United States where there is supposed to be mutual respect and freedom for all religions.
This has bothered me because I too am a minority in this country. You see, unfortunately and I say this very advisedly the Catholics have forgotten that in the early 1850′s when the Italians, the Poles, the Latvians, the Lithuanians, all of Catholic persuasion, came to this country looking for opportunity because of famine, (particularly the Irish) they were already looked upon with derision, suspicion and hatred. Consequently the jobs they were forced to take were the jobs that nobody else wanted bricklayers, ditch diggers, Jewish junkmen, street cleaners, etc.
This prejudice against your religion and mine has never left this country and don’t ever forget it, and (sic) never will. Your people were called Papists, Waps, Guineas, frogs, fish eaters, ad infinitum.
And then after the Civil War, around 1864, the fundamentalists, conservatives, Protestants and a few WASP’s began planting burning crosses throughout the country, particularly in the South. And today; as far as I’m concerned, very little has changed. These gentlemen now have a new style of clothing they’ve gone from bed sheets to gentlemen’s suits.
There is a concentrated effort by the media today to totally denigrate in every way the Catholic Church in this country. You don’t find it this bad overseas at all. They have now blamed the disease of pedophilia on the Catholic Church, which is as irresponsible as blaming adultery on the institution of marriage. You and me have been living in a false paradise. Wake up and recognize that many people don’t like Catholics. What are these people trying to accomplish?
From the Sojourner’s Magazine dated August, 2002, listen carefully to a quote, “While much of the recent media hype has focused on the Catholic Church’s pedophilia scandal, relatively little attention has been given to the high rate of sexual misconduct in the rest of American Christendom. This is truly a crisis that crosses the borders of all religions.”
Now let me give you some figures that you as Catholics should know and remember. For example, research by Richard Blackman at Fuller Theological Seminary shows that 12% of the 300 Protestant clergy surveyed admitted to sexual intercourse with a parishioner; 38% acknowledged other inappropriate sexual contact. In a 1990 study by the United Methodist Church, 41.8% of clergywomen reported unwanted sexual behavior by a colleague; 17% of laywomen said that their own pastors had sexually harassed them. Phillip Jenkins concludes in his book “Pedophiles and Priests” that while 1.7% of the Catholic clergy has been found guilty of pedophilia, 10% of Protestant ministers have been found guilty of pedophilia.
This is not a Catholic problem. This is a problem of pure prejudice. Why the papers, day after day, week after week, month after month, see fit to do nothing but come out with these scurrilous stories? When I spoke recently to one of the higher ups in the newspaper I said, “This is wrong”. He said, “Why, do you want us to shoot the messenger?” I said, “No, just change the message”. He said, “How?” I said, “I’ll tell you how”.
Obviously, this is not just a Catholic problem. And solutions must be broader and deeper than those carried out by Catholic cardinals. The whole church has a responsibility to offer decisive leadership in the area of sexual misconduct whether it is child abuse, sexual exploitation, or sexual harassment.
Recently, churches have shown unprecedented unity on issues of poverty and welfare reform. Now it is necessary to call for a broad based ecumenical council addressing the issue of sexual misconduct in the church not only the Catholic Church, all churches, including synagogues. Its goal would be transparency and openness in developing stringent, forward?looking guidelines, consistent with denominational distinctions, for preventing and addressing sexual misconduct within Christian churches and church?related institutions.
Such a council could include not only denominational representatives but also a majority presence from external organizations such as child protection agencies, law enforcement, psychiatric services, victims’ agencies, and legal and legislative representatives.
Crisis. “Crisis” in Chinese is one word. “Crisis” in Chinese means, on the one side, a real crisis problems etc., but the other side means great opportunity.
We have a great opportunity facing us. Crisis is often accompanied by an opportunity for extraordinary growth and leadership. We have that today. Even though you are the lowest ?? by far the lowest of any organized religion today when it comes to sexual harassment ?? American churches have a unique opening to develop and adopt a single set of policies, principles, practices, and common language on sexual misconduct in Christian institutions that is binding across denominations.
A system of cross denomination review boards could be established to help compliance and accountability. A centralized resource bank could be formed that provides church wide updates on new legal, financial, psychological and spiritual developments in the field. Guidelines, both moral and legal, could be established on how clergy, churches, and victims should best use civil and criminal actions in pursuit of justice and financial restitution for injury. A national database could be established with information on all applicants for ordination in any member Christian religion. Every diocese, conference, presbytery, and district could have a designated child protection representative whose job is to ensure that the policies and procedures are understood and implemented and that training is provided.
Any religious institution, or system, that leaves power unexamined or smothers sexuality with silence rather than promoting open conversation that can lead to moral and spiritual maturity becomes implicated in creating an unhealthy and potentially abusive environment. An ecumenical Christian council authentically dedicated to strong moral leadership in the area of clergy sexual misconduct might move the church beyond the extremes of policing our own or abandoning our own.
For Christians, the true scandal is not about priests. It’s about a manipulation of power to abuse the weak. When Jesus said, “Whoever receives the child, receives me”, he was rebuking his followers for putting stumbling blocks in front of the defenseless. Church is supposed to be a place where one can lay one’s defenses down; where one is welcomed, embraced, and blessed. This can only be authentically expressed in a culture that requires absolute respect for each individual’s freedom and self hood. Until all churches bow humbly under the requirement, the indictments by wounded women and children will stand.
Just what are these Kangaroo journalists trying to accomplish? Think about it. If you get the New York Times day’ ,after day; the Los Angeles Times day after day, our own paper day after day ………………….. looking at the record, some of these writers are apostates, Catholics or ex-Catholics who have been denied something they wanted from the Church and are on a mission of vengeance.
Why would newspapers carry on this vendetta on one of the most important institutions that we have today in the United States, namely the Catholic Church?
Do you know and maybe some of you don’t the Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students everyday, at cost to your Church of 10 billion dollars, and a savings on the other hand to the American taxpayer of 18 billion dollars. Needless to say, that Catholic education at this time stands head and shoulders above every other form of education that we have in this country. And the cost is approximately 30% less.
If you look at our own Cleveland school system, they can boast of an average graduation rate of 36%. Do you know what it costs you and me as far as the other 64% who didn’t make it?
Look at your own records. You (Catholic schools) graduate 89% of your students Your graduates in turn go on to graduate studies at the rate of 92%, and all at a cost to you. To the rest of the Americans it’s free, but it costs you Catholics at least 30% less to educate students compared to the costs that the public education system pays out for education that cannot compare.
Why? Why would these enemies of the Church try to destroy an institution that has 230 colleges and universities in the United States with an enrollment of 700,000 students?
Why would anyone want to destroy an institution like the Catholic Church which has a non profit hospital system of 637 hospitals which account for hospital treatment of 1 out of every 5 people not just Catholics in the . United States today?
Why would anyone want to destroy an institution like that? Why would anyone want to destroy an institution that clothes and feeds and houses the indigent 1 of 5 indigents in the United States, I’ve been to many of your shelters and no one asks them if you are a Catholic, a Protestant or a Jew; just “come, be fed, here’s a sweater for you and a place to sleep at night” at a cost to the Church of 2.3 billion dollars a year?
The Catholic Church today has 64 million members in the United States and is the largest non-governmental agency in the country. It has 20,000 churches in this country alone. Every year they raise approximately $10 billion to help support these agencies.
Why, after the “respected” publication, the New York Times, running their daily expose’ on the Church, finally came to the conclusion of their particular investigation, which was ongoing for a long time. And guess what: buried in the last paragraph, they came up with a mouse. In their article “Decades of Damage” the Times reported that 1.8% of American priests were found guilty of this crime whereas your own Cardinal Ratzinger in Rome reported 1.7% the figure I gave you earlier.
Then again they launched an attack on the Church and its celibate priests. However, the New York Times did not mention in their study of American priests that most are happy in the priesthood and find it even better than they had expected, and that most, if given the choice, would choose to be priests again in the face of all this obnoxious PR the church has been receiving.
Why wouldn’t the New York Times, the paper of record they call themselves, mention this? You had to read it in the Los Angeles Times. The New York Times refused to print it.
If you read only the New York Times, you would begin to believe that priests are cowards; craven; sexually frustrated; unhealthy criminals; that prey on the innocent. What a shame.
Sometimes freedom of the press should have some type of responsibility, too. So I say this to you: instead of walking around with a hangdog look ?? I talk to a lot of Catholics all the time, “how’s everything going?” ………… “Well, in the face of things I guess okay”. That’s the wrong answer! The wrong answer!
Also, I ran into a fellow who said they started a discussion at some social function on pedophilia and he said, “I excused myself and left the room.” I said, “why did you do that?” “Well, you know how it is”.
I believe that if Catholics had the figures that I enumerated here, you don’t have to be ashamed of anything. Not only are you as good as the rest, but you’re better, in every respect.
The Catholic Church helps millions of people every day of the week, every week of the month, and every month of the year. People who are not Catholics, and I sit on your Catholic Foundation and I can tell you, and what I am telling you is so. Priests have their problems, they have their failings just as you and I in this room do, but they do not deserve to be calumniated as they have been.
In small measure let’s give the media its due. If it had not come out with this story of abusive priests, (but they just as well could have mentioned reverends, pastors and rabbis and whatever), probably little or nothing would have been. done. But what bothers me the most is this has given an excuse to every Catholic hater and Catholic basher to come out loudly for the denigration of your Church.
If some CEO’s are crooks it does not follow that every CEO is crooked; and if some priests are sexually ill it does not follow that all are sick. And your Church teaches that you’ve got to take in the sick and a priest who is this way has to be taken in and cannot be thrown out the 21st story of a building. He’s got to be looked upon and given the same type of health that you would give anybody who has a broken leg or cancer or whatever.
The Church today, and when I say the Church keep in mind I am talking about the Catholic Church, is bleeding from self-inflicted wounds. The agony that Catholics have felt and suffered is not necessarily the fault of the Church. You have been hurt by an infinitesimally small number of wayward priests that, I feel, have probably been totally weeded out by now.
You see, the Catholic Church is much too viable to be put down by the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Cleveland Plain Dealer take your choice, they can’t do it, they’re not going to do it and sooner or later they are going to give up. But you’ve got to make sure that you don’t give up first.
In 1799 a notice was placed in a French newspaper that a citizen Brachi had died in prison. Little did the people realize that this was Pope Pius VI who had occupied the Chair of Saint Peter for 25 years. He had been taken prisoner by Napoleon’s forces and died in prison as an indigent. At that time the thought was that this was the end of the Catholic Church, this was 200 and some odd years ago. And the reason was that there was no Pope to succeed him at that time.
But you fooled them then, and we’re going to fool them again.
I’ve been talking more or less about the United States of America as far as the importance of the Church. Let’s bring it home to Cuyahoga County and the seven surrounding counties.
In education, you save the county 420 million dollars per year. Wherever there’s a Church and most other churches have fled the inner city there’s a Catholic Church; and wherever there’s a Catholic Church there’s an absence of drug dealers. You talk to any bank that has real estate mortgages in the inner city, and they will tell you that the one thing that keeps up the value in that particular area is your Church. I’ve seen, for example, on Lorain near the Metro Catholic Schools there at the Church the nuns used to go out in the morning with brooms and sweep away the drug dealers from around the particular area.
On Health and Human Services, the homeless, adoption, drugs, adult care and so on, you saved the county 170 million dollars a year.
At the end of the day the difference that your local Catholic institutions make in the eight counties that comprise this diocese are several billion dollars per year.
Why don’t we hear about this? Why, because it’s good news. If some priest was caught with his hand in the collection plate it would be front page news. But the fact that you have thousands of students being education (sic) free, as far as the rest of the country is concerned, doesn’t make news. Why? Because it is not newsworthy, it’s not dirty.
I’m not here to deny freedom of the press, but I believe that with freedom comes responsibility, and with rights you have an obligation. You cannot have rights that are irresponsible.
Unfortunately, our society today is protected by all rights and ruled by some of their wickedness. Anybody who expects to reap the benefits of freedom must understand the total fatigue of supporting it. The most important element of political speech, as Aristotle taught, is the character of the speaker. In this respect, no matter what message a man brings in, it shouldn’t collide with his character.
The other day was shocked when I opened up America, a Catholic magazine, and my good friend Cardinal Keeler, who is a very dear friend of mine, was being fingerprinted by the Baltimore police not for a crime, but as part of the new law put in place that all members of the Church hierarchy must be fingerprinted.
Amos, of the Old Testament, accused the people of Samaria in words that seared and phrases that smote. They “cram their palaces,” he said, “with violence and extortion.” They had “sold the upright for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals” from Gucci, no doubt. But he also said that all this could be reversed, if only the people of Samaria would turn away from their own self absorption and toward those who, however silently, cry out for help. “Then,” promised Amos, “shall your justice flow like water and your compassion like a never failing stream” (Amos 5:24)
The worst feature of contemporary society is its tendency to leave each of us Locked up in himself or herself, connection less. To lessen this isolation we have developed all kinds of therapies spiritual, psychological, and physical front groups that meet and talk endlessly all day long in spas week spas, month spas, life spas. But none of these things, from primal screams to herbal wrap, seem to be doing the trick, any more than the huge houses and wine parties the.: the Samaritan did.
What we need to do is open our heart to the plight of others, even some of your priests who have been condemned. They’re human beings and they should be shown the same type of compassion we have shown anybody who is critically ill. We need to open our hearts to the plights of others, like our hearts were a dam, so that indeed our justice and compassion may flow to all.
What is essential is that each of us steps forward to hold out our hand to someone. There is no other way to walk with God.
One of the biggest Catholic bashers in the United States wrote “Only a minority, a tiny minority of priests, have abused the bodies of children.” He continues, “I am not advocating this course of action, but as much as I would like to see the Roman Catholic Church ruined. I hate opportunistically retrospective litigation even more.”
Now he’s talking about our tort monsters. “Lawyers who grow fat by digging up dirt on long?forgotten wrongs and hounding their aged perpetrators are no friends of mine.”
I’m still quoting this man, “All I’m doing” he said, “is calling attention to an anomaly. By all means, let’s kick a nasty institution when it is down, but there are better ways than litigation.” These words are from a Catholic hater.
I never thought in my life I would ever see these things.
Walk with your shoulders high and your head higher. Be a proud member of the most important non governmental agency today in the United States. Then remember what Jeremiah said: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” And be proud, speak up for your faith with pride and reverence and learn what your Church does for all other religions. Be proud that you’re a Catholic.
NOTE: Even though of the Jewish faith, Miller has been a staunch supporter of the Cleveland Diocese and Bishop Anthony Pilla. It was published in the May-June issue of the Buckeye Bulletin.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Satan, Hiding In Plain Sight - The Seduction of 20th Century America

The great tragedy of the 20th century was that despite it being the bloodiest century in human history, Satan pulled the most amazing trick! Surrounded by the witness of his carnage, he sacrificed the easy roll of "victor"  and chose instead to disappear into plain sight, hoping to convince the world that he was a "mere myth." People today talk easily of the presence of evil in the world. At least for the last decade witnessing the pure evil of Islamic Jihad the word evil has had a context. One could say, becoming convinced of the irrationality of mayhem, the possibility of mass carnage, and the witness of both wrought upon our shores .  the idea of cunning evil was easier to access for the average American the day after nine eleven than it was the day before nine eleven.  Mid-twentieth century the mention of the cunning presence of evil in the world would have been met with pure scoffing. Sadly 9/11/2001 caused in one respect, a "window of sanity," that is quickly closing in America.  It also caused mass delusion where people were convinced that any means to battle evil was justified, that it was the result only that mattered and not the means of battle.  This is the delusion of pragmatism, and is certainly not Christian.  The pragmatist is capable of any evil.  What was the result? The renewed drumbeat of atheism and the rationalism of radical materialism took hold and once again it is impossible to speak of the reality of evil without ones sanity and or intelligence being questioned.  Our military became a sanctuary for Satanists and Luciferians, the homosexual LGBT insanity gain ascendency, and the evil we thought we faced, radical Islam has festered. and increased, exponentially.  Pragmatism destroyed Liberty in our country. Pragmatism destroyed privacy in our country.  Pragmatism, called national security, destroyed our "Republic" and created an Omni-Surveillance Totalitarian Police State.  So we see, that even though many came to realize that evil was not a myth, it is obvious from the result that people were clueless what it "really" was, and how to battle it. 

What would our world be like if we ceased to worry about "right" and "wrong," or "good" and "evil," and simply acted so as to maximize well-being, our own and that of others? Would we lose anything important? - Famed Atheist, Sam Harris. - Harris probably thinks this line has some originality. If so he never listened to John Lennon's song, "Imagine." Both reflect the spiritual dumbing down of Europe and America. It is the Satanic lie that what is wrong with the world is the battle for what is good. If we could just give up that concept and go for what seems pragmatic and expedient for our immediate security and "well being" all would be paradise.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
- John Lennon 1970.

Let me make a suggestion as to what both Sam Harris' words, and John Lennon's words represent.  Lennon was correct to name his song "Imagine."  Why? It is certainly no projection of man's future and represents nothing real.  But it does represent what we may call the Realm of the Imaginary, which some psychological speculators have opined is a longing for our infant, pre-verbal state. Raymond Lloyd Richmond, in his book "Disasters and Trauma" gives as good a definition as I've seen saying, "As children, we need  and desire  others to take care of our needs  but  being without language  we conceive of this care-taking  imaginally,  that is  as images in our minds.  Hence the realm of the imaginary is all in our heads, so to speak, it is all based in the expectation that our need 'should be' fulfilled without our having to say anything  and it provokes anger when our needs aren't fulfilled as we expect." Picture the infant screeching away, because it's bottom is wet.  That is the basis of Sam Harris' anger.  He has made a career out of complaining about the simple fact  that all goals worth having  must be fought for.  He is offended in his deepest self that this world is not paradise, and that everything he desires is not just handed to him.  Some others, for instance 'anthropologists' have couched this feeling, this longing for utopia,   longing for paradise  as a genetic memory of our pre-civilized days, humanity's primordial days, when man was innocent. In both cases this is pure mythology, but both pictures serve to show this emotion to be not only in the realm of the imagination only, but fanciful and unconnected to reality. You see, in reality we have no choice, we have to struggle against everything that is death engendering - why?  For life.  You see, imagine no possessions, as John Lennon suggested, what does that mean?  It means certain death.  Basic human demands cannot be met as Sam Harris opines,  because what is right and wrong, what is good and

Without the knowledge of our Creator, what is truly "for our well being" is impossible to define - a true statement impossible to refute.

William Peter Blatty, talked about his reasons for writing the novel "The Exorcist" in 1970. He said that he did so because evil had achieved the status of quaint mythology. Evil had become something most people, including Church people, had ascribed to mere human failings and the psychological need to explain human failings. One thing that the New Testament and the early Church Fathers made clear was the literal battle with wicked spiritual forces present upon the earth. Where the Psalmist described evil as the enemy, the New Testament exposed more clearly the malignant forces seeking to destroy humanity. Jesus is witnessed conquering demonic forces that challenged him and caused suffering in those whom he would free. Jesus described Satan as a malevolent power, roaming about as a ravenous lion seeking whom he may destroy. Saint Paul gave us the imagery of the spiritual battle in which every Christian and truly every good person on earth must be engaged, saying, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Surely if any century in all of time proved this reality of St Paul's words, it was the 20th century where the actions of the evil rulers of the Turks . and then Stalin, . Hitler, . Mao, . Poll Pot . and others caused the slaughter of at least 130 million people. This slaughter has not slowed. If we count the abortions produced by the genocidal monsters of UNESCO, the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, the Ford Foundation, The Carnegie Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundations and all the other Non-governmental organizations they control, that number of abortions was more than one point six billion abortions just since nineteen ninety. 

Despite this clear witness of evil, at the time Peter Blatty wrote his book there was but one practicing Roman Catholic exorcist in America. In the latter part of the 20th century when someone in the psychological establishment chose to open the discussion about the reality of evil, he couched his argument in "People Of The Lie" by subtitling it, "The Hope for Healing Human Evil." Now admittedly there is no shortage of human evil, but human evil does not explain the massive intelligence of The Evil One and his hypnotic powers. Nor does the idea of "merely human evil" comport with the Christian world view or the spiritual knowledge of those actively engaged in the battle. In the 20th century we all became too Enlightened (including most Protestant Christians and the American Catholic Bishops) to accept the actual presence of the fallen angelic hosts and their demonic minions. Satan succeeded in hiding in plain sight; through our pride we became too Civilized to admit the existence of the Evil One. The irony of this disconnect between American society and the suffering of so much of the rest of the world was never lost on me, even at a very young age. I was raised on the stories of Corrie Ten Boom and had no doubt of the massive destructive power of Satan left unchecked by societies that had ceased to be moral and faith-filled.

A Victim of Satlin's Holodomor - one of tens of millions.

In the 20th Century, those same evil angelic powers that could inspire the slaughter of millions in Turkey, Asia Minor, Europe, Ukraine, Russia, China . . . could not manage mass murder in the U.S., so blessed with God's Grace and Mercy we were.  So The Evil One took a different tactic here, using our Enlightened-Academic pride, he made us complacent and arrogant in our security while he whittled away at every foundation of our Great Civilization.

Joseph Campbell - The supposed "non-theologian" religion philosopher who did more to popularize the notion of Satan as mere myth than any other person in America in the 20th Century. His series of books "Joseph Campbell's Power of Myth" and the subsequent PBS series with Bill Moyer, were all part of the spiritual dumbing down of America.
  The foundation is crumbling folks and if we want to avoid the mass slaughters that have accompanied the down fall of so many systems, we had better learn to name evil, as evil. The spiritual blindness of Marxist Progressive-ism has systematically darken the "lights" of our institutions for the last eighty years - (all of them) - and this IS evil.  The New Conservative Movement, which is the Marxist Left and the Fascist Corporate structure, joining forces to create the New World Order.  This is evil and we need to understand that. There are great religious movements that are part of this attack on spiritual reality. The Marxist origins and kinship of the so called Gospel of "Social Justice" has been well documented. But the attack is far more sophisticated. This dumb-downed spirituality has also come to us in the writings of countless New Age writers and countless Christian writers contaminated with gnostic/new age heresy. These attacks are not a "semblance or symbol of evil" but expressions of the deceiver Himself, stooping to teach theology to those he fears will slip from his grasp. It is a radical fact, but a fact none the less that one of the most prolific "religion writers, inspirational writers and teachers, and theology writers" is none other than the spirit of the Evil One Himself.  What comes to us in "little tingly packages" of inspiration and enlightenment is often times the carefully packaged temptation to the Big Lie,  which is the primordial force seeking the humiliation and destruction of humankind. We can no longer allow him to hide in plain sight, but must name him where he is found.

Someone close to me said to me years ago, "You know, Satan's no big deal. When he arrives to tempt you all you have to do is say, 'Get away from me Satan' and he has to obey you."  I was flabbergasted as this ignorance was very familiar to me. Yes it is true, that the dismissal of Satan from the scene is "easy" as Martin Luther said, "One little word shall fell him." Yet, Satan and his hoards do not battle according to genteel rules of engagement.  Satan never arrives in open and clear view, until you are conquered and ready for the slaughter.  He never arrives and says, "Oh good fellow.  I am Satan here to temp you. I'm hoping to increase your spiritual blindness, so would you please accept this additional lie?" This elementary school idea of the Cunning Deceiver is foolishness upon foolishness.  No better anatomizing of the deep psychological and hypnotic methods of the Deceiver exists than in the books called "The Philokalia" (The Love Of The Good), which is the record of Christian Spiritual Warriors, seeking God, and battling the demonic evil that resists our quest for the good. . Satan is no pushover, he is a cunning psychological genius whose talents are custom fitted for whatever weakness a person possesses. Besides all the ways one would expect Satan to attack, in recent times it has been via the lust for sudden spiritual wisdom and insight and his demons have been working overtime filling books and Christian airwaves with some of the most destructive and hellish theology I've witnessed in my life time. So when we list the institutions where Satan has had his way, we have to include at least some Christian broadcasting, book publishing and theology schools.
The late famed atheist, Christopher Hitchens, who expressed many times that the most evil force on the planet were people like yours truly - Christians.

If you took the following statement of Dr. Newt Gingrich and substituted the term, "the left" with "those in league with Satan" would the statement be less true?
“Those in league with Satan have thoroughly infiltrated nearly every cultural commanding height of our civilization. That is, they hold power, influence and control of academia, the elite news media, Hollywood, union leaders, trial lawyers, the courts, the Congress, and the bureaucracy at all levels of government. They are radically redefining our very culture by deciding what is news, what is entertainment, what our children learn in school, and what kind of government we should have.”

Watching the sickening end to the Grammy Award Show, where was depicted a demoniac intimidating a Catholic priest (and I describe the skit most mildly) - I was reminded once again of the reality of the battle. It isn't civilized; it is primordial. It is the clash between everything that is strong and has force for the good, what is kind, gentle, loving, good, life engendering, soul healing and strengthening, against everything that is violent and destructive, harsh, crude, hateful, bad, death producing, soul destroying, evil and weakening. But it is more complex than that, since sometimes the latter comes in the disguise of the former. Sadly, Conservative Political Christianity has become a tool of evil, empowering genocide around the world.  Who would have thought this could ever be the case.  But it was the Neo-Conservatives we looked to as saviors, along with the Leftist and Marxists  . we viewed as enemy .  that have destroyed our Republic, and slaughter now millions for no reason, just since the fall of Soviet Communism.

The pillars of our civilization (not just our nation - our civilization) are teetering . while our little "personal religions" (plural) .  our little pridefully held theological constructs have failed us. All the while we have been practicing "faiths" that require little of us, except the wish to succeed in life, gain personal wealth and heap goods upon ourselves, like termites gnawing in the basement, evil has been destroying the foundations of our security.  And everything, and I mean everything we have through politics reached to .  for security, has produced violence and evil.  It is time to grasp our Christian Heritage, our TRUE Christian Tradition with ALL its wisdom and power against the forces of evil.

The battle that most perceive . to be .  the entire war . is but one battle "in the war" .  this WAR requires Christian Soldiers not gnostic egoists. People not just of "faith" but people of discipline, baptized in love. No where will you find in scripture that "faith" covers a multitude of sins. In fact some of great faith who have done great miracles will be discovered to be strangers to the True knowledge of our Lord, to the true spirit of our Lord, which is love.  "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

It is not love for some nostalgic image of America, some penchant to spout lines from the Constitution, that makes me battle for the recovery and health of my country, nor is it some nostalgic longing for the good ole days. It is my love for my people, for my friends, relatives, children, my community, my city, my state that makes me battle what is clearly evil and name it so.  It is the realization that we are suffering, what I have to call . a soft holocaust . . literally soft genocide . massive drug induced insanity.  This will keep me battling for life to my very last breath, for the sake of my grand children, and yours, too. . .  When events have been drawn with such clarity as they have been these last thirteen years, and fifty percent of the people approve of the death throws and the satanic force causing the struggle, we are very far gone. And do not think that I am speaking of the Socialist Democrats. Well, yes.  I am speaking of them, but I am also speaking of the Fascist Republicans as well.  You see "that" ,  is the trick.  Each side in this masterful Hegelian Dialectic called "two party governance" fights only half the evil, while they support the other half, and this is true whether you always vote republican or you always vote democrat. That is the great trick of evil.  No political philosophy, and  No pridefully held, personally invented theology/spirituality is going to stand against this!  It is time to get real.